In one day, beating two wives in a row, who can be so brave as Lin Yun?

After one point, Lin Yun didn't expect that he would actually hit it. It was just that two people were fighting, and they shouldn't be too fake. Lin Yun just reflexed a little.

Looking at Dongfang Hongyue's expression, Lin Yun knew it all.

Why are women so troublesome, just playing for fun, why are they serious...

Seeing the red moon in the east was raging, fireballs blasted wildly around, and Lin Yun had to flee in a panic.

Looking at Lin Yun's movements, Zhang Ling couldn't help being moved.

He is leading the danger away from the Snow Girl!

Lin Yun: "..."

He just can't choose his way.

"Give me some Face, Yue'er, I can't lose my glorious image in the grassland."


"I will fight back later, you pretend to be invincible, and I chase it, you can call an ambush to catch me."

According to the plan, it should be like this. Even if Lin Yun was caught, it would not be too shameful.

This is called a glorious defeat!

Dongfang Hongyue hummed twice, but didn't play a small temper at this moment.

However, she was still a bit wronged. Isn't she acting so much to protect the Snow Girl?

In order to protect the Snow Girl, Lin Yun actually beat her!


Although he was not injured, it is not a question of whether he is injured or not, it is a question of attitude.

If she was wronged, she had to help Lin Yun in acting, and Dongfang Hongyue couldn't help but feel even more resentful.

Lin Yun shot her counterattack by the light of the fire. At this moment, some warriors in the grassland also surrounded him.

Dongfang Hongyue had a reason to escape, so she didn't need to be beaten again.

"You wait, I have written this account."

Dongfang Hongyue gritted his teeth and said.

Where did she want to talk about you? This is clearly speaking to Lin Yun alone.

Lin Yun's scalp was numb, but he still said according to the original plan: "I want to leave when I come, stay with me!"

He chased after him, but said to the people who wanted to support him: "You protect the Snow Girl!"

A chase scene was staged with Dongfang Hongyue, and finally, at the farthest point of view of the people on the grassland, the ambushed Jiang Chenyu jumped out. Under the attack of the two, Lin Yun was quickly captured.

Zhang Ling immediately looked at Xue Nu anxiously. He was very worried that Xue Nu, seeing Lin Yun in danger, would act regardless of his vitality without recovering.

However, this time Xue Nu's performance surprised him a bit.

"All the warriors obeyed the orders, Chen Bing went to the city and forced them to surrender the son of God, otherwise, the day the city will be broken, blood will inevitably flow."

Zhang Ling once again heard what was wrong. This was the first time that Xue Nu called Lin Yun's identity. She used to call him A Yun.

How is this going?

Could it be that there is a problem with the relationship of the god son and goddess?

Snow Girl's acting skills are a bit worse, she has a cold face and no details at all.

Unlike Lin Yun, he was a born actor.

This is because the actor has many opportunities to perform.

But acting skills also have limits. For example, to coax a girl, no matter how you can act, you still have a headache when you have a headache.

"You hit me!"

Before arriving in the city, Dongfang Hongyue accused Lin Yun.

After entering the city, it is expected that Lin Yu will come out like this.

At this time, the wrong way is to explain why you want to hit someone.

Lin Yun quickly thought of the correct method.

"Yue'er, let me see if it hurts?"

With that said, Lin Yun hugged Dongfang Hongyue and stroked it at the place he had hit before.

With this one move, Dongfang Hongyue broke the defense instantly.

"You let me go, you haven't explained it clearly yet!"

"Yue'er, you won't suffer internal injuries, right!"

Lin Yun continued to move his hands and feet, Jiang Chenyu was dumbfounded at the side.

Good guy, I'll call you good guy!

She accidentally discovered such a big secret. She only knew that Lin Yun had taken the flower Fairy, and there seemed to be something wrong with Fang Yu, but she had never thought that he and Dongfang Hongyue had a leg.

Seeing these two people's demeanor, it is needless to say what the relationship is.

Dongfang Hongyue called her before and said that there was something she needed to help her. She was still a little confused, but now everything suddenly understood.

Dongfang Hongyue also saw Jiang Chenyu with wide-eyed eyes. Seeing her expression, Dongfang Hongyue knew that Lin Yun shouldn't talk to Jiang Chenyu too much.

Being watched and making friends with Lin Yun, she was also a little shy, pushing Lin Yun and said: "Let go, someone is watching!"

"It's okay, Xiao Yuer, come here."

Lin Yun waved to Jiang Chenyu, Jiang Chenyu immediately leaned in obediently, letting Lin Yun reach out and touch his head.

But soon she reacted again.

She has recovered from Cultivation Base now!

Lin Yun couldn't even beat her, why is she so obedient?

She came back to her senses, turned her head back, and looked down upon Lin Yun, saying that I was no longer the Jiang Chenyu I used to be, and I wasn't so bully!

This little Tsundere expression didn't last long before it was disintegrated by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun squeezed her face with one hand and played for a while. Jiang Chenyu Abaaba for a while, before grabbing Lin Yun's hand, but being gently pulled by Lin Yun, he reached Lin Yun's arms.

Hugging from the left to the right, it's still a bit crowded.

Neither Dongfang Hongyue nor Jiang Chenyu expected that Lin Yun would dare to be so bold and approach the two unscrupulously.

One of them is the palace lord of the Guanghan Palace, and the other is the leader of the Red Lotus Sect. These are the top powers!

"I have something to tell you."

Lin Yun looked at the two women firmly before adopting a serious attitude.

"I plan to leave for a while, and then I will rely on you. Yue'er, tell Xiao Yu'er everything. Now that she has restored the Cultivation Base, she also has the ability to participate."

When he said this, Lin Yun squeezed Jiang Chenyu's small face again, and said, "You are finally fighting, and I won't need to protect you anymore."

Jiang Chenyu hadn't recovered from the huge amount of information before, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit sour after hearing Lin Yun's words.

She restored the Cultivation Base, did Lin Yun ignore her?

He pursed his mouth, raised his eyes, and an aura of wronged daughter-in-law came to his face.

"This thing is for you, maybe it will help you a little bit."

Lin Yun took out the Shuiyue Lingzhu and handed it to Jiang Chenyu.

Feeling the abundant energy of the moon, Jiang Chenyu was also stunned.


She is holding this thing, afraid that it will not be able to cultivate the realm of Taiyin to Nine Cycles.

At this time, Shuiyue Lingzhu refused in his heart, trembling slightly in Lin Yun's hand, expressing his own resistance.

"Don't force me to burn you."

Speaking of this, the Shuiyue Lingzhu immediately settled down a lot.

When it first arrived in Lin Yun's hands, it was burned, and it was forced to release part of its original divine power before it was preserved.

If I am burned again now, I am afraid it will be spiritually insecure.

This time, it was much more honest, and was easily delivered to Jiang Chenyu by Lin Yun.

In the far west, under the ice lake buried in the desert, sighs came out again.

"There are such untrustworthy people in the world, I ****..."

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