Bai Jiaojiao gladly accepted the task of searching for the Favored, and it was almost confirmed the camp.

Even if this senior is an ancestor, she should be a decent person if she is dedicated to guarding the world. Bai Jiaojiao has a lot of good feelings in her heart, and she can't help but become more curious.

"Can seniors tell me my name?"

Bai Jiaojiao not only wants to know the name of this senior, but is also curious about what happened before. The legend of Tianlong Mountain was transformed by a Dragon King. This legend is indeed a bit reliable. Maybe Dragon River is really owned by the Dragon King. After all, the birthplace of Longhe is in Tianlong Mountain.

In addition, Bai Jiaojiao is also very curious, why is there a crack in the world, what is the void, and what is the relationship between this one and Azure Dragon...

There are too many questions to ask, so I just ask a name.

"You can call me Bailin, Azure Dragon, my Little Sister. We were as close as you and your Little Sister back then, willing to give everything for each other."

In Bai Lin's words, there is quite an unfinished meaning, and this unfinished meaning really makes Bai Jiaojiao care.

I was willing to give everything for the other party before, but what happened later?

"What happened later... don't ask. It's also a coincidence that you and your Little Sister are both blue and white. I just hope that you won't be like me in the end."

Bai Jiaojiao: "..."

Since I can't say, why do I have to start, it must not make people dying in desperation?

"Well, I think you also know that being less curious can make people live longer. We are running out of time, let me help you become dragons!"

Bai Lin was obviously changing the subject, but Bai Jiaojiao could only listen to her.

"I'm just a ray of remnant soul. I have reached the limit until now. This bubble is the world that I evolved when I was enlightened. After my death, this world has returned to its most primitive state, and the collapse is not far away.

The timing of your coming is also just right. By absorbing this incomplete Minor World, your understanding of Heavenly Dao will be further deepened, and it can be regarded as laying the foundation for the unreliable world.

After absorbing this little world, I will use the remaining divine power to help you leave the Tongtian Pagoda, and then you will climb the Dragon Head Peak, where there is my most important heritage. "

As Bai Lin said, he mixed everything in the whole world into one ball. The black and white, red and blue were no longer distinct. After they were mixed together, it became a chaos.

Bai Jiaojiao couldn't see where the white scales were, only the change of heaven and earth, and the chaos filled with Taoist rhyme. It also gave her a layer of enlightenment.

The front of the avenue is chaos.

Her current stage is to comprehend a kind of Heavenly Dao law, and as the Taoism deepens, what she has to do is to comprehend multiple Dao laws and merge them into one.

When she was thinking about it, the chaos was divided into two parts, one part fell on the green snake, and the other slightly larger part was absorbed by her.

As the chaos was sucked into her body by her and the green snake, the bubble light curtain protecting them became thinner.

"It's time to leave."

When Bai Jiaojiao heard Bai Lin's words again, she was no longer as energetic as before, but was obviously tired.

I saw the bubble bursting brightly, and the purple wave was pushed away. After a few flashes, the bubble finally broke apart. Bai Jiaojiao had seen the wave of the explosion before, and this time, the wave of the explosion. Even bigger, that strange space, once again set off a purple storm.

This has nothing to do with Bai Jiaojiao, because a light door appeared abruptly. Bai Jiaojiao knew that this was the door Bai Lin opened for her. Holding the still sleeping green snake, she stepped out and returned to Tianlong. On the mountain.

The wind here is very strong, and there are snowflakes flying around. This sight also convinced Bai Jiaojiao that Own had indeed left the Tongtian Pagoda and returned to the outside world.

"White Scale senior..."

Bai Jiaojiao called out Bai Lin's name, but she didn't get a response this time. She only saw a white qi flying out of her body. The white qi had the shape of a dragon and landed on the green snake.

Only then did Bai Jiaojiao understand, she didn't know when it started, the white scales were attached to own.

When the green snake got the white gas in the shape of a dragon, Bai Jiaojiao also felt her own spirit suddenly strengthened a lot.

Remembering what Bai Lin had said before, she was a ray of remnant soul, her time was running out, and Bai Jiaojiao understood what had happened.

It was Bai Lin who gave her and Green Snake his remaining power. With these powers, she and Green Snake had the capital to be promoted to the Dragon.

The most important thing is the perception of Heavenly Dao contained in the chaos. With this, Bai Jiaojiao and Green Snake can be promoted to Shenlong as long as they digest them.

As for the enhanced power of the soul in this part, it is just icing on the cake.

Thinking of what happened just now, Bai Jiaojiao still feels that everything is like a dream. She may be the snake with the highest achievement in the past ten thousand years.

Before, she just wanted to become a real dragon, but now she changed her small goal to become a dragon.

I don't know if I will become a Tianlong in the future, will there be a higher goal, anyway, Tianlong is now the highest Realm.

According to Bailin, the Azure Dragon among the four sacred beasts is a heavenly dragon.

