The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 121 I Believe In Savitar

"Whoa whoa whoa—__"

A police helicopter soared into the sky, gradually flew away, turned into a small black spot, and slowly disappeared in everyone's eyes.

"Ah! What's going on..."

In the camp, Jiro came out yawning, rubbing her eyes in a daze, her Quirks, the headphone jack made her hearing very sharp, so naturally she woke up the fastest, and as a qualified person, she didn’t need tutoring to sleep Naturally, there is a lot of plenty, and I don't want other people, even if I hear the sound, I don't want to probe under the covers.

"Jiro, go and wake everyone up to gather and wait for the review!" Xiang Tai said while looking at Jiro who walked out.

"Waiting for review?" Jiro looked in the direction of Aizawa Shouta in a daze, then stared sharply, is this the police?

"Why would the police come here?" Jiro's face was full of astonishment, and the dozing god was instantly frightened and disappeared without a trace.

"You'll find out later, wake up all the girls and boys first." Aizawa Shouta frowned and repeated again.

...Yes!" Jiro finally came to his senses, quickly responded, and then quickly ran to the camp.

"Eraser Head, your student, looks very tired, Xiongying's special training is very hard!" On the side, a middle-aged policeman seemed to know Aizawa Shouta, looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly laughed.

"No, it's just that they haven't trained before. Their bodies haven't gotten used to it yet. To be honest, the intensity of the training wasn't too high yesterday!" Aizawa Shouta obviously knew the policeman, and explained with a calm face.

"Don't be too harsh, they are just students..." The middle-aged policeman said with a smile.

"It's because I'm a student that I have to be harsh!" Aizawa Shouta replied.

"You! It still hasn't changed..." The middle-aged policeman smiled and shook his head, not saying anything, and a few other policemen were waiting in front of the camp for the students to start gathering.

In the camp, in the boys’ shop, a few of the more vigilant boys had already been woken up by the sound of the helicopter, but yesterday’s training and last night’s tutoring made them sleepy to death, huddled under the covers. Keep your head down.


"Buzz buzz --

A series of noises reverberated non-stop in the Datong shop.


"what happened

"It's so noisy!"


Under the comfortable quilt, the boys woke up instantly, covered their ears one by one and got up and cursed.

"Ms. Aizawa told everyone to gather quickly at the gate of the camp, don't dawdle, hurry up!" The buzzing noise stopped, and outside the gate, Jiro's stern but slightly snickering voice came to the boys in their ears.


Boys wearing big underpants are standing in the bedroom, everyone is aggrieved, can't they use a normal way to wake people up?

But hearing Jiro's footsteps going away, what else could they do, they looked at each other, even Bakugo was aggrieved and speechless.

However, Jiro's special way of yelling to get up is not without benefits, at least none of the boys who wake up now feel sleepy and want to get under the covers.

Cursing in a low voice, they put on their clothes and rushed towards the gate of the camp.

At the gate of the camp, when the boys arrived, the girls had already come over. Obviously, Jiro was definitely the girl who went to call first, and from the way they chatted, you knew that the way of waking up was not the same.

However, before they asked Jiro Xingshi to question him, they saw four or five policemen standing beside Aizawa Shouta.

Everyone was stunned, with strange expressions on their faces, why would the police come to their training camp in the forest?

A group of boys suddenly silenced and quickly stepped forward to stand with the girls, discussing in a low voice.

It was also at this time that they noticed that Li Tian was not here... Before they thought that Li Tian got up early, or escaped before Jiro made a sound, but... there is no Li Tian here figure.

However, looking at the serious Aizawa Shouta, four people from PUSSYCAT and four or five policemen, everyone who wanted to ask questions swallowed it back.

After a while, footsteps were heard from the number on the side.

Bradkin, the head teacher of Class B, hurried over with 20 students from Class B.

Except for Bradkin, the students of Class B were stunned when they saw Class A and the police gathered here. Obviously, they didn't know what happened.

Class B quickly stood up as a whole team, standing side by side with Class A.

"Officer Nakamura of the police came here because he needed everyone's assistance in investigating some matters. When the police summoned everyone, everyone cooperated to answer questions and then trained as usual." Bradkin stood up and said to the students .

