Yue Ningshuang was very angry when she heard some people questioning Own's statement. He was even more annoyed when she heard this. Just about to see who it was, she saw a woman in white clothes fluttering in the air, stepping in the air.

It's not Jiang Chenyu, who else can it be!

Seeing her standing in the air, not guarding against foreign objects, and looking at ease, Yue Ningshuang's heart shook.

Good guy, didn't you mean that your Cultivation Base is abolished?

This this this...

How long has this passed?

How long has it been since Jiang Chenyu was stabbed by the flower Fairy's back, injured, and lost Cultivation Base? Yue Ningshuang hadn't completely controlled even the Guanghan Palace. As a result, Jiang Chenyu returned as the king?


This must be fake!

Jiang Chenyu is bluffing!

Yue Ningshuang thought she had seen everything, but as so many disciples below watched, Yue Ningshuang did not dare to be disrespectful to Jiang Chenyu. She respectfully said: "Palace Master, are you finally willing to come back? A lot of things have happened recently. Without you presiding over the overall situation, Elder and I would feel powerless!"

Lin Yu has recently done a little research on Gong Dou's technique. After listening to Yue Ningshuang's words, she quickly became aware of her careful thoughts.

It seems that Jiang Chenyu is treated respectfully, but in fact he is accusing Jiang Chenyu.

As the palace lord, he has not come forward to call the shots during the great changes in Guanghan Palace, but instead hides in the Shenxiaozong. This is how Jiang Chenyu can't get rid of it.

After all, she was only worried that Yue Ningshuang would attack herself, but there was no evidence at all, because she didn't even give Yue Ningshuang a chance to do it.

Now that Yue Ningshuang started to attack on this point, Jiang Chenyu couldn't argue.

You can't say that you suspect that Yue Ningshuang is going to kill herself in front of so many people. There is no basis for accusing an Elder in this way, but you have to speak responsibly.

Jiang Chenyu naturally understood. Although she sometimes appeared weak and can be deceived, in the final analysis, she was also a strong woman who had lived for five hundred years. How could this little scene be so rare to her.

Moreover, since she dared to show up, she naturally had confidence.

She said that she didn't believe it, since the last time...

I won't talk about the specific details, and no one can see it after discussing it. In short, her Taiyin Secret Art has reached the ninth floor with a swish at a very fast speed.

Cultivation Base has recovered everything, not to mention, it has reached the second turn.

Not only that, but her body also retains a lot of life essence.

Jiang Chenyu was consolidating her own Cultivation Base Realm during this period, and her strength has now surpassed the past.

San Gong was forced, but after this rebuild, Jiang Chenyu obviously felt that his foundation was more stable.

She had never felt that the foundation of own was unreliable before, but this time she rebuilt it, she knew that it was firm, but it hadn't reached the limit.

Of course, Jiang Chenyu does not plan to rebuild in a short time. Without Cultivation Base, she would have no self-confidence and would always be afraid. Now that Cultivation Base has recovered, she has finally straightened her waist.

Facing Yue Ningshuang’s questioning, Jiang Chenyu said calmly: "You have been working hard during this period of time. In order to break through Cultivation Base, this palace has to put aside the palace affairs for the time being. Now that you are done, you will naturally come back to preside over the overall situation, disciples, peace of mind. , The palace is back, the people who bullied you before, the palace will help you settle the accounts."

With strength, it's just so confident.

Yue Ningshuang's words of careful consideration, on the contrary, became the pole for Jiang Chenyu to take over the power logically.

In Ziyang City, Gu Qingmeng also took the opportunity to appear, flew to the place where everyone was talking, and respectfully said to Jiang Chenyu: "Master, your token."

Yue Ningshuang looked at the token symbolizing the sovereignty of the palace and returned to Jiang Chenyu's hands, feeling heavy, beyond words.

"Has the palace lord's Cultivation Base recovered? When did this happen? But I also have a doubt in my heart. If the palace lord's Cultivation Base is still there, why would it be easily taken away by Lin Yun's thieves?"

Without turning his bow, Yue Ningshuang has not retreated.

If Jiang Chenyu hadn't had an accident in the first place, she wouldn't be where she is today. It's not impossible to be the second-in-command of Guanghan Palace, but at this point, she can only move forward, not backwards.

I bet your Cultivation Base has not recovered so quickly, even if it has recovered to the state of fate, it is an indisputable fact that, as the Lord of the Guanghan Palace, several times abducted by thieves.

As long as the affair between her and Lin Yun is confirmed, what kind of face does Jiang Chenyu have to be this palace lord?

There is no need to sit down completely, as long as Jiang Chenyu can't explain it clearly.

Can Guanghan Palace accept a tainted person as the palace lord?

This will definitely not work.

At the beginning, Gu Qingmeng was only in love with others, and he was still deprived of his position as Holy Maiden. Now that Jiang Chenyu was taken away by the culprits, is there any reason for him?

Lost everything!

Even if it is not, Jiang Chenyu, as the palace lord, is not easy for people to verify.

On this point, Jiang Chenyu couldn't dispute it!

However, Yue Ningshuang still underestimated Jiang Chenyu.

I have been salted fish for a long time, and I understand the rules of survival better.

Not only that, she also learned nonsense.

"You may not believe me. Lin Yun is not a treacherous person. He and I are also close friends. Last time he took the risk of stealing me, but only wanted to protect me. At that time, my Cultivation Base did not recover. Lin Yun was worried about my safety. , Saved me in the name of plunder.

Lin Yun is a Qianqian gentleman, and we are innocent. "

Lin Yu: "..."

Although it was a funny thing, she couldn't laugh.

Funny, but no laugh at all.

Are you innocent?

You are all innocent!

However, as Jiang Chenyu was rectifying Lin Yun's name, Lin Yu did not interrupt either.

Whether a person is righteous or evil is often guided by public opinion.

That being the case, it can be guided, and it can be changed.

The world has three points, the leaders of these three points all say that Lin Yun is a good person, so he is not a good person or a good person.

On the contrary, they all came to criticize Lin Yun, who is a good person can also become a bad person.

Coincidentally, as long as Jiang Chenyu returned to the position of Palace Master of Guanghan Palace, Lin Yun's layout would be completely completed.

This is really unintentional. When Lin Yun teased these girls, he didn't expect this situation to happen.

Accidentally, he slept out of the seat of the emperor.

When Yue Ningshuang saw that Own's offense was blocked by Jiang Chenyu, not only that, she even launched a counterattack.

Why should Lin Yun worry about Jiang Chenyu's safety?

In the Guanghan Palace, who can threaten Jiang Chenyu?

The spear was clearly directed at Yue Ningshuang.

Jiang Chenyu could not expressly suspect that Yue Ningshuang had two minds, but the hint would be fine.

How other people understand it is other people's business. It's probably that you understand everything you understand, and you don't need to say more about what you don't understand.

The most indispensable thing in the world of cultivating immortals is smart people, because stupid people are dead.

For a while, the eyes of the Elders of Guanghan Palace looked at Yue Ningshuang a little wrong.

Did Yue Ningshuang secretly do something to let Jiang Chenyu know that she didn't want to come back?

But Jiang Chenyu had no evidence, so he could only say that?

It is normal for Elders from an objective perspective to have such thoughts. Even Elder, who stands on the side of Yue Ningshuang, also has such thoughts.

Yue Ningshuang: Why doesn't it snow this day?

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