This night, many people from the Central Plains and the grasslands had the same dream.

In the dream, a woman who couldn't see her image whispered in their ears: "The Four Divinities barrier has been broken, and the demons are coming soon. Do you want to fight or surrender?"

In Ziyun Mountain, Zhao Lingyu woke up suddenly, looked around her bedroom on Ziyun Mountain, and hurriedly called out: "Li Gongfu!"

"The minister is here."

Li Gongfeng came out from the shadow of the corner pillar.

As the princess who followed her to worship when she was down, Li Zongfeng also got what she deserved. Now, although she has no official position, she is the closest and most trusted person to Zhao Lingyu.

Let her guard the palace at night, enough to show Zhao Lingyu's trust in her.

But Li Gongfeng was panicked.

She is a ghost!

Who would have thought that Zhao Lingyu, who was the most inexperienced back then, could get so much support and become the empress?

On Cultivation Base, on the background, on the scheming, Zhao Lingyu has nothing to support her success.

However, she just became it.

Li Gongfeng is very regretful now.

Because she is still being held by a certain prince.

The other party didn't ask her to do anything special immediately. After all, even if Zhao Lingyu was killed, the ownership of the emperor would not be so easy to fall further.

But that person has recently lost his wit, and even thought of letting Zhao Lingyu choose her husband to extend the emperor's heir, and Li Zhuofeng's task is to help the person he arranged to win.

This is really terrible.

Moreover, as Zhao Lingyu's personal worship, she still doesn't know how Zhao Lingyu became an emperor?

Of course, her own luck is very important, and it has been recognized by Jiuzhou Ding, but more important is her relationship with Lin Yun. With this, she has the support of two important figures, Lin Yu and Fang Yu.

If Zhao Lingyu finds another man to steal the throne, can Lin Yu and Fang Yu recognize it?

But if you don't do it, the other party won't let it go.

Li Zhufeng felt bitter, but in short, he regretted it very much.

Fortunately, Li Zongfeng didn't need to take the lead in the charge, he only needed to induce Zhao Lingyu at an appropriate time.

Tonight Zhao Lingyu suddenly woke up in his dream, and Li Gongfeng felt that his own opportunity had arrived.

Just need to tell Zhao Lingyu that if someone is with him, there will be no fear in the middle of the night. If you want to come, Zhao Lingyu, who has been lonely for a long time, should consider the opinions put forward by the ministers.

With a plan in mind, Li Zhufeng said calmly: "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

She thought that Zhao Lingyu was having a nightmare, but she didn't know that Zhao Lingyu was dreaming of a goddess.

"It's a disaster."

Zhao Lingyu said with a serious face.

Li Zhufeng's head tilted, he heard Zhao Lingyu's order: "Summon six Sect Leaders and each Zhiming Elder to come to Ziyun Mountain to meet within one day, and also transmit it to Lin Elder and Fang Elder for me."

Zhao Lingyu hurriedly picked up a pen to write down a few lines and handed them over to Li Zhuofeng.

Li Gongfeng was stunned on the spot.

What's the matter?

Li Zhufeng asked the weak and weak: "Your Majesty, what has happened to be so exciting?"

Although the six sects surrendered, they were not willing. The princes of Da Zhou also surrendered, but Zhao Lingyu has not yet attacked them. They still secretly hooked up with some Sects, although it was taken now that Lin Yu and Fang Yu are powerful, They still thought of resisting.

If it is not necessary, Zhao Lingyu should not issue such an order.

Listening to Li Zhufeng's inquiry, Zhao Lingyu hesitated for a few seconds before opening the mouth and said: "I want to choose a husband."

Li Zhuongfeng: "..."

Without my blowing air, Zhao Lingyu suddenly wanted to open it?

Don't care about Lin Yun?


"The minister is going to send a message."

Li Gongfeng hurriedly retreated.

At the speed of the talisman transmission, the news was received in each case before the fate.

The time given by Zhao Lingyu was one day, but it only took half a day, and all the cases arrived.

Not only the Sect Leader and Elder who met the requirements arrived, except for the Taiqing Dojo and the Bayin Temple, the other Sects all brought a handsome and handsome man.

The Bayin Temple does not bring it because they are monks and cannot get married, and Taiqing Daochang...

Zhenren thinks he is handsome.

Zhao Lingyu sneered in her heart, and sure enough, there was a ghost in her bedroom.

Otherwise, why these Sects bring handsome men over.

Isn't it just thinking about being selected by her and stealing the throne?

Zhao Lingyu didn't say anything, she was sitting on the main seat, unpredictable, unable to see her emotions.

At this time, Zhao Lingyu already had the majesty of a female emperor.

"All the princes, I call you to wait today, there is only one thing to say."

Everyone looked up one after another. Most of them had planted people in Ziyun Mountain. It was very simple to find out some news.

This is also because Zhao Lingyu has not stepped down as the Sect Leader of the own Shenxiaozong, and the imperial city before the Great Zhou Dynasty is almost abolished. Before Zhao Lingyu proclaimed the emperor, he announced that he would still regard the old capital as the capital, but he disliked it and did not live in it. In the past, Ziyun Mountain was temporarily used as a residence, and no residence was built elsewhere.

The reason is that in recent years, there is a series of battles, and in order to rest with the people, they have not started construction.

The people praised the sage of the empress, this is Zhao Lingyu's routine, not only can stand firm in Ziyun Mountain, but also get a good reputation.

However, there are pros and cons. Ziyun Mountain does not have the security of the imperial palace, and it is easy to get out of the inside.

These are all expected, but it doesn't matter.

