The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 802 Azure Dragon Corner

"Old man?!"

When Zidian heard this word, his whole body trembled.

The only person who can be called an old friend by the Demon Ancestor can only be a strong man of the Demon Ancestor's contemporaries.

Now the Devil Ancestor has suddenly returned, and the Devil Emperor is also showing signs of returning, and now, there is another unknown strong...

Times are about to change!

Zidian didn't dare to ask the deceased's identity again, but bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, ancestors for answering questions."

After a pause, Zidian said again: "Not long ago, Youlan Demon Venerable proposed to summon all the Demon Earth powerhouses in the Demon Capital, and use the evocation mantra to help your Majesty King return. I feel that they are not at ease, but they can't see this method. What is the problem."

Zidian held back this matter and did not report it to Lin Yun, because Lin Yun said that no matter what happens, just let the flow go, and you will get the destined result.

So despite being curious, Zidian didn't bother Lin Yun.

However, all came today, so it's okay to ask by the way.

When Lin Yun heard this, he immediately thought about it.

The four Demon Lords are not in harmony, this is his opportunity.

The strength of the Demon Race is much stronger than that of the Human Race, but they are not monolithic inside. Now that Zidian trusts him so much, he can use this to provoke internal fighting.

Originally, the four demon lords did not fit together, but only one fuse was missing.

As long as the fire is lit, the powerful demons will inevitably fall apart.

Originally, the Demon Clan was not a centralized system, but a sub-feudal system. The Twelve Legions occupied various important places in the Demon Land, and the Legions were subordinate to the Demon Lord, and the Demon Lord surrendered to the Demon Emperor.

Now that the Devil Emperor is asleep, it is a miracle that the four demon lords can still work with the dynasty, but it is very simple to break their balance.

Lin Yun thought about it for a moment, and then had a plan in his mind.

"A cunning fox can only use tricky tricks, and it is destined to do nothing, but the emperor and king need to go through the trial of real fire before they can wash away the lead blooms."

As he said, Lin Yun's eyes when looking at Zidian suddenly became a lot more gentle, like an elder who raised Junior, and said: "This is your opportunity and your catastrophe. What should you do? Realize it yourself, I believe You can make the right choice."

Zidian met Lin Yun's caring and trusting gaze, and her heart thumped and thumped wildly. It was also at this moment that she felt all her blood burn.

Zidian firmly said: "I won't let my ancestors down."

Lin Yun: "..."

High-end liars only need the simplest words.

Look, just say something plausible, she will realize it herself.

At this moment, Zidian and Lin Yun were not the only conspirators. In another secret place, a witch wearing a red gauze was enchantingly wrapped around the waist of a stout man.

Behind him, there was a white-haired man standing.

After a warm-up exercise started, the secret meeting was officially started.

"Qingshuang, what the hell is Zidian doing lately?"

The white-haired man shook his head and said, "Zidian said nothing."

"Even you kept it secret, did she start to doubt you?"

"Probably not, she thought I had admiration for her, how could she doubt me!"

The white-haired man is one of the Four Great Demon Venerable Qingshuang Demon Venerable, the Red Silk Witch, named Chi Lian, and the strong figure with double horns on his head is the Blue Demon Venerable.

Zidian didn't know that three of the four great demon lords had already got together.

They have common ambitions and have a good lubricant.

Gods and demons are different. Gods are pure-hearted and have little desires, and generally do not produce desires much. Unlike demons, their desires and emotions will be more intense and passionate.

Even at the level of Demon Sovereign, at the peak of demon power, they still have strong desires, but they can control their own desires.

It's just that they don't want to restrain some desires.

A long, long time ago, the Four Great Demon Lords split into two camps. Zidian thought it was 2v2, but the actual situation was 1v3.

If it were not for fear that Zidian still had a big killer in his hand, the Three Demons of Chi Lian would not be so cautious and devour the forces of Zidian.

"The plan is about to be implemented. There can be no mistakes at this point."

Chilian Mozun had a snake-like face, and she squinted her eyes, making Qingshuang feel a little dangerous.

"Don't worry, I'll figure out Zidian's hole cards."

Qingshuang made a guarantee, Chi Lian took out a long box.

"Don't be so troublesome, use this to kill Zidian."

"what is this?"

Seeing that simple box, Qingshuang Mozun felt flustered inexplicably, as if there was a terrible enemy hidden inside.

Chilian Demon Venerable said so confidently, obviously, this is an item that can threaten Demon Venerable.

If you can kill Zidian today, will she kill me tomorrow?

Qingshuang suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

Among the Four Great Demon Lords, his strength is considered the weakest.

"This is the Azure Dragon corner."

"Azure Dragon corner?!"

Qingshuang Mozun also knows the origin of this Azure Dragon corner.

During the battle between gods and demons, Azure Dragon used its own horn to kill the Supreme Demon Lord. The Supreme Demon Lord is the strongest Demon Lord in the Demon Earth. Its strength is approaching the Demon Emperor. Above the devil.

But in the final moment of the decisive battle, he met the strongest Azure Dragon.

The Azure Dragon horn contains extremely powerful divine power, which constantly swallows and purifies the magic power of the Supreme Demon Venerable. This horn hurts the magic core, and the strongest Supreme Demon Venerable has fallen.

However, Azure Dragon also paid a tragic price. The horn of the Demon Lord was cut off by the Demon Emperor holding the Heavenly Demon sword.

Facing the devil emperor, Azure Dragon had no chance of winning, but she did not run away. Instead, she performed the forbidden spell of dying together, and stabbed the devil emperor with another dragon horn.

The injuries that the Devil Emperor has not recovered so far are caused by Azure Dragon.

At that time, the Demon Emperor also beheaded Azure Dragon's head, Azure Dragon died, only the Dragon Soul escaped.

After the death of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Vermillion Bird attacked the Devil Emperor in a desperate manner. In the end, both White Tiger and Vermillion Bird were beheaded by the Devil. Only Black Tortoise was alive, carrying the body remains of the other three holy beasts with difficulty. , The true spirits that protected them returned to the world, and then laid the Four Divinities barrier at the cost of complete Death.

At that time, the Devil Emperor was also seriously injured and had to stop the invasion.

If it hadn't been for Azure Dragon, the diagonal to hurt the enemy first, and the sacrifice of the true spirits of the four sacred beasts, the world would already be the world of the demons.

When the Demon Emperor returned to the Demon City, he sealed the Azure Dragon's double horns in the treasure house. The Azure Dragon double horns had the supreme divine power that could not disperse. They were the most suitable weapon for killing demons.

Qingshuang just didn't expect that this trophy treasured by the Devil Emperor could actually be used by Chi Lian.

It seemed that the Devil Emperor's palace had also been eaten by Chilian and Youlan.

"Well, with this baby, it should be okay to attack Zidian, right?"

"Relax, Zidian is dead tonight!"

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