The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 130 Extraordinary Confidence

"It's enough to have these!" Li Tian grinned as he looked at All Might, who was a bit self-blaming.

Of course Li Tian knew why All Might blamed himself. He had to know that he went to My Island because of the invitation of All Might and Melissa.

But Li Tian doesn't think so.

Although it was an invitation from All Might and Melissa to go to my island, it was also what he wanted to go.

As for the attack on the possessed soul, it was his own choice.

The path he chose, the offended villain(s), Li Tian, ​​why should he blame other people.

"The more dangerous you are, the more you have to smile. Isn't this what you taught me, All Might?" Li Tian had a wide smile on his face.

"Young Li Tian..." All Might was taken aback, looking at Li Tian who was still smiling calmly, a look of worry flashed in his eyes, for Li Tian, ​​he, the police, and other teachers of Xiongying were all surprisingly consistent in their views.

The current calmness is only because he has not experienced those things yet, and he must know that what was revealed to Li Tian in the joking words with the soul is definitely not a joke, that kind of scene, even if it is All Might, makes one feel horrified just thinking about it.

And after all, Li Tian is just a fifteen-year-old Shaohui!

All Might looked at Li Tian and felt powerless in his heart.

If he can still fight, he can protect Li Tian from the wind and rain, but now... Li Tian, ​​a fifteen-year-old boy, must bear it alone.

As for the others...including Xiongying's teacher, there is no professional Hero(es) who can stay by Li Tian's side all the time.

After all...they are professional Hero(es), not Li Tian's personal bodyguards.

Therefore, he saved face and applied to the police for a temporary license, allowing Li Tian to use Quirks to fight back or escape.

But...Thinking about it this way, All Might's eyes became more self-blaming.

Seeing the self-blame in All Might's eyes, Li Tian couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, but also very moved.

He himself doesn't care anymore, but All Might is always on his mind... Maybe this is one of the reasons why All Might can become a symbol of peace! Love to meddle in other people's business——

But... this time, for Li Tian, ​​it was really not as dangerous as All Might imagined.

Hearing what the ghost said was scary, but after thinking about it carefully, Li Tian just felt like laughing.

Countless villain(s) organizations are discussing how to deal with him, they are discussing how to give him credit! Walking on the street, countless killers point their guns at him...Stand in front of the group of people and let them scan with machine guns and blink their eyelids One look and Li Tian is not a man.

Bullets don't fly as fast as he can run, there's a fart for that!

As for the Hero(es) activity that villain(s) set up for him, the endless stream of villain(s) is absolutely wishful thinking!

As for the professional Hero(es) who wanted to sneak attack and kill him...then Li Tian dared to go to the police station to ask for a few pennants in the name of helping the general public pick out some scum.

Here and there is an attempt to assassinate Li Tian, ​​this is clearly training him, honing his spirit, all the tribulations that can't hit him, will make Leaving stronger.

And all of this is based on Li Tian's absolute confidence in his own strength.


Li Tian also wouldn't believe that the possessed soul has the ability to make those villain(s) organizations willing to risk all their lives to kill him, just because of a little slander and threat, those vicious villain(s) organizations will be killed How can it be possible to come out, come out and die continuously.

As long as Li Tian can beat up those villain(s) severely, and the hurting opponents dare not come to provoke him, that threat is just a joke.

For example, if the protagonist of this incident is changed from Li Tian to the former All Might, is there any villain(s) organization that dares to stroke All Might's beard because of the threat of some black material, and seek death?

Maybe those villain(s) organizations would rather endure the risk of exposure and go to the prison to secretly destroy the soul-possessed mouth than to provoke All Might.

And Li Tian thinks that his current strength, even if compared to All Might in its heyday, will definitely not be inferior!

"That's right «"." Li Tian suddenly thought of something, and asked, "All Might, if this temporary license is won by villain(s), will the official grant bonuses like professional Hero(es)? Then How many villain(s) came to die on their own initiative, if there is no money, then wouldn't I lose money?"

"...Eh!" All Might stared at Li Tian who looked like he was bewildered by money, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Xiongying, other teachers and police officers were also dumbfounded.

They're still worried about it! Dude, you've already used those villain(s) as cash machines.

"No!" The middle-aged police officer on the side said angrily.

Being able to apply for a temporary license without an assessment is all for the sake of All Might, and the salary for becoming a full-time employee is just a dream!

The police cannot afford the 'crime' of employing child labor Hero(es)!

"Be stingy!" Li Tian curled his lips. Although he already knew that temporary workers have no human rights, when he thought that he might have to hand over dozens or even hundreds of villain(s) to the police for free as a free labor, Li Tian felt uncomfortable. heartache.

