The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 147 Crossing My Great Adventure Ii

In the driver's seat of the van, the middle-aged villain(s) looked at Du me who came back with a look of impatience.

"Why have you been here for so long, I almost thought you were going to run away and become a traitor!" The middle-aged villain(s) looked at Du Wo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and taunted me.

"I almost got out of the car to chase you down and chop you up"

"En!" Du Wo pretended to answer in a gloomy manner, and stopped talking.

And the middle-aged villain(s) frowned, "huh, what does it mean, I don't believe he will do it, or I don't believe he has this strength.

However, before he could take any action, he saw the gloomy expression on Duwo's ​​face, and the hostility that had just arisen in his heart disappeared instantly, turning into a joke.

The middle-aged villain(s) drove the van forward quickly, but he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, full of banter.

Even the rookie Du I pretended to know that the leaders of the villain(s) organization gathered urgently for a big battle to be fought, so he naturally wouldn't be unclear.

And this kind of battle, for these old fritters, they have already summed up a whole set of means to save their lives, but for rookies... Hehe, it is basically close to death.

"I'm afraid this kid is about to be scared out of his wits right now! That kind of face is "four five seven"....When the fight starts later, he might pee his pants." The middle-aged villain(s) slapped me With a sneer in his heart, he made up a slander.


"This guy drives so slowly! Can't he be faster? He's still secretly looking at people, is he a pervert?" Maintaining a gloomy expression on his face, Du my heart is full of flowers, and strange thoughts are bursting out. up.

The black van drove on the road for about 20 minutes, and then came to an industrial park in Tokyo.

It was getting late at night, and there were no factories still working in the industrial park, but... when the van drove to the entrance, the dark factory gate opened with a creak.

And the middle-aged villain(s) drove in without changing his face, without even turning on any lights.

Not long after, the black van stopped in the parking lot in front of an open factory building.

After getting out of the car, I didn't need the road of the middle-aged villain(s), I heard the noise coming from the factory building in front of me, obviously, there are already many people here.

Walking into the factory building, as expected, there were already about a hundred people gathered in the factory building, gathering in groups of three or four, chatting from east to west and north to south.

As for Wataru, he mixed in proficiently, only listening but not talking, silently lowering his sense of existence.

"You said, the boss told us to gather, who is he going to beat?" A villain(s) asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I didn't hear the wind in advance." A villain(s) replied.

"I hope it's not too dangerous! I'm still two days away from the monthly subscription at Dick's Bar!"

"You old pervert, you will die in a woman's belly sooner or later." Someone laughed and cursed.

"Hey, have you heard? I heard that several organizations were wiped out yesterday?" a villain(s) whispered.

"Well, I've heard that too, but... it seems that the Hero(es) is not a professional and the police did it." A villain(s) echoed in a low voice.

"Could it be those meddling dark Hero(es)..."

"I don't know? You said that the boss called us in such a hurry, is it because of this?"

"You mean...that guy is eyeing us?" Some villain(s)'s face suddenly changed.

In a single day yesterday, three villain(s) organizations were wiped out, but the people who did it didn't get any news. If they were targeted, it would be super troublesome.

"Probably not! There are so many villain(s) organizations, how could they target us so coincidentally..."

Someone spoke weakly.

On the side, I was listening to the discussion of a group of villain(s), my face was uncertain, she seemed to be involved in an event that should not be involved.

"It's interesting!" A smile appeared on the corner of Duwo's ​​mouth, and gradually...

The meeting room in the back room of the factory building.

"It's really deceiving." A fierce-looking strong man slammed the table with anger on his face, "We sent people to help them attack Xiongying with good intentions, but the person who detained us didn't say anything, and he didn't call the door." speed."

"League of Villains is over!" On the other side, someone echoed with a gloomy expression.

Most of the other cadres are also like this, some are angry, some are gloomy, some are calm, and... are dejected!

Different from the hearsay of the villain(s) outside, they all know extremely detailed and specific information.

For example, what happened yesterday was the dead handle of the League of Villains, and the three villain(s) organizations that were wiped out were not really wiped out, but...the bosses and cadres were all seriously injured.

Those who surrendered to the League of Villains survived, those who resolutely resisted died!

At the top, that is, the leader of the villain(s) organization also had an extremely gloomy expression at this time.

