The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 810 Diary of the Devil Emperor

The crystal coffin was easily pushed open by Wuxin, and the people inside were so similar to Wuxin, it was difficult for people not to doubt their relationship.

Lin Yun didn't see the statue and still thought so. Hu Yuling and Wuxin who had seen the statue were basically determined that Wuxin was the princess of the demons.

As for Xiaoqing...

She has been hugging Lin Yun ever since she saw Lin Yun, like a large pendant.

She is very quiet and not very present.

Lin Yun didn't think too much, only when she was away from herself for too long and missed herself too much, she let her hold it, and it didn't affect his actions anyway.

The coffin was opened, and of course the next step was to touch the corpse. But Lin Yun did not forget what the Purple Electric Demon Sovereign had said.

The Devil Emperor just fell asleep.

Since it was a deep sleep, there was a possibility of being awakened. Lin Yun looked at the girl in the coffin and suddenly thought of the story of the sleeping beauty.

This... Will she wake up if I kiss her?

"What are you thinking, I warn you, don't mess around!"

Unintentionally watched Lin Yun staring at the woman in the coffin so seriously, focusing on staring at her lips, just looking at something bad.

Lin Yun's image in her heart has always been like this, lecherous and bold!

Lying in the coffin may be his own mother, but Lin Yun must not be defiled!

Lin Yun was so wary of Wuxin and couldn't make it through Face, so he secretly wrote down the account in his heart.

The gentleman takes revenge, from morning till night, wait for me. If you don’t believe me, you can’t punish you as a slave girl!

With this in mind, Lin Yun acted righteously and said: "Don't think about it, am I that kind of person?"

"You are!"

Tsundere snorted unintentionally, not giving Lin Yun a face at all.

Obviously, she has never been beaten.

If this is not a place to stay for a long time, Lin Yun would have to let her know what it is like to be beaten by a whip.

He snorted, instead of quarreling with Wuxin, he lowered his head to look for something in the crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin has an unobstructed view, and inside lies a large Wuxin, a beauty.

Apart from the clothes and accessories on his body, there is nothing special.

But Lin Yun's eyes were too sharp, and in the gap of black hair, Lin Yun saw what was lying under the woman's head.

He started to lift the woman's head up a little, took out the thing on her pillow, and then put her down.

This wave of operations really feels like a tomb robbery.

Lin Yun was actually panicked, worried that the woman who was suspected of being the Devil Emperor would suddenly wake up. This is far more terrifying than zongzi.

Fortunately, there were no twists and turns in the whole process. She was no different from death. She had no breathing or heartbeat, but her body was still warm.

What she was resting under her head was not a pillow, but a roll of leather. She didn't know what it was. In short, this thing was by no means simple, and Lin Yun felt a strong force from it.

Xiaoqing, who had been holding Lin Yun all the time, had other reactions after Lin Yun got the leather scroll. She wrote about the corner of Lin Yun's clothes and looked at him eagerly, clearly that she wanted it.

"Hey, I'll give it to you when I see it."

Lin Yun touched Xiaoqing's head to comfort him, but Wuxin widened his eyes and looked at Lin Yun viciously.

You steal things from my house in front of me, and you decide to give it to others!

So angry!

However, she can't do anything with Lin Yun...

In that case...

Unintentionally, he tugged at the corner of Lin Yun's clothes, and his big watery eyes blinked and looked pitiful, so that Lin Yun couldn't bear to make her sad.

Damn it, how can she learn to be cute too!

I have to admit that Tsundere's unintentional sudden cuteness is far more lethal than Xiaoqing, who always likes to act cute.

But what the man said could not fail to be fulfilled, Lin Yun had no choice but to appease: "I will give you the things I find later."

Hu Yuling: "..."

Should I also act as a coquettish?

Hu Yuling did the same, but Wuxin and Xiaoqing are soft and cute, but Hu Yuling is charming and coquettish.

Lin Yun grabbed her by the tail and flicked her: "You also come to add chaos, you should fight."


Hu Yuling let out a pitiful low moan, but Lin Yun clearly saw joy in her eyes.

It's over, Hu Elder is completely hopeless.

Every time Lin Yun saw Hu Yuling like this, he would think of Hu Elder, who was once dignified and upright, and he felt even more exciting when he thought about it.

If it weren't for the tight time now, Lin Yun would have to beat her a few more times.

Slowly unrolling the scroll, Lin Yun saw the few magic texts on the far left.

"Do you know, you come to read."

Lin Yun ordered Wuxin.

"Of course I know, but why should I help you?"

Tsundere has a face full of carelessness, clearly saying: "Please beg me!"

"Hey, help me recite, okay?"

Unintentional: "..."

How could she refuse like this...

"Let me see."

Wuxin said coyly, then looked at the scroll, and translated: "The four sacred beasts are nothing more than that, so I don't want me to take all your skins off!"

The amount of information revealed in this sentence was a bit big, and Lin Yun was also shocked. The Four Sacred Beasts are already the top powerhouses in the world, and they are all defeated by the Devil Emperor?

Then how powerful this Demon Emperor must be!

This sentence made Lin Yun feel that the fog of history has lifted another layer.

Wuxin then translated the following content: "Azure Dragon seems to be something wrong, the wound she left me can't be healed, this is not the power she can have at her level!"

"Four Divinities actually used the enchantment at the cost of being scattered, and Azure Dragon is also dead? I always feel that there is a problem, but I can't tell. Damn it, my great cause has stopped here, and a few generals have been damaged! Humph! , Wait, I will definitely come back! When I break the barrier and rule over the world, no one will be able to rival!"

After Wuxin's sentence was translated, Lin Yun also realized that this is not a diary?

It is nothing more than not writing a specific date.

It seems that there is a heritage of writing a diary unintentionally.

Wuxin also thought of the Own Sage Demon's Handbook. After being taken away by Lin Yun, he gave it to Wang Wanqiu, and died on the spot. Now it may be that his mother’s diary is so exposed, which is equivalent to public execution. Wuxin's mood is also very subtle. .

On the one hand, she feels embarrassed, after all, she is a betrayal for a tiger, harming her own mother.

But on the other hand, having a companion on the way to the death of the society made me feel much better.

Anyway, I have already read the beginning, just keep reading it!

"It doesn't seem like King Landing is good anymore. What is the power that Azure Dragon has left behind! Damn, I want Closed Door Training to take a good rest for a while, and I have to find a way to get rid of this power."

"Oops, I can't get rid of it, should I die?"

"Father, mother, save me!"

Lin Yun seemed to see a lively Tsundere demon writing his diary, a few simple sentences, because of the unintentional translation, appeared vivid.

Unintentional, you have to remember that you are just a translator, not a voice actor!

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