The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 103 The Flash Attacks!

"The villain(s) have captured the central station and controlled the security system. Now everyone on the island is their hostage. The professional Hero(es) and the police are also under strict surveillance and cannot do anything... .”

With an ugly face, Jiro said the information she had summarized from the gossip she had captured in the banquet hall, which made everyone present look ugly.

"It's not that different from the original book, that is... before we solve the security problem, we can't solve all those guys." Li Tian thought about it, and looked up at the ceiling~ above.

"Everyone, this situation should be handled by the professional Hero(es). After all, it is illegal for us who do not have a Hero(es) license to use Quirks to fight villain(s) without permission!" Iida said. - Frowning and said in a deep voice.

For Iida who values ​​the rules the most, this is the first reaction at this time.

"I also agree with Iida-san. After all, we are all just students. The affairs here are not something that our students can interfere with at all!" Yaoyorozu Wan also said.

"We also agree that we should go out immediately to find rescuers. We are now on the third floor, so we can escape easily." Putao also raised her hand and said.

"No, the defense system of the central station of my island is very high, even if it is almost the same as the Tartarus where criminals are held, it doesn't matter in the fire escape here. Once you want to escape from the central tower, it is very easy. It will be discovered by the villain(s)." Melissa said.

"I also agree with Melissa's words." Li Tian said suddenly.

"Student Li Tian..." The faces of the people next to him changed slightly.

As the strongest among them, Li Tian's words carry a lot of weight.

"Everyone, don't forget that the other party has already controlled the security system, that is to say, those original guard robots are now and all turned into time bombs one by one. The police station and the professional Hero(es) outside have probably also been targeted. Be on the lookout, and now the entire island is hostage by the other party, and the dozens or hundreds of professional Hero(es) in the banquet hall can't do anything, who do you think we can invite to help when we go out!"

Li Tian explained it all, but it caused everyone present to fall into silence.

It's okay if no one reminded them before, but now that Li Tian has said it, they naturally understand their current situation.

"However, even so many professional hero(es) can't do anything, not to mention, we are still far from professional hero(es), what can we do!" Kaminari looked dejected, he just went out Taking a peek, in the hall, the dozens of professional Hero(es) in the past are all well-known existences.

And they... are nothing more than nameless heroic students.

"My goal is to become a Hero(es)! If I just do nothing like this, I can't do it..." Hong said bluntly.

Watching the discussion of a group of students, Li Tian on the side watched it with gusto.

To be honest, if the incident here is not 'Li Tian' but 'Savita', then it would be too simple, rushing up, within ten seconds, Li Tian will be able to kill those villains above (s) It is not impossible to kill most or even all of them.

"I'm going to save people." Lu Gu lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "I can't do it at a time like this, I can't do it, I've already thought about it, we can think of a way, neither need to fight with the villain(s) , and a way to save everyone!"

"But..." Iida frowned, wanting to say something else.

"Okay...don't worry about such small things. This is not neon, but my island. There is no law prohibiting the use of Quirks here. As for fighting...even ordinary people, when facing villain (s) can also defend properly, isn't it, as children, we were accidentally scared and used Quirks to counterattack, what's the big deal!" Li Tian spread his hands and said.

Hearing Li Tian's words, everyone reacted, but at the same time they looked at Li Tian in astonishment, completely unable to imagine that Li Tian would say such a thing.

"Student Li Tian, ​​you are changing the concept secretly!" Iida frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice.

"I'm correcting your solidified thinking... Don't always focus on professional Hero(es), what we want to be is Hero(es), not professional Hero(es)!" Li Tian's face His smile gradually disappeared, and his face was full of calm.

This is his true inner thoughts.

Although after professionalization and regularization, Hero(es) is very popular and prosperous in this world.


Hero(es), is not just a profession.

Rather, it is the Hero(es) who has achieved great deeds and is admirable!

Just like now, just because the so-called law does not allow the use of Quirks to hurt people, they don’t think of ways to save people... This kind of behavior, no matter how much it conforms to the law, it is definitely not what Hero(es) did .

Of course, Li Tian understands that his classmates don't really mean that, it's just that they don't think they have the ability to solve this incident, so they put their hopes on the more powerful professional Hero(es)!

This is human nature, not something shameful or unforgivable!

Even if it is Li Tian, ​​if he does not have a strong speed force to back him up, but is just an ordinary person with no strength to restrain a chicken, he will definitely not stand up to be a hero(es), but wait for rescue .

"Everyone stop arguing."

"Speak up if you have something to say."

"Aren't we discussing how to deal with this incident?"

The tit-for-tat scene made Ye Yin and Uraraka on the side to persuade them.

Li Tian's sleeve was also tugged by Ye Yin, motioning him not to make any noise.

