"My name is Koshibori Hirao, and although I am not Quirkless, Quirks is just an ordinary [reading] who can directly embody the pictures in his mind on paper, so he has become an ordinary manga artist.

Recently, he was distressed because his new comic was squeezed out by a Hero(es) comic out of interest and was cut in half.

"Or, just try the Hero(es)-themed manga that was not finished last time." A sudden idea appeared in Koshibori Hirao's mind, not to mention, it was different from the previous setting Well, it is different from a blank mind, but this time his mind is full of inspiration.

"The protagonist is set as a Quirkless boy who meets All Might by chance and is admitted to the Hero Academy ..." With such a seemingly random thought, Hirao Koshibori's mind burst out with inspiration, and pictures appeared in his mind one after another.

No one knows that on the Shinkansen, a man who looks like an ordinary office worker seems to be in a daze, but his mind is full of brainstorming and inspiration

One by one, the pictures kept appearing.

"Wow! Seriously—"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in the tram.

It directly disrupted Koshibori Hirao's brainstorming, causing his brows to frown involuntarily, the inspiration in his mind suddenly dissipated, and he could no longer find the feeling of springing up with ideas just now

This made him angry, for a cartoonist, inspiration is everything!

But 18... He is after all an outstanding young manga artist who is tolerant (courageous), nurturing (little), moral (fearful) and moral (things). to the screaming girl.

That girl looks to be twelve or thirteen years old, she should be just a junior high school student, holding a mobile phone with a

"I—" Koshibori Hirao was angrily going forward to argue.

"What news is this? Crazy?"


"How is it possible! A student can be so powerful......"

Around the junior high school girl, passengers of different ages were clamoring with their mobile phones.

..." Koshibori Hirao sat down again, he was not from the heart, but just curious.

With so many people exclaiming at the same time, it must not be a single person's problem. There is always only one truth, and there must be some group incident.

Edo Kawakoshihori Hirago pushed his reflective glasses, and took out his phone confidently.


The moment he turned on the phone, a piece of news popped up forcefully.

"This is... a hacker?" Koshibori Hirao couldn't help being startled.

There has never been such forced entry in normal news, so people with a little brain can easily judge that this is definitely the work of hackers.

"A hacker compulsively popping news on a phone?"

Although he hated this villain(s) method very much, Hirao Koshibori couldn't help but became curious, carefully looked at the pop-up news interface and began to read.

And as he read, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Shocking, the first-year student of Xiongying High School is actually a masked Hero(es), bravely broke into the villain(s) group and rescued thousands of girls!!!"

Xiongying High School Principal's Office Mr.Principal frowned as he looked at the news post that popped up on his phone.

"On June 6th, that is, two months ago, a major event that should have shocked the whole country happened in Osaka. The police teamed up with professional Hero(es) to destroy a large villain(s) group engaged in human trafficking and defeated the villain(s) ) hundreds of people, rescued thousands of abducted women, and repelled the international villain(s) force Silver Fox who came to buy and sell, but... this big event that should have shocked the whole country was handled in a low-key manner, There was almost no disturbance in the country."

"After my investigation, I found that the reason why the police handled this incident in a low-key manner was that the biggest contribution to destroying this large villain(s) group was not from the police and professional Hero(es), but from a borrowed The nameless underground Hero(es), without support, this nameless Hero(es) single-handedly attacked the villain(s) group, fighting against 127 villain(s) alone, after the bloody battle, the villain(s) suffered heavy casualties, and finally Only 16 people survived, but the 1,266 abducted women were arrested without any casualties!"

"This is undoubtedly a Hero(es) event that deserves to be recorded in history, but the police did not have a Hero(es) license, illegally used Quirks to hurt people, and the shots were fierce. The detailed process of this incident (attached, a copy of police top-secret information, five pictures in total), and afterwards, the Hero(es) was wanted as a villain(s) (attached, a copy of Savitar’s arrest warrant ), which can't help but start questioning the management of Quirks...

"Finally, this Hero(es) 'Savita', who is defined as villain(s), is very likely to be a student in the Hero(es) department of Hero(es) in the first grade of Xiongying High School according to the investigation. In order to prevent him from being persecuted, I will not reveal his true identity here."


