The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 149 Summary Of Self Ability

The shattered black ash slipped from the dead handle wood's fingers.

But the smile on Shizuoki's face has disappeared.

With a cold face, Shigaraki looked at the girl in front of him who raised her hand to cover the key parts of her body, and then looked at the thing that he had smashed just now.

"Interesting..." Dead handle wood turned over casually, spilling the fly ash in his hand.

"Yeah! Stay away from people, pervert!" Du Wo screamed while covering his three o'clock.

She saw it clearly just now, if he hadn't been quick-witted and escaped from the back of the body, the one who was turned into flying ash would be her.

"Would you like to mess with me!" Shizuoki looked at Watari and said.

..." Du my face froze, Xiami?

She heard correctly just now, the dangerous pervert in front of her seemed to be trying to recruit her.

Du I just wanted to ask, but I saw the moving fingers of the other party, and an equation appeared in my mind instantly.

Mixing with him = own people = will not be killed! Refuse = villain(s) = will die!

In an instant, Watari made the right decision.

"Boss!" Du Wo shouted with a cowardly face.

"Very good!" A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Sigangmu's mouth, "When I leave, I hope you are already waiting for me at the main entrance."

"Yes!" Du Wo pouted and agreed, with a look of grievance on his face.

And Shigaraki didn't continue to pay attention to me, but turned around and continued to walk towards the stairs on the first floor. It has been delayed for a while. If it is late... I am afraid there will be no one left.

Looking at the backs of Shikuraki and those four people leaving, Toga stuck out my tongue at Shikuraki.

"Damn guy..." Wataru murmured in his heart. She is very sure now that today is definitely her unlucky day, except for that day, she has never been so unlucky.

Turning around, I wandered around the upper floor of this huge factory, looking for clothes I could wear.

As for finding the clothes, of course...wait at the gate of the factory!


Do what you promise to others.

Take pride in my face.

But at the bottom of my heart, it's a little complicated...

"Why? I'm not angry?"

"Shigaraki, why did you suddenly invite that little girl in, and you were merciful..." The doctor's curious mocking question came from the earphones.

"Why!" Sidangmu's footsteps did not change at all, and his heart became strange.

To be honest, if another person appeared in the position just now, he would definitely destroy it without mercy, but...that woman just now...he somehow didn't want to kill her.

just like..

The other party... is like a companion!

With such an idea in his mind, Niigaragi couldn't help but feel weird, but he was sure that he hadn't been affected by any mental quirks.

According to the doctor's conclusion.

After Quirks breaks through the limit and reaches a new level, low-level Quirks, for that level, will be greatly reduced in efficacy, and even many parts will be completely ineffective

just like...

It was the same as the one he saw with the doctor just before.

Li Tian, ​​who half-stepped into another field, used Quirks against the ability to imprison Quirks, and ignored the villain(s)'s predictive Quirks, changing the future in the opponent's eyes.

"The next time... the next time we meet, it will be your death date"!" Shikuraki's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Ah Choo——

In the hotel, Li Tian, ​​who was just about to lie down on the bed, sprayed out.

"Who! Missing me all night without sleeping..." Li Tian rubbed his nose, muttered casually, climbed onto the bed and sat up cross-legged, and took out his small notebook in his hand.

Book in a small book: The opening of super speed..

Li Tian picked up a pen and began to write down the and use!

Speed ​​Force... Suspected Quirks or DC World Speed ​​Force.

Li Tian sat on the bed and began to summarize his current abilities in his notebook.

"Extremely fast and freely controlled speed running is of course needless to say." Li Tian wrote, thinking to himself, "Entering the super speed force mode while running, you can run and think at a speed hundreds of times faster than ordinary people, and to a certain extent It defies gravity and can run quickly on the surface of tall buildings and water."

(The current running speed is Mach 6.21, and the speed of other body movements is estimated to be about 210 times. The speed of thinking and thinking is unknown, and the guess is more than 200 times. In the state of full running, the speed of thinking and reaction far exceeds the increase in running speed)

"Then there is super fast self-healing, recovery, and metabolism." Li Tian thought of the time when he was training in the forest a few days ago.

I ran for a whole day at a stretch, but I didn't feel how tired my body was. It was just that I couldn't bear it mentally, but my body became more and more energetic as I ran, as if my physical strength was unlimited.

And his recovery ability, without mutilating limbs or body tissues, almost 80% of injuries can be recovered at a speed of thousands or even square times of ordinary people.

"Is there a price? It's a hundred times more nutrition and energy consumption than normal people every day." Li Tian thought of his daily painful eating experience before Melissa's high-energy pills appeared.

(Note: The digestion ability of the stomach and the nutrient absorption ability of the body are very powerful. The evidence is that you will not squat in the toilet all day (/7\).)

"Then there is the ability to manipulate the energy (or force field) of the Speed ​​Force that can only be achieved recently." Li Tian looked solemn, "Recently my moves are basically developed by manipulating the Speed ​​Force energy, this ...should be the top priority for future development.

"As for fighting tactics..." Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

At present, his most common use is to attack with the help of inertia punching at super high speed, but currently he can only use the power brought by the speed of Mach 2.23 to attack

Once this speed is exceeded, the arm will suffer injuries that are difficult to heal quickly without affecting the battle.

And Li Tian estimated that if his punching speed exceeds Mach 5, he will cause serious injuries that cannot be recovered by his self-healing ability.

