The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 792: The Unsolvable Blood Curse

"Yes, we won't let any demons pass through that enchantment."

Zidian responded to Lin Yun's instructions loudly as if he had been hit with chicken blood.

Very good, very energetic.

Lin Yun gave an approving look, then waved his hand and said, "Go make arrangements."

Only then did Zidian and Longjun respectfully retreat from the Dragon King hall.

This Dragon King hall originally belonged to Dragon King, but now it is occupied by Lin Yun.

After they left, Lin Yun still looked like nothing at all.

Only Canglan knew how strong his inner fluctuations were.


Fudge a Demon Monarch and Demon Monarch so that they can't find Bei, and let them do things for themselves. Who dares to believe it?

"You are amazing!"

Worship was written in his small, blue eyes.

"Basic operation, nothing to blow up."

Lin Yun said calmly.

He can be the boss not only because he is handsome, smart, calm, and brave, but also because of the blood in his body.

In fact, Lin Yun's heart is more alarmed because he is really the Demon Ancestor, so he will have a big oolong.

Compared with Lin Yun's smooth wind, Xiaoqing and the three were not so smooth all the way.

Wuxin initially felt that it was Xiaoqing's fresh air that caused the Mozu to attack, so Xiaoqing concealed his deeds. As a result, they were still attacked. Along the way, they are either fleeing or preparing to flee.

Some people want to rob Hu Yuling and go back to be the wife of Xiaozhai. There are not many demons who have a figure like Hu Yuling. Moreover, Hu Yuling's horns and tail are particularly beautiful.

This was all drunk from Lin Yun's blood.

The physique of the demon has become ascension, and the more obvious is that the horns have become longer.

Hu Yuling is recognized as a noble Miss, and has not yet exerted all her blood power. This kind of big Miss, it is best to marry home and make a child. The offspring must be very powerful.

As for Wuxin, the demons of Demonland think she is the bodyguard of the noble Miss.

Fortunately, although Wuxin has been bullied in various ways in the world, her strength has been strengthened in Demon Land, and she has also seen the fierceness of the outside world. She has basically never lost in the face of the same Realm.

In the battle, she actually broke through and became Heavenly Demon.

The blood that Lin Yun gave her was not too small. As the devil qi inhaled more and more, her years of accumulation finally changed.

She suddenly became Heavenly Demon, and Hu Yuling also became a great demon.

Had it not been for the lack of demon energy in the world, Hu Yuling would have become a great demon just by eating so much blood from Lin Yun.

The transformation of a great demon into a Heavenly Demon is the same as a mortal cultivation into a god. This is a qualitative leap.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, I finally made it!"

After becoming Heavenly Demon, feeling the powerful magic power in his body, he unintentionally let out a Satanian laugh.

And the first thing after becoming Heavenly Demon is to remove the blood curse from the body.

Sure enough, her hunch was correct, and she would become stronger when she returned to Demon Earth.

No, just how long has passed, she has become Heavenly Demon, this still hasn't found the part that she is missing, if she finds it, maybe she can become stronger.

"Wait, when I lift the blood curse, I will hang you up and fight when I go back!"

Unintentionally remembering the experience of being lifted high by Lin Yun and rubbing his cheeks, his face flushed again.

She would never forget such a shameful shame!

Must be returned ten times!

"Well, why is this blood curse wrong..."

Wuxin originally wanted to use her Heavenly Demon's magic power to wash away the blood curse in her demon core. Unexpectedly, this blood was extremely powerful, but instead absorbed all her magic power, the blood curse's shackles were strengthened.

Unintentional: "..."

I'm too hard!

However, Wuxin was not depressed.

As a big demon who has been bullied for many years, she has also exercised an excellent mentality in the repeated defeats.

The mentality is impossible to collapse, and it will never collapse in this life.

Heavenly Demon can't get rid of the blood curse, can you go one step further?

She is already Heavenly Demon now. When she finds the missing part, Cultivation Base will definitely break through. At that time, a blood curse in this area must be caught by hand.

"How are you?"

Hu Yuling was frightened by the unintentional sudden laughter, a little worried about her condition.

Wouldn't it be Heart's Demon when I broke through Realm?

However, she herself is Heart's Demon, where will Heart's Demon come?

"I'm fine, don't worry."

It's just a little bit of a blow, and it's not a big problem.

"I'm starting to feel something."

Unintentionally looked to the west and said.

Their goal is to go all the way north. Wuxin didn't have any sense before, which made her a little disappointed.

As a result, there were no clues at all, she could only make a decision and head north.

She is good at finding things. Although she hasn't found any good things for so long, it is also because of the scarcity of materials in the world, and the gods are self-conscious, and it is normal to find them.

But her method of finding things was correct.

Because she has no skill at all, she depends on living a long time to find it.

As long as I have been to enough places, I can always find clues.

And this is the plan to go all the way north.

If there is no induction, that way, I will find a direction first, and maybe I will find it on the road.

Unexpectedly, after breakthrough to Heavenly Demon, she felt the part she had lost.

That is in the West.

"Next, we have to change direction and go all the way to the west."

In this way, the three of Wuxin continued to embark on the journey, experiencing many battles along the way, just to pursue the guidance that Wuxin received.

Their luck is also pretty good. Although there are twists and turns along the way, they have no intention of adhering to the idea of ​​fighting if they can't beat them and running quickly. They really didn't encounter any danger.

The words are divided into two ends, and the truth is worried.

She knew that Lin Yun was in the snow-capped mountains, so she ran to the snow-capped mountains to look for Lin Yun, but they were both gods, gods and demons were not at the same time, Qianqian and Xuenu felt the power that disgusted them in Truth.

Qianqian certainly knew the truth, but he didn't expect to see the truth in such a short time that the truth would have such strength.

She didn't doubt the identity of Truth. Although Truth suddenly had a god-level power which made her unbelievable, it was not completely impossible to accept it.

However, her power attribute is obviously not the right way, but like a demon. It does not rule out that she is looking for Lin Yun because of love and hatred, perhaps just to avenge him.

Unlike Hua Fairy and others, Qianqian gave truth a chance to speak.

"You said that you have important things to look for Lin Yun, then this important thing, I think we should also be able to know, you say it, I will tell you where Lin Yun has gone."

Qianqian wanted to empty the glove white wolf completely. He asked what was going on first, and when he got it, he would consider whether to lie to the truth according to the situation.

Fudge the truth, a piece of cake.

"There will be a battle between humans and demons. I will help you fight the demons, but no one believes me, only Lin Yun, he will definitely believe me."


Your magic is actually going to fight against the demons?

So you turned out to be a ghost?

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