One hundred and eight different formations are combined in an extremely complicated way. The whole is a huge and important formation, and each formation in the big formation is different.

Even the combination of two or two will become a new formation, and the combination of three or three will be a different formation.

Dongfang Hongyue is the one with the highest attainments in the formation, but watching the formation of this dense array, the scalp is still tingling.

The way of formation focuses on deducing changes.

However, the change of a formation is limited. You can break the formation if you find the starting point.

This Thousand-Mechanical Change is an infinite matryoshka. The birth gate of this formation may be the death gate of another formation. After solving this formation, it is trapped by another formation, even with the formation of the Oriental Red Moon. Counting it up now, my brain is almost bursting.

What makes her even more puzzling is that Fairy can actually engrave formation in her hair. Why can her hair carry such power?

At this time, all the cultivators caught in the formation have a dangerous word written on their forehead.

Including the top bosses.

The five cultivators are divided into three parts.

Zhang Biyu and Ji Ye stood relatively close, and they landed in the same place, but they didn't dare to move. They might reach another formation as soon as they moved.

Lin Yu and Dongfang Hongyue were in one place, and the old monk had no time to be alone.

The one hundred and eight formations consist of trapped formations and killing formations. The whole is a combination of trapped formations and killing formations. In different places, there are flying sand and rocks, lightning and lightning, floods, raging fires, quicksand, and Confusing phantom sound.

Cries of killing, begging for mercy, and cries, I don’t know which ones are true and which ones are false.

In the entire Thousand Chance transformation map, there is danger when moving, and there is danger when not moving. Only the top masters ignore the wind, rain and thunder and lightning, and everyone else is suffering.

At this moment, Lin Yun was still on his way, and happened to ran into Yunzhou, which was parked in the wasteland by Fairy. This was the flying fairy of Guanghan Palace. Jiang Chenyu saw it and his eyes lit up.

The opportunity for the Jedi to comeback is here.

In the cloud boat, there is a fairy artifact she stored, the moonlight treasure box, which releases the moonlight inside, which can restore the Cultivation Base at its peak period for an hour.

This mouthful of moonlight requires a hundred years of warmth to have a bunch of it. This is a treasure at the bottom of the box, and it is also used by the people in Guanghan Palace when they are facing a crisis.

It's a pity that at the time, she was not Realm damaged, nor was she injured, otherwise she could use the Moonlight Treasure Box, and she would not be beaten by the Flower Fairy.

Jiang Chenyu didn't know that, in the same place, the flower Fairy1v5 was completely worthwhile, and it even affected the people who eat melons.

Even if she is in full bloom, it is estimated that she will hold on for a little longer.

Jiang Chenyu was already thinking about how to obtain the Moonlight Treasure Box. Although she did not have the Cultivation Base, she was familiar with Yunzhou's Restrictions, but it was a pity that Lin Yun would not let her go.

"Let's go, it's dangerous ahead, you'd better not come over."

Lin Yun untied the rope from Jiang Chenyu's body, and Xue Nv couldn't help but wondered: "We just let her go? Didn't we let the people of the Central Plains redeem her?"

Xue Nu was still a little confused about some outrageous decisions. She didn't object, but she was curious.

Lin Yun said: "The Palace Master of the Guanghan Palace has no Cultivation Base. It is of little use. If we kill her, it will irritate the Central Plains people. Taking her with her is just a drag oil bottle. It's better to let her kill herself."

Xue Nu nodded, feeling that what Lin Yun said was reasonable.

As expected of her Ayun, he thinks more than her.

"Then let's go, there seems to be a lot of people dead in front."

Xue Nu's perception was more acute than Lin Yun's, and she felt a strong bloody aura.

Lin Yun took Xue Nu's hand, and the two rushed towards the place full of brilliance.

So far, of course the ship was abandoned.

Jiang Chenyu did not expect happiness to come so suddenly, she rushed to Yunzhou, Yunzhou naturally has Restrictions, but she knew the formula, cooperated with the printing method, and easily entered Yunzhou and found the hidden moonlight treasure box, Jiang Chenyu His heart is sinking into his stomach.

Scenes of humiliation during this period of time came to my heart, all because I was too weak.

The most embarrassing thing is that I didn't hold it back, like in front of Lin Yun...

"I have to hang you up so that you can taste the taste of peeing on your pants!"

Jiang Chenyu picked up the Moonlight Treasure Box and ran in the direction of the ruins.

The Moonlight Treasure Box has to be used at a critical time, the Cultivation Base of an hour of prosperity, no one is afraid of the Lord of the Palace!

"Hey, how about people? Does anyone care about me?"

Long Xiaoman, who was chained by the dragon rope, was so angry that she couldn't get rid of herself because she was tied by the dragon rope, but these people actually left her behind!

Fortunately, at this moment, a red prawn and a red river crab came to her.

"your Highness!"

"General Shrimp, General Crab!"

Long Xiaoman was so moved that she was about to cry. With the help of her subordinates, she was free from the shackles of the dragon rope.

"General Crab, you are red."

General Maki has a hard time saying.