"I really don't know when I will be able to achieve a blow of infinite quality!" Li Tian sighed.


And then there's...

"Speed ​​Force Clone..." Li Tian made a point when writing this.

His avatar ability is actually to create an avatar by directly copying his own timeline with the speed force.

The time of existence has not been measured, and the distance has not been measured, but if the clone is canceled at close range, the timeline will be integrated into the main body, and everything that the clone has experienced will be known. When the clone dies, the main body will be reinvented

However, there was a trace of hesitation on Li Tian's face.

He has always been vigilant about this ability. After all, those separated clones are considered him, but if the separation time is long and he has experienced many things, it is not certain whether it is him or not.

But... this ability involves the ability of time, Li Tian suspects that this is definitely related to the time travel ability that he can't do now.

Shaking his head, Li Tian forgot about it.

The avatar ability does not need to be cultivated, if he wants, he can directly create dozens of avatars now.

"Supernatural speed force lightning... ability!" Li Tian remembered his only current ability of long-distance attack and using supernatural speed force to attack.

This ability is that he is manipulating the lightning produced by the speed force and air friction, but Li Tian vaguely feels that it is different from ordinary electricity. As for the specific difference, he has not checked it, so he is not very clear.

As for the power of this move, it is actually not too strong, but it has a special effect on the human body. Recently, Li Tian often manipulates the weak speed force lightning to invade the human body and destroy the opponent's neuron network.

As for the development of this trick...

Li Tian hesitated a little.

In fact, the development prospect of this trick is very good. Many lightning abilities may be developed based on this ability, but... Li Tian does not intend to develop it.

After all, this ability is only a derivative of the Speed ​​Force, not the Speed ​​Force itself.

Li Tian will not do things that sacrifice the basics for the last.

In fact, Li Tian recently wants to focus on the development of abilities. Apart from the ability to completely control his own molecules at the molecular level to achieve the ability to penetrate walls and the high-vibration particle knife that he has been obsessed with, there are three more.

In other words, last time Li Tian used Savitar's identity to test out on villain(s) the abilities of speed acceleration, speed force absorption, and speed force perception recently learned

The ability to speed up the speed force naturally doesn't need to be said, the various meanings are important, Li Tian himself said that relying on this ability passively becomes the speeder Flash.

As for him now, being able to move other objects or creatures into the speed world of Speed ​​Force after being able to do so.

Just like pulling in creatures or objects that are too large to enter the world of extreme speed, or in other words, to push the other party to reach the speed of a speedster like Li Tian, ​​it needs to consume a huge amount of super speed force that even Li Tian can't bear.

However, recently, Li Tian has seen and managed to independently pull the other party's consciousness and some abilities, such as speaking or vision, into the world of speed force to accelerate and reduce consumption.

As for the ability to link other objects or creatures to absorb the opponent's speed through the speed force, this trick does not yet have practical significance.

After all, Li Tian's absorption speed is too slow.

But if this trick can be strengthened to an extremely fast speed by Li Tian in the future, then the actual combat significance will be much greater.

For example, when fighting, directly absorbing the entire speed of the villain(s), or absorbing the entire speed of the opponent's attack... Even if only part of it is absorbed, the attack power of the villain(s) will be greatly weakened.

Also, if Li Tian encounters an injury that cannot be dealt with by someone, then he simply absorbs the full speed of the opponent, and puts the injury on him in a suspended state, waiting for treatment or auxiliary treatment, which is absolutely very useful significance.

Even, if Li Tian instantly absorbs the speed of molecules or particles and other microcosmic worlds, wouldn't he be able to achieve the so-called absolute zero?

Just thinking about the prospect, Li Tian feels very excited, wishing to develop it immediately, doesn't work!

As for the last speed force perception... This trick was developed by Li Tian only recently.

Its potential cannot be underestimated, and Li Tian has a feeling that this ability is very important for his future.

(Zhao Le's) This is the focus of Li Tian's current efforts.

As for Li Tian's other abilities that he wanted to develop, such as time travel, Li Tian actually felt that he could already do it, but... he was still a little bit short of feeling, so he couldn't travel through time.

There is also the ability to use the super speed force to fly directly. Li Tian also roughly estimated that when Li Tian's speed can reach the escape speed of the earth, he will probably be able to fly naturally.

Li Tian looked at the large page full of papers he had written, and couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and he felt overwhelmed, ah no, this is the testimony of his hard work in the past four months! (v^«


Li Tian turned a new page with a proud face, hesitated for a long time and finally did not record the several taboo moves he sealed into his self-summarized ability list.

"."That's enough, that kind of taboo's better not to continue to develop it!" Li Tian murmured to himself.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a group of super fast lightning appeared directly, turning the paper that recorded his achievements for more than half an hour into flying ashes.

Seeing the disappearing paper, Li Tian collapsed and fell directly on the bed.

"Sleep! I have to get up early tomorrow!"


Taboo Moves: Everything Can Be Disked

(Relying on the super high hand speed endowed by Speed ​​Force and the protection of Speed ​​Force, it can perform ultra-high-speed grinding and polishing on any villain(s) or objects.)

(Note: Holding a piece of sandpaper or similar gauze in the palm of your hand will greatly increase its power. It was banned because it is too cruel to use on low body, but it is a very useful trick in daily life, such as create the Saweitar armor, it is Li Tian who polishes and polishes it by hand. ).

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