"Teacher, classmate Li Tian is not here..." Among the crowd, Ye Yin suddenly raised his hand and said.

"Li Tian went to cooperate with the police in the investigation!" Aizawa Shouta said lightly.

Hearing what Aizawa Shouta said, everyone below looked at each other in blank dismay. They were taken away for investigation, and only one person was taken away for investigation. What is the situation?

The people who were urged to come here after getting up in the morning obviously didn't have Li Tian's bad habit of glancing at their mobile phones, so none of the people present at the moment knew that it had caused a certain sensation.

But... this kind of thing can't be hidden.

Aizawa Shouta did not intend to explain in detail, but continued to say, "Okay, wait a minute, except for the students called by the police, everyone else will follow PUSSYCAT to yesterday's training ground for training."

After finishing speaking, Aizawa Shouta and Bradkin (biaj) each called three people from their own class and the police to enter the camp, leaving other students in place who couldn't help but want to discuss and even ask PUSSYCAT beside them.

But Mandalay Cat and Tiger directly stopped the crowd and led them to yesterday's training ground.

On the police gunship that flew away from the camp, Li Tian looked curiously at the interior.

Combining his past and present lives, it was also his first time to come into contact with helicopters, let alone police armed helicopters. Unexpectedly, this time he was lucky enough to sit for a while.

"Young Li Tian..." On the side, All Might looked at Li Tian and asked in a deep voice, "Did you offend some villain(s) organization with your recent activities?"

"Offend the villain(s) organization?" Li Tian was startled, and then quickly reacted.

This kind of full-scale mobile phone news push cannot be just the handwriting of one person, even Li Tian couldn't help wondering if he had a soul when he saw it, and he controlled the organization. .

However, after listening to All Might's questioning, Li Tian understood, All Might, this means believing that he is not Savitar'ah!

While Li Tian was moved by this, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, because...

"The only time I offended the villain(s) organization was in my island." Li Tian spread his hands helplessly and said, "The number of times I have fought against villain(s) so far is the League of Villains in usj , and the villain(s) who caught the gangsters at Best Jeanist and my island incident organized Silver Fox and League of Villains."

"League of Villains? Silver Fox?" All Might frowned.

League of Villains, there is no doubt that it is a disciple of his rival AllForOne, and it is also written by the grandson of his master Shimura Nana. After being arrested, Sigang Muhang has gradually taken over the remnants of AllForOne's dark empire that was once defeated by him and has grown stronger.

As for Silver Fox

Because of his existence in the past, Silver Fox's power in Neon was not that great, but in the international arena, it is definitely a villain(s) organization that can be counted. Moreover, after he retired due to injury, this villain(s) organization is also the most The villain(s) organization that wants to get involved in Neon first.

Even now, Neon has begun to grow its power. During this time...the police and professional Hero(es) have fought against this international villain(s) organization.

But what makes All Might frown is that this time's handwriting is not like the actions of the League of Villains and the Silver Fox Organization.

Whether it is the League of Villains or the Silver Fox, although it may be a very dangerous villain(s) organization in terms of combat power, but in terms of technology and influence, whether it is the League of Villains who only took over the dark forces that were crippled by him , or it's just Silver Fox with good international strength, but it's very unlikely that they will have such a skill in Neon.

"Does there still exist such a strong villain(s) organization in China?" All Might took a deep breath, with a look of seriousness on his face.

There used to be a symbol of peace, this mountain was pressing down on it, even a tiger had to lie down, and a dragon had to coil up, but...he was seriously injured and retired, what kind of monster Shendu jumped out!

"It seems that the cultivation of Green Valley youths has to speed up!" All Might made a decision in his heart.

Li Tian at the side apparently didn't expect that he would make All Might think so deeply just by saying something casually,'s not a bad thing, and All Might didn't think in the wrong direction either.

"Don't worry, young man Li Tian, ​​the police will definitely investigate this incident and clear your name!" All Might comforted in a deep voice.

"Yeah!" Li Tian nodded, and said casually, "I believe in the police, and I also believe in (Wei!"

six six six six six

This month, Liuli officially resigned again... Future updates will be done during the day as much as possible, instead of late at night like before! (7).

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