The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 106 'The Flash? Savita? '

"Things were taken away." Kurogiri said weakly, his voice full of embarrassment.

"What?" Corey exclaimed instantly, and looked up at Li Tian over there, and sure enough... Li Tian was handing a box to Dr. David.

"A bastard who has done more than succeed in his affairs!" Corey cursed suddenly.

Of course, he also understands that this is not Kurogiri's fault, not to mention taking a box from Kurogiri's hand, even if he was punched, if it wasn't for Quirks' feedback, he would feel baffled.

"Fortunately, I kept Quirks cautiously." Corey couldn't help but rejoiced in his heart, but in an instant it turned into a burning room.

That information... but must be brought back.

"What can I do, what can I do to get back the data from that guy!" Corey thought of the speed at which he couldn't see and couldn't react at all, his face was instantly filled with haze, and then he looked at the 'Quirks Amplifier' in his hand '.

"Hope, this thing can be a bit more powerful!"

Li Tian handed the box in his hand to Dr. David with an embarrassed expression.

Just now, when he punched that villain(s) in the jaw, he didn't expect that the villain(s)'s Quirks would be able to rebound the attack.

So when punching, he still maintains the speed force mode, but uses the concussion punch that makes the fist hit countless Rikido in an instant to attack. He didn't notice it for a while, but was instantly bounced back by the opponent's Quirks, and all the Rikidos of the shock punch he used bounced back without falling.

Fortunately, at the moment when he was bounced back, Li Tian's super fast reaction in the speed force mode allowed Li Tian's other hand to snatch the box in Kurogiri's hand.

Li Tian knows that compared to any finished product, the information of the 'Quirks Amplifier' contained in this box is the real precious thing.

"The Quirks of villain(s) have strong defense and counterattack capabilities!" Li Tian looked at the villain(s) who was about to put the 'Quirks Amplifier' on his head, Li Tian took a step forward and instantly entered the super speed For force mode.

Time seems to have stood still!


Li Tian appeared in an instant and rushed in front of the villain(s), raised his hand and grabbed it directly. Although the quirks of the villain(s) are not known yet, the 'Quirks Amplifier' is not allowed to be worn by the villain(s) no matter what. Up.

Otherwise, even simple things will become complicated.


When Li Tian's hand was twenty centimeters away from villain(s), he couldn't reach it.

"This is..." Li Tian looked at the ripples in the air that prevented his palm from moving forward, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.


Li Tian looked at the looming semi-circular barrier, and the Quirks of villain(s) was vaguely visible in his heart.

Corey, villain(s), Quirks, rebound barrier, can freely create a 360-degree barrier around the body that can rebound attacks, hard to hurt by swords, unstoppable by guns, it is an indestructible super defense, weak point, the defense on one side of the barrier is invincible, The other side is broken in one battle.

"Just now, has this barrier been put on him all the time?" Li Tian obviously figured out the reason why he was ejected before.

"I don't know how hard this barrier of yours can be..." Li Tian looked at the barrier in front of him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he clenched his fist with his right hand, and swung it out mercilessly.

"Supersonic Punch `"!"


Driven by the terrifying extreme speed, Li Tian's fist is so powerful that it is beyond imagination. Just the blowing wind of the fist can hardly open the eyes of people.

That barrier immediately trembled, and ripples kept appearing in the air.


"It's not broken!" Li Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the barrier in front of him.

His rapid punch, although I can't say it can compare to All Might's full-strength fist, but there is no doubt that it definitely surpasses the 100% punch that Green Valley once swung One.for-All with a broken bone.

Even his current right hand was severely injured by the barrier's rebound force.

"I'll see how many punches you can block!" Li Tian shouted sharply, recovered at super fast speed, and swung out his uninjured right hand again.

"Supersonic Punch!"

"Supersonic Punch!"

"Supersonic Punch!"

Punch after punch, Li Tian waved his fist without stopping.

Almost instantly, Li Tian swung his fists a dozen or so times in succession.

All I could hear was the faint sound of 'click, click, click'.

The barrier in the air...shattered!

The strong punching wind broke through the barrier in an instant, and hit Corey and Kurogiri straight.


Faced with the unseen rapid punching, after the barrier shattered, Corey didn't even have time to react, and was directly knocked out.

"This is the most difficult thing... get rid of you first!" Li Tian held Kurogiri in his hand, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Last time in usj, although he deliberately let them go, the other party had no doubts He pretended to be dizzy and passed the test.

This made Li Tian firmly remember Kurogiri, holding the opponent's neck with his right hand, and mercilessly smashing it towards the ground with all his strength. After five or six times in a row, he disrupted the opponent's body nerves with lightning speed , After making sure that Kurogiri passed out, Li Tian threw the other side aside.

"Next, there's another tricky guy." Li Tian raised his eyes and looked at Corey who was sent flying by him just now.

He didn't expect that the other party was so cautious. Apart from the barrier that blocked him, the other party still kept the barrier on his body, and even the "Quirks enhancement device" was protected inside the barrier.

