The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 574: Let's Jump Together

The more people worry about something happening, the more likely it will happen.

In this world of cultivating immortals, this law has not escaped either.

Bai Jiaojiao said that the bubble would explode, and both of them panicked very much. As a result, the bubble floated near them. It was about to explode. Lin Yun didn't care much about it, pulling Bai Jiaojiao to deceive the sky. Footwork, toss and toss.

But even though they pulled away from the bubble, the bubble still exploded.

I didn't hear any explosion sound, just like blisters exploding gently, nothing special.

However, just such a small bubble burst, and the silent purple instantly came to life. Only then did Lin Yun know what Bai Jiaojiao meant by triggering a storm.

This storm was not an ordinary storm. The proper tornado and the purple sky scattered Lin Yun and Bai Jiaojiao's back road in an instant. Lin Yun didn't dare to look back and could only carry Bai Jiaojiao all the way.

But the purple storm seemed to have eyes long, and chased in Lin Yun's direction without turning a corner.

Lin Yun could only rush and jump at the same time. The road ahead was not a smooth one, and even the black areas were intermittent and not connected.

Lin Yun felt like he was escaping from a temple, and the monsters behind were chasing after him, and he had to avoid obstacles.

"This thing has eyes?"

Lin Yun spit out while running. Bai Jiaojiao carefully observed it before saying, "Is it because there are more bubbles here?"

Not to mention Bai Jiaojiao, Lin Yun hadn't noticed before that, the further forward on this black road, the more air bubbles would float.

Therefore, this purple void may not be directed at them, but they can only escape in this direction.

"If I escape smoothly, I will definitely do good and accumulate virtue in the future."

Lin Yun said helplessly.

What can be done about this, I can only blame bad luck.

Maybe this is the reward for good and evil, Heavenly Dao, good Samsara!

With the help of Tianbu, Lin Yun can always dodge in a particularly strange position every time a purple storm swept over him. This was really the pace of the devil.

However, as he ran, Lin Yun suddenly realized that there was no road ahead. He jumped onto a lonely black area and saw that there was already a purple ocean in front of him, and no black was visible.

The black area under the feet can only be regarded as a foothold.

"It's over, there's no way here."

Lin Yun thought that when this road came to an end, there might be a way to go out. The usual routines are like this.

However, when he reached the end of the road, he only saw a large patch of purple.

And when he looked back, the storm was still trailing.

When the purple storm rushed in, it also blew some bubbles over. These bubbles were big or small, and I didn't know when they would explode.

Lin Yun's scalp was numb, and he just wanted to take out Bu Jingyun's emoticon: "Don't come here!"

"We seem to have nowhere to escape."

Lin Yun relied on his own speed to shake off the storm a bit, and the two of them had time to chat.

At this desperate time, Bai Jiaojiao found that she was not so sad.

Before, she was still confident about it. After all, for thousands of years, all the rumors that became true dragons were true and false, and now she only needs to concentrate on digesting the benefits of some white scales left to her, and she can smoothly advance to the dragon. Mastered the complete way to become a Tianlong.

It is a pity that when he is full of fighting spirit and ready to do something big, he will fall into this place.

It was all because of Lin Yun that went out from here and came back in again, but Bai Jiaojiao didn't blame Lin Yun.

She was actually quite moved.

Lin Yun should have seen the words she left, but still rushed into the Tongtian Pagoda without hesitation.

Maybe she is not the only one in Lin Yun's heart, but Lin Yun is willing to fight for her, this is enough.

At the last moment of this life, Bai Jiaojiao wanted to do something to let herself not leave regrets.

She kissed Lin Yun's neck and hugged him tightly.

It's a pity that the storm is near. If there is more time, she still wants Lin Yun to fulfill her previous promise.

Unlike Bai Jiaojiao, who gave up treatment, Lin Yun still didn't want to give up under such extreme circumstances.

In his mind, the image left by the supernatural power of "stand up to the heavens" appeared in his mind. Bai Long resolutely used his own body to withstand all the damage, and completely suppressed the purple void.

Perhaps, by standing up and down, you can withstand the purple storm.

As for what happens after the resistance...

Lin Yun looked at a bubble not far away, remembering what Bai Jiaojiao had said, every bubble is a secret realm, that is to say, entering the bubble is entering the secret realm?

So the question is, is there any other export in the secret realm?

Lin Yun could not be sure, but now he has no choice.

"Did you see the light blue bubble? After it floats over, we will jump over it together."

The bubble that Lin Yun chose was the largest in the neighborhood and seemed the most stable.

According to Bai Jiaojiao's previous statement, the bubble will be constantly eroded by the void, getting smaller and smaller, and then bursting. This blue bubble is quite big.

People must learn to think of ways in difficult situations and don't give up treatment easily.

Bai Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment. Just now, she had never thought that she could hide in the secret realm, because in her opinion, jumping in was tantamount to chronic death, and there might be a way to survive outside.