"Everyone, I have a way... I can save everyone without fighting." Suddenly, Melissa stood up and said.


As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Melissa.

"The reason why the current situation is so severe, in the final analysis, is not that villain(s) is so powerful, but that villain(s) has manipulated the security defense system of my island, making the residents of the entire island become Only hostages will make Hero(es) use the mouse, so we only need to take the security system back from the villain(s), and all problems can be solved.”


"So that's the case, there is still this trick that can be used!"

"Melissa, you are so smart!"

After listening to Melissa's explanation, everyone's faces suddenly showed excitement.

"But... how do we take back the security system from the villain(s), none of us has that kind of superb computer technology." Iida frowned.

Naturally, there is no need for them to talk about the computer. As for Melissa, it's not that he underestimates Melissa, but that the other party is the kind that can break through the security defense of an advanced island like my island. How could the villain(s) of the system, an eighteen-year-old girl, come back.

"The central control room of my island's security defense system is on the top floor of this building. Since the security defense system has been manipulated by the other party, the identity verification and password lock should be destroyed. In that case, I can manually restart the security defense System, come and ask the other party's manipulation." Melissa said with a serious face.

"Xiao Tou, you have to protect everyone well, you know?" Li Tian said.

"En! Leave it to me!" Ye Yin nodded heavily, his face full of determination.

( Li Tian: We really can't see it! ())

"That, be careful." Li Tian looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

Then put Melissa on her back, activated the speed force, and instantly turned into a phantom and galloped away.

…… Ask for flowers………

According to what Melissa said about the key to the security defense system, everyone also made a decision and made a plan.

The soldiers are divided into two groups.

Along the way, Li Tian, ​​who is the strongest, and Melissa, who is the only one who can restart the security defense system, are the surprise soldiers responsible for going to the top floor and restarting the security system.

And the other way, except for the two, all the people of Xiongying, they are pretending to go to the top floor, but in fact they are the bait to attract the villain(s)'s sight and confuse the villain(s).

With Ye Yin's invisibility, Jiro's keen sense of hearing, Green Valley and Hong's strong protection, Yaoyorozu Wan's all-round support, Uraraka's weightlessness, etc. People with complicated quirks are obviously not afraid of one or two villain(s) hunting down, It can buy a lot of time for Li Tian and the others.

Li Tian himself thinks it's meaningless.

How long will the above battle last?

Central tower, sixth floor, Li Tian carried Melissa on his back and moved forward at a speed that ordinary camera probes could not capture at all.

"Window!" Li Tian looked at an open window, his face couldn't help being happy, he knew that the road above would be closed on the 80th floor. s).

His words, of course, is the choice, the fastest and most convenient shortcut.

And it turns out that, obviously, no matter how advanced the central tower of My Island is, it is impossible for all the windows to be operable and closed. After all, it is not a prison tower that really holds prisoners.

Leaping out of the window, Li Tian quickly ran on the central tower with Melissa on his back.

If someone outside looks at the central tower now, they will be able to see the surface of the central tower in the darkness, with a red phantom entwined with golden lightning flashing away.

After taking a shortcut and walking in a straight line, the height from the sixth floor to the rooftop was only six or seven hundred meters. In less than a second, Li Tian rushed up to the rooftop with Melissa on his back.

On the topmost roof of the central tower, Li Tian stopped in front of the roof and the entrance of the project with Melissa on his back.

"It's here!" Li Tian said.

"..." Melissa looked at the passage in front of her with a dazed expression.

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

After asking three questions about her quality, Melissa finally realized that this is already...where?

Didn't it only take a second? Why did she suddenly appear on the rooftop from the third floor?

"Although I have known about Li Tian and your Quirks for a long time, but..." Melissa looked at Li Tian with complex eyes, and only after experiencing it for herself can she understand that the numbers spit out by her lips become real After the speed, how amazing it is.

She finally understood, because the Shenma Instrument would check out the amount of that terrifying Quirks factor from Li Tian.

Ignoring Melissa's shock, almost every person who was taken for a ride by him for the first time would do it for a short while, and he has long been used to it.

"Get ready, we will appear directly in that control room later!" Li Tian said directly.

After regaining her senses, Melissa did not forget their purpose this time, she also nodded quickly to indicate that she understood.


In the passage, Li Tian, ​​who was carrying Melissa on his back, continued to move forward at a terrifying speed.

However...the scene in front of him made Li Tian stop involuntarily, and quickly found a corner to hide.

Looking at the... black mist with a group of villain(s) chiefs in full armor!

"League of Villains?" Li Tian was astonished. He never expected that he would see Kurogiri after a long absence on my island.

six six six six six

The weather is changing today, and I am helping to pack the cabbage at home during the day, and I will make up for my debts at four o'clock tomorrow!

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