Surrender and merge into the League of Villains...then their organization is dead in name only, more uncomfortable than killing him.

Sitting at the highest place, he glanced at many of his organization cadres and many subordinates, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The war has begun!"

"Kill him and turn the world upside down!" The brash man at the beginning stood up excitedly and shouted.

"Pfft!" A laugh suddenly came out.

"Who?" At the very beginning, the reckless man glared at the place where the laughter came from just now.

"I'm sorry... because the joke you told was too funny, so I couldn't hold back!" A figure who appeared there at an unknown time came out from a corner of the meeting room.

"It's you!" The leader of the villain(s) stared at the figure who came out, and his expression froze, "Siganmu, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" With a big hand model on his face, Shikuragi tilted his head with no expression on his face, "Didn't you say that? The war has begun!"

"You..." Even if you can't see the expression of Si Gangmu, anyone can hear the joke in Si Ganmu's voice at this time.

"Let's decide! Surrender... or be destroyed by me!" Siganmu spoke again, his voice was calm, without the slightest wave, as if he was asking, do you want to have a meal together.

"Don't bully people too much, you... are not AllForOne!" The leader of the villain(s) slapped the table angrily.

"So that's the case, is that the choice to destroy?" Shiganmu ignored the reaction of the villain(s) leader, and nodded very naturally and said casually...

"He's the only one, let's go together and kill him!" Suddenly one of the cadres shouted in a deep voice.

"Alone?" All the villain(s) cadres present were taken aback for a moment, and then they looked at Shigangmu with a grinning grin.

They still trust the results of their companion's Quirks probe.

"How dare you dare to break into our base camp alone!" The leader of the villain(s) was also startled, and then his face was extremely ferocious.

"Go to hell!" A figure suddenly rushed out from the shadow behind Sigangmu, stabbing directly with the dagger in his hand.

"Really..." Sigangmu stood on the spot, looking at the people in front of him very casually, but...compared to just now, his eyes showed a bit more bloodthirsty destructive desire

Raising his hand casually, the palm of Niugaomu seemed to move instantly, and directly grabbed the face of the sneak attacking villain(s), and then...the villain(s) looked terrified, and wanted to say something, but But it was powerless to resist, turned into fly ash and scattered all over the ground.

"Don't disturb my solicitation speech! If you do this, I'll make me want to kill all of you!" Dead Karaki's extremely bloodthirsty voice sounded.

"Shadow Blade!" The villain(s) who just came to his senses looked at the man who had disappeared into ashes, and his expression changed drastically.

"Damn it! Everyone, be careful not to be caught by his palm. Let's all go up together..." The leader of the villain(s) yelled angrily, then jumped up suddenly, and a green poison appeared on the surface of his body in an instant, turning into a poisonous person. He rushed over immediately.

Behind him, most of the villain(s) followed, and directly launched Quirks, attacking towards the dead handle wood.

And looking at the scene in front of him, the destructive desire in Sigangmu's eyes can no longer be suppressed, not need to be suppressed!

"Help you correct a little bit." Sigangmu's whole body tilted, and he easily dodged the leader's pounce. He spread his hands and rushed towards the many cadres following him.

In an instant, the figure of Sihan 2.7 wood rushed over from the middle of the group of cadres.

"The next thing you are facing is not war but... massacre!"

The voice of the dead handle wood came into the ears of the villain(s) boss.

Accompanied by...the horrified gazes of the villain(s) cadres who charged after him and...the ashes of their bodies!

"Ahhh..." The leader of the villain(s) looked at the scene where a group of his loyal subordinates were turned into flying ashes, his eyes were about to burst, and his killing intent was soaring.

" damn—"

As the leader of the villain(s) roared, the green poison on his body became more and more terrifying. The clothes on his body were melted away almost instantly, and wisps of green poisonous mist floated up, corroding the ceiling. rattle.

With every step, the concrete floor under his feet left an obvious corroded footprint.

And those few people who didn't follow the leader of the villain(s) already looked astonished at this moment.

They all know that... the poison secreted by their leader's Quirks is only fatal to the human body, it has never been heard that it can corrode clothes and corrode the ground!

Could it be...

Some villain(s) looked surprised.

"Chief Quirks, evolved!".

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