I have to admit that Qianqian has been moved by the truth.

For others, if someone says to seal their own divine power to ensure their safety, Qianqian will definitely backhand a big mouth.

I sealed my divine power to protect your safety, what about mine?

Since you are now jealous of me because of my strength, after sealing me, will you simply solve the troubles once and for all?

This is not impossible.

Whether it is humans or gods, this kind of treachery is done a lot.

Therefore, since ancient times, no promises are trustworthy, and only own power can be relied on.

Of course, Qianqian said that it would protect the safety of truth, and it was not deceiving people. At least, she really thought so. After all, the relationship between Lin Yun and truth was also very unusual. Based on this, she couldn't rashly kill the truth.

Unless there is no alternative.

And the seal proposal she put forward was purely trying to find a reason to do it.

She didn't think the truth would be caught in a hand.

Unexpectedly, the truth really gave up resistance.

What a simple girl this is!

Qianqian had already begun to believe that this truth should be the truth that Lin Yun was thinking about.

"The sealing process will be a little uncomfortable, so bear with it."

Qianqian said with concern, and Truth also nodded.

The seal officially begins.

Only Qianqian used the seal, the Snow Girl was in charge of protecting the law, and Yu Jiaolong reduced the sense of own existence as much as possible.

This is also considered to be her luck, Xue Nu and Qianqian's attention is on the truth, and truth does not notice her.

The current truth is still not too proficient in mastering the power of the gods, there is no distraction and multi-purpose use, and there is no check to see if there is a malicious person lurking around her.

Although he was kept under Yun Mengze for a while, and watched a lot of Lin Yun's live broadcasts, the truth is still as simple as before.

Qianqian penetrated golden lights into the body of truth. At different positions, the golden lines on the body of truth were linked together to form a whole, which also became a closed loop.

This is the God Locking Curse, and its distance is to isolate the truth from the resonance of heaven and earth. Therefore, no matter whether the truth is divine power or magic power, it cannot be exerted.

She can only be regarded as a relatively powerful mortal now, and she has a little ability to protect herself.

The golden light converged, Qianqian also breathed a sigh of relief.

Truth really didn't resist at all, and even cooperated with her to shrink her magic power and help her complete the seal.

Otherwise, she would have to work harder.

Despite this, she has only 30% of her power left, and it will take at least half a month for her to recover from Closed Door Training.

This was the first time Qianqian had consumed so much, and hadn't consumed it so badly before fighting with people in Netherworld.

If the truth resists, she and the snow girl will join hands, and probably will not be able to seal the truth.

It can be seen that the truth is indeed terrible, her growth rate is too fast, much faster than the growth rate of the Black Tortoise descendant Snow Girl, and what is even more outrageous is that the truth has not practiced much before.

"Should she be the reincarnation of a stronger and older being than Black Tortoise?"

Qianqian murmured in his heart, and then immediately denied it.

The Four Divinities are already the oldest and most powerful existence, and there are more ancient than them?

That's too hard to imagine.

"Okay, now that the seal has been completed, Lin Yun may not be able to come back after a while, so you can stay in the temple and practice!"

Qianqian said tiredly, Truth smiled slightly, and when she heard the news that Lin Yun might be back, she was also relieved, that is, at this moment, Yu Jiaolong, who had been dormant for a long time, finally shot.

She knew that she could only play a sword.

But one sword is enough.

This was a sword that Taibai bestowed on her, which was equivalent to a sword that Taibai personally came to fight. It was powerful, and it should be more than enough to kill a truth.

This is also her best opportunity. The Snow Girl is negligent on defense, the truth has been sealed, and Qianqian lacks divine power.

No one regarded her as a threat, and no one defended her. The magical arts that Taibai bestowed were activated with great power and speed.

Otherwise, with Yujiaolong's strength, he would be interrupted when he was found out as soon as he gained momentum.

Taibai also took this into consideration and bestowed the fastest and strongest magic arts.

A sharp white Sword Ray shot out from Yujiaolong’s divine sword in an instant. When Xue Nu and Qianqian reacted, Sword Ray had already passed the truth through their chests, blood splashed, and the Taibai divine power that participated in it was left in the truth’s body. , Meridians who destroy truth no matter what.

"what are you doing!"

Qianqian suddenly became furious and slapped out the golden armour that Yujiaolong had beaten to pieces, revealing the true content inside.

Yu Jiaolong was also dying by this blow, and Qianqian was still angry.

It was her promise to protect the truth, and the truth did not resist at all. She cooperated with her to complete the seal. Unexpectedly, Yu Jiaolong had put such a heavy hand on the seal, and it also contained Taibai divine power.

She might die if she was attacked like this, let alone the sealed truth.

Qianqian could see the endless Sword Qi wreaking havoc in Truth. Truth paled with pain, and Xue Nu looked at Yu Jiaolong in astonishment.

She didn't expect Lin Yu to play such a despicable operation. In Xue Nu's eyes, although Lin Yu owed a bit of a beating, she was still quite upright.

However, how could she let Qianqian kill Lin Yu, even if Lin Yu was wrong first.

Qianqian didn't know, the Snow Girl still had a good name, and Lin Yu's position in Lin Yun's heart was no worse than her.

If Qianqian killed Lin Yu, Lin Yun might turn against them.

Even if they don't become enemies, I'm afraid they will die of old age and stay away from each other.


Lin Yu's sneak attack on Truth was too much.


Faced with this complicated situation, Xue Nu felt that her own high IQ was not enough.

Yu Jiaolong couldn't answer Qianqian's question at all, and she was beaten so badly, but Yu Jiaolong didn't regret it.

How could she not know that she would have no way to survive once she shot, but she still did it, so why not die in order to complete her majesty's mission!

Xue Nu saw that she was really not good enough, so she took out Snow Lotus to feed her.

I'll talk about it later, it's important to save your life first.

On the other hand, Qianqian was also consuming the remaining divine power to help really understand Feng.

She doesn't know how useful this is, but compared with the sealed state, there is always a little more chance of surviving.

No one noticed that on the ground where the blood of truth was splashed, a puddle of white snow stained red was rapidly expanding, and rapidly infiltrating into the ground. Not only that, this red area is getting bigger and bigger, from a small beach to a river, the sea...

As time passed slowly, Qianqian and Xue Nu were still healing the two of them separately, and the red snow water had completely penetrated in the ground where they were not paying attention.

The blood-red water seems to be spiritual, spreading crazily in the direction of the magic earth...

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