The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 580 Nothing else, just show the tea art

The relocation work is proceeding in an orderly manner. Lin Yun originally thought that they would encounter some difficulties or setbacks, such as some people hindering them from leaving, or stumbling while raising food and water.

As a result, everything went smoothly.

Many people said that even if they had to walk along the path that Lin Dong had walked again, they would be willing to go.

The words that Gu Yu said were also circulating in the tribe. Many young people seemed to be beaten with blood, and they wanted to set off right away.

But Qingming and Gu Yu calmed them down so that they don't get too excited. Now they just decided to go, how to go, where to start, where to go, where to go, where to end, and what to do when they reach the end, and they haven't decided yet.

At present, there is only one point.

That is they can go.

The whole tribe came alive. Looking at the excitement of the young people, the old patriarch seemed to see a handful of fuelwood, burning himself frantically, wanting to spread the fire to the future and far away.

"What a beautiful young man, it's a pity that the flame of hope will always go out after burning the last fuelwood, leaving only the ashes that can no longer be burned."

When the patriarch was looking at the young man, Jingzhe also came quietly from the dark, and when he was behind the patriarch, he suddenly said: "Patriarch, you call me."

The old patriarch shook, his hand clenched the cane tightly, and he did not fight out.

Taking a deep breath, the old patriarch said: "Have I ever told you that you want to change your habit of talking from behind others?"

Startled scratching his head, and said with a faint smile: "I forgot."

The gloomy-looking startled sting, making a silly smile, will not make people think he is silly and cute, but it looks a little scary.

"Fine, I am looking for you, because there is something you need to do."

"Patriarch please say."

"I want you to help me kill someone."

Jingzhe's eyes lit up: "Is that Lin Yun?"

Seeing Jingzhe almost drooling, the patriarch couldn't help covering his forehead.

What kind of nasty stuff this is, you know how to eat it.

"Lin Yun didn't rush to move him first, he did Gu Yu first."

Shocked and shocked, doubts were written all over his face.


"She is leading her people to destruction, and I can't stop her anymore."

This reason is high-sounding, but Jingzhe still has some doubts.

Anyway, Gu Yu is also of the same family. Everyone hunts together. Gu Yu is also the best teammate. Not only that, Gu Yu can also ask for rain. Isn't it inappropriate to kill her for this reason?

"Kill Gu Yu, Lin Yun is yours."

"I think it is necessary to kill her!"

Old patriarch: "..."

The face becomes so fast, but I like it.

"After killing her, bring her magic card back."

When Jingzhe was about to leave, the old patriarch reminded him with a low voice.

"God card? All right."

Jingzhe didn't think much, and soon left the old patriarch's residence.

The place where Gu Yu lived, Jingzhe was naturally clear. All the places where the gods lived, from ancient times to the present, have always had traditions, even if the gods are gone, the ancient inheritance still affects the present.

For Jingzhe, lurking is a very simple matter.

He lurked into Gu Yu's house with a broken window. Gu Yu's house was very tidy and the layout of the house was simple. Jingzhe couldn't find a place to hide, so he aimed under the bed and got in.

The sky gradually became gloomy, the blue sun sank to the west, and night was about to fall.

There is no difference between the dark night of the Blue God Kingdom and the dark night outside, and the same is that you can't see your fingers.

Jingzhe just waited and waited until he began to doubt life.

Why hasn't Gu Yu come back?

He didn't know that Gu Yu was entangled by Lin Yun.

It can't be said to be entangled, Lin Yun just used some unique techniques to let Gu Yu stay.

Lin Yun didn't want to be attacked after being singled, so after returning to the room, Gu Yu asked him to rest, and Lin Yun woke up again and told her the story.

Gu Yu was full of curiosity about the outside world, and Lin Yun grasped this and made her want to stop.

"Our world is called the Dou Qi Continent. In the Dou Qi Continent, there are no legends of gods and no dazzling spells, only the ultimate fighting qi..."

"What is grudge?"

Gu Yu's face was full of curiosity.

"It's a very powerful thing. It can not only use gasification wings, but also gasification horses. Unfortunately, I don't have a Cultivation Base now, otherwise I will show you it. However, I can tell you about us You may understand the story of a legend in that world."

Seeing that it was still early, Gu Yu nodded happily, a story, how long can it be told?

However, when Lin Yun talked about dark, and from dark to dawn, Gu Yu became more energetic as he listened.

Lin Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart that the story of anti-inflammatory drugs was too lethal for Xiao Bai, who didn't read much.

"It's dawn, let's find the other two divine envoys first!"

Lin Yun was actually a little tired. He felt tired after reading novels and reading all night. What's more, he had been talking about it all night. Now he does not have a Cultivation Base. If he hadn't considered the threat of Death, he would have been unable to hold it.

