Lin Yun found that it was probably himself who could not figure out the situation.

Can someone at the level of the Devil Emperor admit his father wrong?

"Lin Yiyi, what a nice name."

Lin Yun seems to have forgotten, not long ago he even complained that the name of Yiyi was too common, and his father's name was too watery.

The Devil Emperor Lin Yiyi listened, only smiled sweetly, and put his head on Lin Yun again.

This picture of father's kindness and filial piety made Chilian Mozun and Youlan Mozun look at their scalp numb.

They had heard the rumor that the Devil Emperor was the daughter of the Demon Ancestor, but not all Demon Lords would believe this.

It's like an emperor in the world calling himself the emperor, do you really believe that he is the son of the emperor?

Isn't it all for the convenience of rule?

Chi Lian and You Lan thought so.

There is a Demon Ancestor in the Demon Race. This is recognized. In Demon Land, the story of the Demon Ancestor is widely spread.

In the story, the devil ancestor created the world and created the world.

But the demon ancestor died after he opened the world, the body of the demon ancestor turned into the land under the feet of the demon clan, and every wave of demon qi was a beating of the demon ancestor's heart, and the demon clan was born from the blood of the demon ancestor. ...

This kind of legend is very popular in Demon Earth, but at the level of Demon Sovereign, I don't believe it anymore, but they haven't broken it down.

This legend can neither be verified nor falsified.

And it is said that the Devil Emperor is the daughter of the Demon Ancestor, which, in the eyes of the Demon Lord, is nothing but a story fabricated by the Demon Emperor in order to maintain his rule.

Even in the square of the Demon Emperor’s Palace, the Demon Emperor also set up two statues, one large and one small, the small one being the Demon Emperor, and the larger one being the Demon Ancestor, which even made the Demon Lords sneer.

Obviously, the Demon Emperor has the power to suppress all the demon lords, but it is so boring to engage in such bells and whistles!

It's just that no Demon Lord has ever dared to deny this statement, no matter what the Devil Emperor thinks, her will is right to be followed.

Not all Demon Lords do not believe this. For example, Zidian, she is a very loyal Demon Race, but this is not only because Demon Emperor is the daughter of Demon Ancestor, but also because many Demon Lords use their own blood. Ascension came up.

And when the Devil Emperor really recognizes a person as his father, this person is still the demon ancestor he has authenticated before.

She persisted for so many years, and finally got results.

She was loyal to the Devil Emperor, and she hoped to go further. Naturally, she didn't have to worry about Lin Yiyi and Lin Yun's meeting. On the contrary, she was even more excited than Lin Yun, and she wished to tell the world right away.

The four demon masters all have their own ideas, but Lin Yun is close to his newly recognized daughter, only Wuxin feels like a clown.

She counted on Lin Yun to protect herself, but Lin Yun was the father of the Devil Emperor.

And she is also part of the Devil Emperor, rounded up, it means that Lin Yun is also her father.

She really couldn't accept this.

"You finally meet again. It's a touching picture."

A cold voice suddenly sounded, Lin Yun's scalp numb for no reason.

He turned around and saw that it was Xiaoqing who said this.

Xiao Qing's face did not change, but her eyes made Lin Yun feel strange to her.

When staring at her, Lin Yun felt like she was staring at another woman.

Young girl?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun seemed to understand the cause of his scalp tingling.

Lin Yiyi also looked at Xiaoqing when he heard the words, and his face changed slightly.

"Azure Dragon, it's you! You are still alive!"

Speaking of Azure Dragon, Lin Yiyi also gritted his teeth.

If it were not for the supernatural power left by Azure Dragon, she would not fall asleep.

She even thought of such a perfect opportunity, but when she was distracted, she was obstructed by the divine power of Azure Dragon. Her deity still fell asleep with it, splitting a ray of divine thought but no memory of the self.

It is equivalent to her being distracted for nothing, and she has also lost a part of her mind.

Having been pitted by Azure Dragon so badly, seeing Azure Dragon again, of course she is very angry.

Especially this guy is still provoking himself, it is tolerable, which is unbearable!

"The sword is coming!"

With Lin Yiyi's call, the crystal coffin where she lay before burst into fiery light, and then the crystal coffin continued to shrink and gradually turned into a crystal-clear sword.

This sword is really cool!

Although Lin Yun's ingenious change also has a change function, it can only change some weapons, how can it be like Lin Yiyi's sword, even the coffin can be changed.

"Back then, I used this sword to slash your four sacred beasts. Now you are the only one left. Where did you have the courage to challenge me?"

Lin Yiyi pointed at Xiao Qing, but Xiao Qing let out a sneer and looked at Lin Yun and said: "You see, your daughter is not very smart. Also, how can you give birth to a smart person with a fool."

This sour tone even made Lin Yun hear a little bit of resentment.

Lin Yiyi could not bear this kind of ridicule, and slashed it with a sharp sword.

Xiaoqing's face didn't change color, and Lin Yiyi couldn't move with a light finger.

"Don't worry, if you count the time, your mother should almost be there. When she arrives, your family will be on the road neatly."

Lin Yun: "..."

Wait a minute, on the road neatly, is she trying to kill me?

The murderous in this sentence is very serious, not like a joke.

Lin Yun's scalp is numb, and Xiaoqing now is obviously not Xiaoqing.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be a transparent person, waiting for an opportunity, but now it seems that he can no longer hide.

Anyway, she is going to send herself on the road, what else is there to be afraid of.

"Should I call you Xiaoqing or Young Girl now?"

Lin Yun didn't make a sound for the last two words, but her lips moved. She could understand if she wanted to.

Xiaoqing was silent, as if she only didn't want to talk to Lin Yun.

"I know you have great magical powers, and what kind of grievances you have. Just come at me and let Xiaoqing go."

Lin Yun looked serious, and he was mentally prepared to deal with the worst.

However, his attitude seemed to irritate the other party.

"If I don't let her go, what will you do? Abandon me? Seal me? Or forget me!"

Lin Yun: "..."

Appeared, this feeling of resentment...

She must be a young girl.

Lin Yun thought of the statue she had thrown at The Netherworld. Sure enough, it was so easy to leave a forbidden god. After losing it for a while, she finally came to the door.

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.

Now that I was entangled with her, this catastrophe can only be dealt with.

"Then you said, how do you want to let Xiaoqing go?"

"It's very simple. When the woman appears, you kill her. Anyway, you came to Demon Land to prevent the Demon Race from invading the world. To protect the Human Race, as long as you kill her, all the problems will be solved. How? "

"Are you stupid, or do you think I'm stupid?"

Lin Yun glanced at Xiaoqing and said calmly: "I cherish Xiaoqing, but I never sacrifice one person for another."

As soon as Lin Yun said this, Xiao Qing's expression was a little distorted.

"Hehe, what a good one will not sacrifice another for one person, then, how about me!"

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