And this punch is not the concussion punch that Li Tian used to hurt people with the shock last time, but a supersonic punch that is powerful, heavy and fast as lightning.

Even if the opponent's barrier wrapped around his body can bear it, but the opponent was indeed thrown away by Li Tian's punch without a doubt.

"Such turtle-like Quirks are really unfriendly to single-player players like me!" Li Tian shook his hand and complained helplessly, urging the speed force to speed up the recovery of his right hand injury. Sensing the things that can be done after controlling the speed force, turning passive into active.

"So, you can't let him wear something!" Li Tian thought to himself, he could already imagine how thick the tortoise shell would be on the other party's body after wearing that thing.


real world...

Corey took the 'Quirks Amplifier' and wanted to put it on his head. In his opinion, his Quirks restrained Li Tian faintly, just because his speed was too slow to keep up with the rhythm .

And now, the only thing he can enhance is... this 'Quirks Amplifying Device'.

"I hope that your little thing is worthy of our League of Villains' contribution." Corey felt cold, and wanted to wear it on his head injury.

Of course, he didn't forget to set up a defensive barrier in front of him, and included the "Quirks Amplifier" in his hand into the protection of the barrier.


In the blink of an eye, the barrier was broken.

He flew upside down and lay down in the corner of the wall, while Kurogiri fell at Li Tian's feet, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"This is..." Corey realized instantly, it was Li Tian who did it!


He flew to another location.

Then came a new location.

And then again...

"That bastard..." Corey felt like he was being kicked around like an oversized ball, even though he was protected by a close-fitting rebound barrier, it was undoubtedly insulting him.

"Must...must wear this device!" Corey gritted his teeth, feeling ruthless in his heart, completely ignoring the attacks around him, but kept thickening the barrier while continuing to raise his hand to push the Quirks Amplifier to his head.

He controlled the shape of the barrier well, and put his arms on his head for protection. Although Li Tian's attack could knock him into the air, there was no way to deform his barrier to affect Corey's movements.

Time is extremely slow at this moment.

It was just a simple action of bringing the 'Quirks Amplifier' in his hand to his head, but because of Li Tian's non-stop attacks and the need to carefully maintain the shape of the control barrier, it took three to five seconds forcibly just finished.

And during these three to five seconds, Li Tian didn't know how many times he had attacked him.

But it turns out...

"." I won!" Corey's eyes burst into amazing brilliance, "Power, power is constantly coming up!"

Corey looked like he was crazy, feeling the continuous power in his body, feeling the power of Quirks that had never been so clear, it was the power of the barrier.

"I'm...invincible! Haha!" Corey laughed wildly.

"Go to hell! The little thief who can only run away" Corey thought, and the range and strength of the barrier, which had never been reached before, instantly enveloped the entire room, like a huge bubble, enveloping everyone Get up, and then start to shrink, shrinking rapidly.

The golden lightning of Li Tian's incarnation is also naturally within this huge barrier.

Looking at the scene in front of him, anyone can understand Corey's intentions.

This is to trap Li Tian firmly, then shrink the barrier, and finally restrain Li Tian!

"It's finally finished..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Tian didn't have the slightest worry, but heaved a sigh of relief, stopped the speed force mode, and suddenly showed a big smile at Corey, "This round , I won!"

"Haha! Are you dreaming?" Looking at Li Tian who finally appeared, Corey seemed to express a resentment directly in his heart. He had decided that Li Tian could not escape.

As for Li Tian's words, he completely took (Qian Zhao) as a joke, a big joke!

Facing Corey's ridicule, Li Tian didn't care. Instead, he still looked at Corey with a light smile, watching... Corey's smile stiffened and disappeared, watching Corey's barrier dissipate out of thin air

Seeing Corey collapsed with disbelief, he lost consciousness.

"This it fake?" At the moment when he fell down and lost consciousness, Corey even doubted the arrival of the 'Quirks Amplifier' he was wearing on his head.

But in fact...

"It's really troublesome!" Li Tian looked at Corey who fell, with deep disgust in his eyes.

Although the opponent's Quirks were tricky, they were not difficult to break, just like the first layer of barrier, which could be broken with just a dozen or twenty punches, where he needed three to five seconds of continuous attacks.

For Li Tian, ​​the difficulty is not to break the barrier, but how to smoothly close the hand at the moment of breaking the opponent's barrier to ensure that the opponent will not die, otherwise, with this villain(s)'s small body, one punch Going on is definitely a proper and thorough discussion.

"If you change to the identity of 'Savitar', the combat power is fully activated, and the battle can be ended in a second!" Li Tian looked at the fallen villain(s) with a trace of tyranny flashing in his eyes, and in an instant Fleeing, then shook his head with a light smile, Li Tian said helplessly, "Unfortunately, I am Li Tian now, the future Flash!"

If it's Li Tian, ​​then he doesn't want to kill villain(s), live in the police station for a few days and nights, and wait for the outside world to gossip about his affairs for a while and not necessarily come to a conclusion. .

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