The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 99 The Villain(S) Group—Arrival!

"Fourteen seconds! It's such a pity, it's only three seconds away from the first place of eleven seconds..." the host said regretfully, although today's record of eleven seconds is shocking enough, but eleven seconds If the second record is broken, it will be a real shock!

"Eleven seconds? Deku...will it be Green Valley?" On the field, Hong casually put his left hand on the iceberg, and the iceberg that killed all the robots on the field turned into water vapor with a puff sound quietly dissipated.

"Mr. Hong, you did a great job!" On the stage at the edge of the venue, Iida Zheng shouted excitedly.

"Iida-kun, Hong-kun..." Suddenly, Green Valley's voice sounded behind Iida.

"Huh? Mr. Lugu? Mr. Li Tian? And..." Iida was stunned, watching Lugu leave behind him and the five girls couldn't help showing surprise.

"Why are Iida-kun and Hong-kun here, and they are still together?" Lugu asked curiously.

"My family and I received an invitation letter for the My Island Expo, but we didn't have time at home, so we came here. As for getting together, it was a coincidence that we met on My Island." Iida explained With a sound.

Green Valley and Iida chatted, but Li Tian was rarely distracted.

"Sure enough, the consciousness of the universe is at work, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence." "Four, five, three"" Li Tian looked at Hong and Iida, and his eyes could not help revealing a look of solemnity, "If we say, they are in Nuoda. If the coincidence of the island's encounter is caused by the consciousness of the universe, wouldn't the content of the theatrical version be..."

"How is it possible!" Li Tian secretly laughed in his heart, just because they met his classmates by chance, he suspected that the theatrical version of villain(s) invasion would also happen.

"Haha, this... is simply too possible!" [(2)

According to "Murphy's Law", the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

"It looks like you have to be careful tonight!" Li Tian said solemnly.

"Then Green Valley, what's going on with you, Mr. Li Tian, ​​classmate Uraraka, classmate Yaoyorozu Wan, classmate Ye Yin, classmate Jiro, and this one?"

"Ah! That's right!" Green Valley quickly pointed to Melissa and introduced, "This is Melissa, the daughter of a scientist on the island. She invited me and Li Tian to come to my island to play. .

"Hi! I'm Melissa!" Melissa greeted with a smile.

"This is Ida Ida, a classmate of Mr. Midoriya in Xiongying. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Ida's serious self-introduction made Melissa a little embarrassed.

"Student Uraraka, we are..." Before Green Valley finished speaking, Uraraka on the side smiled and said.

"We met by chance when we were playing on the island. It's an invitation from Baibai!"

"I see!" Iida nodded knowingly. He has been a classmate for a semester, and Iida has also learned about Yaoyorozu Wan's family.

"Green Valley..." Hong on the field also came over at this time, looked at Green Valley calmly and said, "That deku on the field is you, Green Valley!"

"Hmm...ah! It's me!" Lu Gu was stunned for a moment, and then nodded generously in response. This is not something to be ashamed of, isn't it.

"Sure enough it's you!" Sure enough, he said so, "Sure enough, I still need to hone, and I have to become stronger faster. Sooner or later, one day, I will surpass your Green Valley!"

"And you..." Hong turned his eyes and looked at Li Tian, ​​who was wandering in the sky, "I will find a way to defeat you sooner or later!"

"Ah?" Li Tian blinked, looking at the fighting spirit full of Hong, with an unaccustomed expression on his face.

Not to mention Li Tian, ​​Lugu Iida and the other girls on the side are all very awkward at this time, and they are not used to it. After a semester, except for one or two grades during the sports festival, other times they can be loud. They are all extremely cold.

Maybe...the pot that developed the ability of the left half of the body?

After the hot blood passed, Hong's right half of his body began to exert strength, and he easily suppressed the scalding heat. Hong's expression immediately calmed down, and his expression of coldness returned.

Seeing the recovery of Hong, everyone undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Team A of the heroic special team that carried out the special operation of My Island has grown a little bit, and has already called up all the members of Class A here in the inner city of My Island Expo.

And something that worries Li Tian!

The protagonist team has arrived, isn't it the turn of the villain(s) team to appear?

A corner of my island that no one pays attention to.

A group of purple-black smoke appeared out of thin air, and slowly rotated to form a pitch-black door.

Afterwards, more than a dozen heavily armed figures walked out of Kurogiri one after another.

Finally, the group of purple-black mist turned into a figure.

League of Villains, Kurogiri!

"This is my island!" villain(s) Carl looked at the exit of the alley not far away, his face could not help showing a touch of excitement, "There has never been a villain(s) who can step into my island, since From today onwards, it will be our Silver Fox's Medal of Merit!"