He almost knew it.

"From now on we will be the same one!"

Long Xiaoman was very happy, and the river crab was speechless again.

"His Royal Highness, let's run! A lot of terrifying humans have come."

"No, I can't go. In the message left by the ancestor, his relic is in this area of ​​water. It must be in that relic. I must protect the ancestor's things. Go ahead."

Long Xiaoman swam in the direction of the ruins without hesitation. General Shrimp and General Crab looked at each other and followed without hesitation.

This is the partner.

"I can smell the ancestors."

Approaching the ruins, Long Xiaoman's spirits suddenly shocked. She was walking on the waterway. Although the waterway was covered by formation, she was not affected by it. Turning her head, she realized that the two friends of own didn’t know when they disappeared. .

The stupid Long Xiaoman didn't think much about it, she thought they were just frightened back by Long Wei.

This is really long. Only the descendants of Dragon King are not afraid of Longwei.

Following the taste, she found the fallen keel.

Looking at the broken dragon bones, the dragon scales on Long Xiaoman's forehead also reacted. Long Xiaoman suddenly knew that this was her ancestor.

In the big fish eyes, tears flowed out.

"Ancestor, you died so miserably..."

The big carp used two fins to hold up a broken bone, and suddenly felt that the bone was delicious, as if it had been roasted. Long Xiaoman couldn't help taking a bite. The indestructible keel reached her mouth. Just like a crisp bone, crunchy and crisp, Long Xiaoman eats the keel, and the spirit is also alive.

"The bones of the ancestors are delicious..."

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoman cried while picking up bones and ate them one by one.

"Ancestor, you died terribly...hiccup..."

When Long Xiaoman feasted in a sad mood, the top of the ruins was full of death.

The first thing Fairy focuses on is Wukong.

The old monk is alone.

"Amitābha, the benefactor, restrain yourself. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away."

Hua Fairy had red eyes and didn't seem to hear it.

Wukong put his hands together, chanting: "Everything that works is like a dream bubble, like a dew and like electricity, because it is like watching..."

Wukong played the eight-tones of the Heavenly Dragon and chanted the Buddhist scriptures, and Fairy's movements paused. However, in her mind, a picture of a monk smashing her mother's head with a palm appeared.

"go to hell!"

Hua Fairy slashed away, Wukong could only stop chanting, put his hands together, and hugged the sword: "Donor, turn your head back."

Wukong once played the Tianlong eight sounds.

This is not the most lethal spell, but Daigo empowers people to wake up.

It is a pity that the flower Fairy in front of him was stunned, but behind him, another flower, Fairy, appeared lifelessly, the light of the knife flashed, and a head flew high.

Wukong's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect to die like this.

And the flower Fairy with the knife cut him, her appearance changed again, her skin became wrinkled, her hair disappeared, she became a bald head, and another emptiness appeared.

"Thousand Chance, kill them all!"

"Wu Kong" nodded, returned the other Split Sky, and stepped into another formation.

But Fairy, the flower standing in place, looked at the empty head on the ground, but covered his head.

"Little Flower, wake up, you can't kill anymore!"

"I want revenge!"

"Yun Big Brother said there is another hidden story."

"Those who lie to me are all lie to me!"

Hua Fairy's expression changed again and again, and in the depths of her heart, there was also a big battle.

Four flower Fairy play a small flower Fairy, but the four personalities are not opponents.

At this time, Fairy was surrounded by devilish energy, and the other four Fairy kept suppressing her a little bit, so that she stopped a little. Thanks to Wukong's Tianlong Bayin, the devilish energy on Fairy's body was much weaker.

Hua Wuque's eyes condensed. She knew that it was impossible to snatch control of the body. All they could do was interfere with Xiaohua Fairy and could not let her kill more people, especially Lin Yu and Dongfang Hongyue.

If she did, she would hate herself for the rest of her life, and Lin Yun would hate her for the rest of her life.

The four personalities worked together to suppress Little Flower Fairy, allowing Fairy's body to stand in place, however, Thousands of Beasts moved into action.

Thousands of strange beasts, this is the thing at the bottom of Fairy's press box. This is the strongest animal that her mother left for her to settle down. There is only one in the world. It is named after the Thousand Chance Valley of Thousand Chance Valley. It is also a flower. Fairy is always reminding herself, revenge!

This beast cannot be counted as the four types of elves and monsters.

There is no life reaction, but the flesh and blood needs to be swallowed. When there is no flesh and blood, Fairy feeds her own hair to Qian Ji. Her hair is not only used for formation, but every hair contains With a powerful force, one can feed thousands of machines.

After being fed, the Thousand Chances can be used by the Flower Fairy, and grow up with the Flower Fairy.

Thousands of Machines are like puppets, they can be completely controlled by the flower Fairy, they can change into any shape, they can be small into a wooden hairpin, or they can become a giant beast.

The Hu Yuling of that day was also disguised by her Thousand Chance.

Without the control of Flower Fairy, Qian Ji followed the instructions of Flower Fairy to do what it should do.

For example, killing everyone...

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