Mr.Principal let out a deep breath, put down his phone, and said with a solemn face, "All Might, what do you think of this hacker revelation?"

"I, don't believe it!" All Might sat in the office, clenched his fists, his face sank, "I don't believe that young Li Tian would do such a thing! This is definitely a villain(s) conspiracy

"It's true... this matter is very likely to be a plot by villain(s), but... we have to guard against how heavy the blow to Xiongying will be if this matter is true." Mr. Principal said solemnly.

Although this so-called 'news' is from the beginning to the end, it looks like avenging justice for the nameless Hero(es) 'Savita', but between the lines, a professional Hero(es) can see that it is targeted between the lines.

"Principal..." All Might was about to speak with a look of urgency on his face.

Mr.Principal raised his hand to stop All Might, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to believe this kind of thing either. The police have already contacted the hacker Hero(es) to set up a special investigation team to start investigating this news. I believe that it will not be long before the identity of the other party can be investigated clearly. As for now... a villain(s) with such skill will definitely not fabricate a fake news out of thin air to make news. Among them, it must be There's something inside that we don't know about."

"Principal, what do you mean..." All Might couldn't help but startled.

"Right now, student Li Tian is participating in the training camp in the forest, and it is difficult to explain this matter on the phone, so I would like to ask you to go to the remote mountain where the training camp is located to find classmate Li Tian for review activities, and cooperate The police may hold a rumor and clarification event next." Mr.Principal said in a deep voice.

...I see!" After a long silence, All Might saw the serious expression on Mr.Principal's face, and replied in a deep voice.

Although Li Tian's name did not appear in the "news", from the beginning to the end, neither Mr.Principal nor All Might mentioned any other student except Li Tian.

Although he said "in order to prevent being persecuted, the real identity of the other party will not be revealed", but the sentence of "Hero(es)" in the first grade of Hero(es) is almost a naked statement!

With a creak, the door of the principal's office was opened and closed, and All Might walked out, ready to go to the deep mountains to find Li Tian.

But in the principal's office, Mr.Principal picked up the mobile phone, looked at the detailed process of the police's Osaka Bay incident attached to the news, and looked at the fighting methods of "Savitar" described in it. Mr.Principal's His complexion became more and more ugly!

"This fighting style.... haste hero!?"

"Ahahaha, bastard Savitar, no, Zhenxun Li Tian is right, I don't know if you will like this gift from me!" With a frantic look on his face, Soul Soul looked at the computer that kept copying and sending messages News broke 290.

That's right, the operation this time was done by himself with the soul, and it was performed at his home using his own computer, instead of possessing other people to hide behind the scenes.

He has no intention of hiding at all!

"Hey hey, don't you want to be a Hero(es)? Then I will let you be a Hero(es)! Even make Xiongying, let all your classmates become Hero(es)...Unfortunately, everyone shouted Hit Hero(es)! Hahaha——" Yang Tian, ​​who possessed a soul and went crazy, laughed.

He's crazy!

He is really crazy!

After...his Quirks were deactivated, he went completely insane!

Even Li Tian didn't expect that his super speed and force lightning would do such great damage to the possessed soul. Although the possessed soul endured the injury and escaped from my island, he fell into a coma for a day and a night after returning, and the next For several days, the spirit was drowsy, and there was severe pain.

And the night before, after a week's interval, the spirit found out...his Quirks were no longer usable!

He is useless!

Crazy too!

"It's not over yet, Zhenxun Li Tian, ​​you think I will simply ruin your reputation, no, mixed reputation and reputation, how can it be that simple...I will destroy your name, and I will destroy your life too Take it away!" With a maddened look on his face.


There was a loud bang.

"Don't move! Police..."

The sound of breaking the door and shouting from the police came directly from the door.

at the same time...

At the window of the soul-attached soul, a professional Hero(es) figure broke through the window directly, rushing in and going under the soul-attached bridge.

"Cangmu Soul, you are under arrest!" the professional Hero(es) shouted.

But... Even so, Cang Mu's soul, that is, the possessed soul, is still laughing wildly, with a pair of eyes revealing a chilling mad hatred. .

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