"It doesn't matter what is there or what is not. From here on, we will separate and go our separate ways!" Kurogiri said in a deep voice to the ten men in front of Kurogiri with ugly steel.

"Go ahead!" Carl said with a casual smile, looking at Kurogiri and the man.

"Open the portal, let's go!" The man in the steel mask also ordered to Kurogiri with a chuckle.

"Yes, Master Corey!" Kurogiri responded, and the purple-black weapon portal opened.

The villain(s) called Corey stepped into Kurogiri, and the black mist dissipated out of thin air.

"My lord, is it really okay to let them go like this? The retreat after we completed the mission... Some of the remaining villain(s) who were heavily armed could not help but send back.

"No problem." Carl grinned, and didn't care about the problems of his team members. It was even more strange not to ask about matters related to his wealth and life.

"After we finish the mission and get the things, our submarines and helicopters will be on standby around my island, and there will be ships to pick us up in the far sea. By then, you will all be our silver fox heroes ( es)!" Carl joked with a grin.

"Haha, we are also Hero(es)!"

"It's the abominable Hero(es)!"

“I still want to be villain(s)!”

A group of people laughed happily, not caring about the surrounding environment.

If you look carefully, you can find that the surroundings of their group of more than a dozen people have long been surrounded by an imperceptible layer of ripples in the air.

Not only the sound, but even the video, if no one accidentally breaks into this area, it will not be discovered from the outside.

This is... the quality of a professional villain(s)!

"Hey, it's time for you to start working!" Carl suddenly turned around and looked at Bahong, the only one in the group.

It was a middle-aged man who was not armed at all and looked a little scruffy, unlike other villain(s).

"Of course!" The sloppy middle-aged man didn't pay attention to Carl's words, took out a laptop from behind him, opened it, casually connected to the data of the surrounding My Island, and...

With a single finger, the sloppy middle-aged man directly launched Quirks...

Data that cannot be seen by the naked eye invaded the computer from the finger of the sloppy middle-aged man, and then used the computer as a springboard to spread across the island.

"Three hours!" The sloppy middle-aged man estimated in his heart and said, "In about three hours [I can replace the entire defense system of my island!"

"Three hours? Can't it go any faster?" Carl frowned and said in a deep voice.

"I can't hurry up. This is my island. It's not easy to invade. If you hurry up, you will be discovered easily, unless..." the sloppy middle-aged man shook his head and said softly.

"Unless what?" Carl asked in a deep voice.

"Unless you can send me to the control room of the central station in charge of the security defense system, if it is there, I can control the security defense system of my island in three seconds." The sloppy middle-aged man chuckled lightly.

"The control room in the central tower!" Carl's face froze.

There is no doubt that there will definitely be the most heavily defended place on my island, how could he send people there quietly.

Of course, if he hadn't been so anxious to let Kurogiri leave just now, it wouldn't be so.


"Three hours is three hours. It's half past five now, and three hours later it will be half past eight. It's just convenient to organize and arrange our retreat." Carl coughed lightly and said seriously.

The sloppy middle-aged man chuckled suddenly, and then explained, "Also, you still need to send me to the control room at the first moment of action, or find someone to seal the control room, otherwise you only need me There are people who know a little about computers on the island, and they can easily reinstall the system to crack my control.

"It's so troublesome!" Carl frowned, looking at the sloppy middle-aged man with disgust in his eyes.

"It's my island after all... The defense system is naturally the world's top level!" The slovenly middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders, not caring about Carl's disgust, and said casually

"I see." Even if Carl is disgusted, but 3.9 is among them, except for this sloppy middle-aged man, few of them know computers, let alone invade the security defense system of my island, but this is the most critical part of the

"Marvin, Ian, when the operation starts, you two take him to the Lao Tzu's room." Carl directed to the two people in the team.

"Yes!" The two looked at each other, and agreed simply.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Kurogiri and villain(s) Corey left.

"Start action at half past eight?" Cory murmured listening to the voice in the earphones.

Obviously, the suspicious silver fox never thought that they were being monitored by the two people who had left.

On the side, Kurogiri stood respectfully, the handwriting of the monitor obviously came from him quickly.

This is the newly awakened problem of Kurogiri after the annunciator was pulled out from his body last time. As long as you pass through his portal, you have to be careful if there are two small things left on your body.

"That's right, it's said that there was an exhibition at that time, and with that group of people attracting Hero(es)'s attention, our operation must go much smoother!" Corey couldn't help showing a ferocious smile on his face. , "It's just a pity that now is not the time to attract governments from all over the world, and we can't wantonly destroy it!".

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