Zhao Lingyu glanced at the dissidents with some playfulness, and said: "Last night, I had a dream entrusted by the gods. The enchantment in the north has been opened. The demons are about to make a comeback. The gathering of the Qing family is to discuss a countermeasure."

Hearing these words, everyone's faces hurt.

We finally made peace for a few days, come again? And once it was such a major event, can it stop!

Fang Yu and Lin Yu looked at each other, and Lin Yucai stepped forward and said, "Speaking of the Demon Race, we also met a Demon Race in Yunmengze before. She is so powerful that she fits me, Fairy, and Bai Jiaojiao. She is beyond the ordinary and can be called a god."

Lin Yu's words are more powerful than Zhao Lingyu's words.

At present, Lin Yu is recognized as the number one powerhouse in the Central Plains. Bai Jiaojiao's reputation is not obvious, but the senior management also knows that there is such a dragon.

As for how Flower Fairy got together with Lin Yu again...

It's best not to pay attention to this kind of detail, because Lin Yu is the best in the world.

Lin Yu was still entangled with Lin Yun, a traitor from the Central Plains, and no one dared to pursue it.

The most important thing now is the demons.

Lin Yu believed that her strength surpassed the ordinary, that is to say, she was still above the heaven-defying realm, and she was a true god-level powerhouse.

This is still a demons.

That's it!

For a while, people who came to Ziyun Mountain with a special purpose also lost the idea of ​​blind date with Zhao Lingyu.

The catastrophe is imminent, and what kind of blind date is there.

When it comes to fighting, imperial power is just a shit.

"Lin Elder, do you have a countermeasure?"

Ji Ye quickly asked Lin Yu, and the other Sect people also looked at Lin Yu.

Only Jiang Chenyu stood silently and fished.

In the past, Guanghan Palace was the leader in the right way. Although Yuxuan was the number one in the world, the Taiqing Taoist was indisputable in the world, and everyone pointed to the rhythm of Guanghan Palace.

Now, Lin Yu has attracted all eyes, but Jiang Chenyu finds that he is very calm.

Maybe this is the Buddhist mentality!

"Nothing can shake my heartstrings, I only have one wish, practice!"

With the Shuiyue Lingzhu, she has quietly cultivated to the fourth round.

Although it has not yet broken through to the heaven-defying realm, this Cultivation Base is no weaker than the heaven-defying realm.

Hmph, good apprentice, wait, I will avenge my last revenge!

Jiang Chenyu was still thinking about finding a flower Fairy to avenge her last time on the boat. Lin Yu over there also gave her answer.

"If one of us can break through the limits of Realm, maybe we can overcome it. If we can't, then no matter how many of us, we won't be her opponent."

Lin Yu is smart, but he doesn't bother to lie.

It doesn't make sense to fool these people.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

"I have a plan, would you like to hear it?"

When the crowd was making noise in front of the hall, Zhao Lingyu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

She is the empress. When she said this, Sect Elder who was present didn't know, it was the empress who was condemning them.

Everyone was quiet, but no one apologized to Zhao Lingyu.

This is also impossible. Zhao Lingyu's Cultivation Base is low. Even if he becomes the Empress, it is impossible for these people with higher Cultivation Base to surrender heartily.

Zhao Lingyu was not annoyed. When everyone was quiet, she went on to say: "With the power of my Central Plains, it is absolutely difficult to resist the legends of the Demon Race and the Four Kings. Everyone is of the same root and family.

Today, the demons are in trouble, and we should put aside the fighting and fend off foreign enemies together. "

Zhao Lingyu's remarks are correct, but Zhenren also has a different view.

"We in the Central Plains take care of the overall situation, but the Yuan family does not mention that the grasslands are mostly reckless men, and the demons are mostly beasts. How can we be united?"

Zhenren spoke out the hidden worries in most people's minds, but Zhao Lingyu confidently said: "I have already had a countermeasure for this, and that is marriage."


Here Yu and Lin Yu were stunned, Zhao Lingyu really grew up, made such a big decision, and didn't ventilate them.

Although they also hope that Zhao Lingyu will grow up, is this too fast...

Both of them have mixed feelings, and the others are more concerned and close to each other.

"Dare to ask how your Majesty intends to get married?"

Thinking of the news revealed by Zhao Lingyu's bedroom, the Sect Leaders also had some speculations.

Sure enough, Zhao Lingyu said frankly: "Since we want to make the grassland feel at ease, the status of this family member should not be too low. I happen to have reached the age when we should get married, and the family member, let me give it away."


Everyone looked at each other. Although Zhao Lingyu was right, he had never seen an emperor personally and relative.

Oh, there was no empress before.

The biggest confidant of the Central Plains is actually the grassland, but Xue Nu is a woman. How to make a marriage? Another choice is Yuan Zidan, but Yuan Zidan has been arrested, and there is no need for marriage.

In the end, only the demon clan is left, but the newly promoted demon king, Fairy, is also a female...

For a while, the brains of the people in the lobby were buzzing. Firstly, the female emperor made a relationship with herself, which was unheard of. Secondly, it was not sure which family to marry with.

Wait, if the empress gets married, who will be the emperor?

If the man joins the family, it should be called a marriage?

The detail blame has already begun to feel uncomfortable, and Lin Yu looked at Zhao Lingyu and felt a little sad. This child has grown up, but she is still so young, and she has to bear so much pressure. It is not easy.

At this moment, Jinren suddenly asked: "Who is your Majesty going to marry?"

"God of the grassland, Lin Yun."

Lin Yu: "..."

Why did I feel sorry for you just now?

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