However, they had no choice at this moment. Since Lin Yun said he wanted to jump, let's jump.

It's just that you can't use the escape method here, and you can't fly, and relying solely on own jumping ability, this distance seems to be a little short, so Lin Yun said to wait for the bubbles to float over.

Bai Jiaojiao glanced at the speed of the purple storm, then looked at the speed of the blue bubble, and calculated in her mind that the storm should have arrived first.

It is impossible to jump over, but she can throw Lin Yun over.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiaojiao also made a decision.

She didn't have much time to hesitate. She hugged Lin Yun's waist and said with a bit of reluctance: "If you can leave smoothly, help me take care of Xiaoqing."

Bai Jiaojiao was very fortunate that she had told Green Snake about the Cultivation Technique of the Dragon Transformation Technique before, otherwise, after she left, Green Snake would not be able to escape the poison of the void.

However, she confessed her last words and was about to throw Lin Yun out, only to find that Lin Yun's feet were like an old tree rooted firmly on the ground, and she did not move.

"Woman, don't always think about sacrificing yourself and let me live, before it is time for you to sacrifice."

Lin Yun said in an overbearing presidential tone. At this time, he was ready.

When the purple storm came, Lin Yun didn't have no way to deal with it. Doesn't this still have magical powers?

The magical powers that need to be activated by love, the stronger the love, the stronger the magical powers.

Lin Yun also had some guesses in his heart.

Those who left the inheritance said that the only thing that can be fearless and then fearless is love and hate.

So, after all, this magical power still needs the power of the heart, and the effect of this magical power is just as strong as the love in the heart.

Lin Yun didn't know how much love he had in his heart, but he muttered in his heart: "I must go back alive, my wives are waiting for me to go back!"

Lin Yun's will was very firm. He stood there, motionless like a mountain, and even Bai Jiaojiao could not move him. At this moment, Lin Yun was a real man standing upright. At this moment, he was not fighting alone!

A golden lotus phantom even appeared on Lin Yun's body. When the purple storm swept over, Lin Yun's golden lotus bloomed. Then, the purple storm hit Lin Yun's golden lotus, but Bai Jiaojiao heard a burst of bones. Rattling.

Lin Yun’s originally damaged robe was completely shattered, fell into the void and turned into fly ash, and his jade-like skin also began to turn blood red, a few cracks suddenly appeared on the skin, and blood slowly flowed out of the wound. Dye Lin Yun into a blood man.

Lin Yun was still looking ahead and had already held it, so he couldn't move back, otherwise he would fall short.

Bai Jiaojiao looked at Lin Yun like this, and she was heartbroken, but the blue bubble still floated unhurriedly.

Lin Yun insisted on leaving with her, and Bai Jiaojiao knew that even if she wanted to throw Lin Yun away for bubbles, she couldn't do it.

Seeing that the golden lotus that Lin Yun pulled out was full of cracks, Bai Jiaojiao's heart became more anxious.

Finally, when the blue bubble reached the limit, Bai Jiaojiao quickly said, "I'll take you to jump!"

When she finished speaking, she picked up Lin Yun, kicked on the spot, and rushed into the big blue bubble. Lin Yun also received his magical powers. As Lin Yun stopped casting the spell, Jin Lian broke into pieces.

The blocked purple storm rushed over with a more powerful force, but they were about to jump into the bubble, there should be no danger.

Thinking like this, the blue bubble seemed to be joking with Lin Yun, the two of them were about to get close, but suddenly drifted back a little.

Only in the air, Bai Jiaojiao, who had nowhere to borrow, was instantly dumbfounded.

It fell into a purple sea, but it was conceivable that there was a corpse down, and there was no chance of rescue.

And here the space fluctuates abnormally, it is impossible to use the escape method, and cannot fly.

This is the real desperation.


Bai Jiaojiao still threw Lin Yun out, letting Lin Yun get close to the bubble.

Although Lin Yun was exhausted, he still yelled at the last minute: "Changing!"

The Qiaobian lost in the snow-capped mountains was picked up by Bai Jiaojiao and used to find her way. After reaching the Tongtian Pagoda, she did not have time to return it to Lin Yun. Now Qiaobian is still in Bai Jiaojiao's hands, but Lin Yun said Under the order, Qiaobian was still intriguing, turned into a rope, and flew towards Lin Yun, while the other end was still tied in Bai Jiaojiao's hand.

When Lin Yun touched the air bubble, he pulled hard and pulled Bai Jiaojiao over.

Bai Jiaojiao almost ran into the purple void. She had never felt Death so close to her. Fortunately, at the last moment, Lin Yun caught her.

The two of them rushed into the blue bubble one after the other. The bubble swallowed the two of them and returned to their original state.

This weird world has lost the last two creatures, and the wind here is getting stronger...

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