Gu Yu is a divine envoy, but she didn't think there was anything. Hearing Lin Yun said that she was going to find two other divine envoys, she didn't tell the story for the time being. She also had some regrets, but business matters.

Under the bed, Jingzhe waited until dawn with all his concentration, but he didn't wait until Gu Yu came back. The others were stupid.

Gu Yu didn't come home at night!

When Jingzhe thought of Lin Yun, he came out of Gu Yu's house and went to the vicinity of Lin Yun's residence, just in time to see Lin Yun and Gu Yu coming out together.

Lin Yun looked tired, and rubbed his waist.

"Gu Yu has an affair with people!"

Jingzhe's heart was extremely shocked, Gu Yu looked so dignified and upright, did not expect to do such a thing!

Divine ambassadors originally served the divine spirit and required full-hearted devotion. Therefore, the divine ambassadors were not allowed to marry.

In the subsequent history, this tradition was followed because the divine envoy could not be hereditary. Only by observing this ancient system can the selection of the divine envoy be fair and just.

However, if the divine envoy has a need, he can also find a way to solve it, and it is enough not to have children.

But a pure envoy would not succumb to own needs. Jingzhe always felt that Gu Yu was very upright. She did not expect that Lin Yun had just arrived soon, she did this kind of thing!

Got to report to the patriarch!

Jingzhe left silently, his trace could not be concealed from Lin Yun's perception.

Seeing Jingzhe again, Lin Yun was also on his back.

Just a glimpse of Jinghong, he still saw it, Jingzhe's sharp eyes, a little dark circles.

Thinking that Jingzhe might squat outside his room all night, Lin Yun was also scared, but fortunately he was witty and left Gu Yu behind.

No, it must be resolved as soon as possible. The thieves have been thinking about how to do it all the year round. In this case, they can only kill the thieves first!

"Gu Yu Big sis, I want to make it easier."

During this time of getting along, Lin Yun has quietly changed Gu Yu's name to Gu Yu Big sis. Gu Yu was not unconscious. When she first heard Lin Yun called Gu Yu Big sis, the speed of her heartbeat It was half a beat, and then bang bang bang again, as if about to knock out.

She was a little guilty, and had to treat it as nothing happened. Lin Yun just climbed up the pole like this and simply called her Gu Yu Big sis.

Lin Yun also drank a lot of water last night and ate some of the food here. It was reasonable to want convenience.

But Lin Yun noticed that there is no toilet here, so it is understandable that he ran to the corner where Jingzhe was lurking just now.

Men, peeing outside is nothing.

Gu Yu wanted to tell him to go back first, but seeing Lin Yun ran to the corner, she just took a sip when she was so anxious. Seeing Lin Yun's well-mannered, romantic and suave, she didn't expect to find a corner and hush.

Without seeing it, she turned her head and turned her back to Lin Yun.

Suddenly heard Lin Yun's scream, Gu Yu was shocked, and ran towards Lin Yun quickly, and saw Lin Yun covering his chest with one hand, the coarse linen on his chest was torn, and there were a few lines on his chest. Obvious scratches, blood was gurgling out, staining Lin Yun's hands and clothes red.

Gu Yu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. The blood was so fragrant that she couldn't wait to lick it on Lin Yun's body.

But she held it back with great perseverance, tore off the cloth strips on her long skirt with one hand, took out the jade medal, and said: "Yurun!"

The dry cloth strips immediately became moist. Gu Yu quickly helped Lin Yun wrap Lin Yun around the wound. After seeing that the blood no longer oozes out, he said: "What's the matter, who did it?"

Lin Yun's face was heavy and he seemed to be thinking about something, but then he smiled slightly and said, "I didn't see clearly just now."

If Lin Yun directly answered that he didn't see clearly, Gu Yu might not think too much, but when Lin Yun thought, it didn't seem like he didn't see clearly, he obviously wanted to say it!

Gu Yu immediately had the object of suspicion. She watched carefully nearby, and moved her nose again, faintly smelling a familiar breath.

This is the smell of Jingzhe.

Jingzhe's body smelled of green grass all year round, and the smell was not very good, and Gu Yu also disliked Jingzhe, and didn't know where his so heavy smell came from.

When she smelled this smell, she instantly confirmed that she was shocked just now.

Later, Gu Yu found a small footprint nearby.

It's not because of his small feet, but because he likes to walk on tiptoes, the footprints are only the front part.

Now it can almost be confirmed that Jingzhe attacked Lin Yun, why did he do this?

Gu Yu's anger was rising in her heart. She looked at Lin Yun and said with some anger: "Did you really not see it?"

She originally thought that Lin Yun should be an upright and courageous man.

Seeing her angry and angry at herself, Lin Yun knew that the wave had stabilized.

He didn't make any grievances either, just said: "At this time, if there are minor things, it is not good for you, so this kind of trivial matter, let it go."

Hearing these words, Gu Yu's heart was shocked.

So Lin Yun was thinking about her...

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