In the description of the Hualongjing, the true dragon is the most common dragon, but it also has the ability to travel clouds and rain. In addition to a strong body and a powerful Spirit Power, it also has associated magical powers.

It is precisely because the dragon grows from all living beings that it is considered the strongest creature.

Same as Realm, Dragon is invincible.

The true dragon is already terrifying, and the Shenlong is on this basis, further stronger.

Shenlong has a variety of changes, through all kinds of methods.

When you arrive at the Ancestral Dragon Realm, you can use a drop of own blood to create a real dragon, which is why it is called Ancestral Dragon.

The ultimate Tianlong is an evolutionary world, capable of creating the world.

Just thinking about it makes me feel far away.

But Bai Jiaojiao was not discouraged either, there was a long way to go, but at any rate he saw the direction and knew how to achieve this goal. This was better than many seekers.

At present, all she needs to do is to wait for the green snake to wake up, and then climb the Dragon Head Peak together.

After obtaining the important supernatural powers Bailin said, go to the favored one.

Bai Jiaojiao is also a dragon who has experienced the heavy fog secret realm. Today, she has learned more about secret realm and the favored ones.

The ghost fog forest in the past is a good example. The power of the gods protects the Minor World, and once the power of the gods is lost, the secret realm will collapse.

Each of the bubbles in the Tongtian Tower is a secret realm, which is different from the fog secret realm. The secret realm here is also eroded by the power of the void.

It's a pity that Bai Lin didn't say it clearly. There was no head or tail, which made people itch with curiosity.

"Waiting out of Tianlong Mountain, I went to see Lin Yun, and told him about what happened here. His mind turned fast, and he might be able to guess something."

Bai Jiaojiao decided not to think too much, and waited quietly for Green Snake to wake up.

This time, three hours have passed, from dark to dawn.

If it weren't for Green Snake's body temperature and breathing to be at a normal frequency, and Bai Jiaojiao's promise, Bai Jiaojiao couldn't wait so long.

Green Snake opened his eyes, and saw Bai Jiaojiao sitting side by side.

Only then did she remember what had happened. When she was struggling with pain, although she was already confused, she still remembered the bloody smell in her mouth when she looked back on it.

"Big sis."

Green Snake called Bai Jiaojiao, Bai Jiaojiao heard the voice and immediately took Green Snake's hand with excitement.

"How do you feel now?"

"I feel full of power all over my body."

Bai Jiaojiao's blood is also dragon blood. The dragon blood that Green Snake drank last time has already formed the shape of a real dragon, but she is still a little short of the real dragon. She has always been like a young dragon with blood depleted. The blood that Bai Jiaojiao gave her this time just made up her blood.

It is precisely this way, when the green snake is poisoned, Bai Jiaojiao's blood can relieve her symptoms.

The Green Snake not only became a real dragon completely, but also obtained a part of the dragon soul of the white scale, and the power of the chaos. Now she is not only full of power, but even some overflowing.

"That's good, I have something important to tell you next."

After confirming the status of Green Snake, Bai Jiaojiao was completely relieved.

The poison of the void came too quickly and in a hurry. At that time, the green snake couldn't say anything else, and only said five words, and it lost its own consciousness.

Although she was sealed by the white scales, Bai Jiaojiao was still worried that the green snake would have other conditions. Now that she was safe and sound, she relieved her mind and talked to the green snake about the coma.

"...Anyway, you first think about which way you are going to become a Tianlong. We are running out of time."

Bai Jiaojiao taught Green Snake the Hualong Sutra, and asked her to choose the road to becoming a dragon.

Li De, Li Wei, can only choose one.

Judging from the description of Hualongjing, Bai Jiaojiao felt that it was easier to lead.

You only need to accumulate merits to become a great virtue dragon. In contrast, the great mighty dragon constantly breaks through the limit of strength, which is not so breakthrough.

"Big sis suggests that you choose the path of virtue. Lin Yun has great merit. If you rub her by her side, you may accumulate merit faster."

When the green snake heard the words, his face turned red, and he said in a cramped manner: "Big sis, what are you talking about, Lin Yun is someone you like..."

"What does this have to do, fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields, we happen to be the sisters of the same heart, it is profitable, but the big bad guy Lin Yun, if we sisters go together, he will definitely not be able to stand it."

Although Green Snake saw a lot of Bai Jiaojiao's unruly remarks, this time it was still too violent. Green Snake was so embarrassed to think about the scene that he couldn't raise his head, so he could only face flushed and said, "Don't want Big sis." Made fun of me."

"Eh, you are so shy, don't you like Lin Yun secretly? If you like Lin Yun, there is no need to hide it, Big sis will help you!"

"I didn't like him!"

Green Snake retorted loudly, Bai Jiaojiao looked at her anxiously, so she didn't dare to make jokes anymore, so she had to coax her, but she was upset in her heart.

Without rubbing against Lin Yun, how could he become a heavenly dragon in five thousand years...

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