"Let's go!" Li Tian curled his lips, activated the Speed ​​Force, and instantly disappeared into everyone's eyes in a flash of golden light.

Looking at the scene in front of them, apart from All Might and Xiongying's teachers who were familiar with Li Tian, ​​the other police officers, whether they were middle-aged police officers or other police officers, were a little stunned.

The middle-aged police officer seemed to suddenly understand why Li Tian didn't take the threat of the possessed soul seriously. Even All Might and Xiongying's teachers didn't worry too much about Li Tian's safety between the lines, they just worried about it. This incident will affect Li Tian's future education.

Middle-aged police officer: Meow! (__)/


The camp of Xiongying High School's forest training camp.

In the forest, Li Tian and... Li Tian met!

There is no need to speak, at such a close distance, Li Tian's Speed ​​Force avatar can already share his timeline directly with Li Tian, ​​appearing in his memory.

"Damn it, it's coming so soon!" Li Tian looked at the memories that emerged in his mind, especially the memory of the life and death line, and felt a little scared in his heart.

It never occurred to him that during the day he heard the threat from the possessed soul, and at night the avatar experienced an assassination.

But the villain(s) did mental calculations that time!

His avatar is not aware of the matter of possessing souls, otherwise, if he knew, it would definitely not be so thrilling.

But this is also a wake-up call to Li Tian... Although his speed force is strong, when he is not using it, he is still a mortal, with a mortal body, let alone a gun, a knife can kill him.

"Be careful, be careful!" After canceling the clone, Li Tian silently remembered the lesson of this clone.

At the same time, Li Tian also had some regrets.

The world of Woying he lives in is a world of supernatural awakening, not a world with a complete cultivation system. Otherwise, with the learning ability of super speed force and super fast training ability, even if it is only the internal strength of a low-level martial arts world, Li Tian can give him thousands of years of skill, and then turn it into a novel of cultivating immortals... Cough cough!


On the barren mountain surrounded by endless mountains and forests, the students of the two classes AB and Hero(es) are all working hard to hone their Quirks.

The so-called exercise of Quirks is to keep using your Quirks to the limit, and then break through the limit!

If they were still thinking about other things in the first two days, then after a few days of torture, uh, tempering, basically none of them had any thoughts about other things, and all they could think about was training Quirks and exercising their bodies.

And the result is quite remarkable.

Li Tian sat cross-legged on the top of the barren hill and silently watched the scene of everyone exercising below. However, compared to his familiar classmates, Li Tian was obviously more interested in the unknown quirks of the students in Class B beside him.

Li Tian watched all the weird quirks with gusto.

For example, like Hong and Yaoyorozuwan, it is recommended to enroll in the bone-pulling soft body, which can soften the things it touches. The softest one can even soften the steel on the ground like water. There is also the whirling element, any part of the body can be It can rotate at high speed like a drill.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a mortal body, then Quirks' destructive power would be quite terrifying.

And the welding quirks, if you want Li Tian to say, what kind of Hero(es) are those quirks, to be a senior welder, a proper senior talent, hard work, earning a million a month is not a dream!!

"Huh? Li Tian?" Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Li Tian.

"Yo, Kaminari, you've recovered (Nonuo's)!" Li Tian turned around and greeted Kaminari with a smile.

"I'm sorry, it's really you. When did you come back?" Kaminari stepped forward and asked excitedly.

When they learned that Li Tian was taken away by the police for investigation, they were shocked, especially the news that Li Tian was Savitar was uploaded on the Internet, which made them almost worried to death.

"It's been a while since I've been back! However, you ran out of battery just now, so I didn't say hello to you..." Li Tian laughed casually, "But Kaminari, your recovery speed from the strong mode is much faster now!"

"Stronger Mode? What do you mean?" Kaminari was at a loss and couldn't understand.

"It's a new one-punch man comic on the market, the strong man in it has a very similar expression to yours!" Li Tian blinked and pretended to be innocent and said.

"Really? Then I'll have to take a good look at it when I get home!"

"Okay, I won't bother you to exercise, I'll go to Mrs. Aizawa first! Bye..." Li Tian waved his hand and left the mountain in a hurry.

And Kaminari walked towards the motor to continue training, but he couldn't help laughing in his head, the strong man in the comics is very similar to him... He looks very excited when he hears it

He, Kaminari Denki, has finally been drawn into the manga and has become synonymous with the great Hero(es)!

Until he came home and saw that book...Salted egg, ah no! "One Punch Man"!.

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