The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 164 Tracking! Lair Of Villain(S)

"Already... blended into the professional Hero(es)!"

Li Tian looked at the SLIDINGGO who was leaving with the tall woman on his shoulders, his gaze flickered a little.

The tall slender woman just now was naturally Himiko Toga in disguise.

And the one who hid on the second floor of the shop and took Himiko Toga was the cotton-clothed weirdo who just did it.

There is no doubt that.

That profession, Hero(es)SLIDINGGO, is in the same group as that weirdo in cotton clothes who calls himself a [revolutionary].

"It's just...why did they arrest Himiko Toga?" Li Tian frowned and was puzzled.

Although there are not many descriptions in the original book, Himiko Toga should be a high school student villain(s). Is it possible that before becoming a villain(s), the other party’s family background is amazing and useful?

"Forget it!" Li Tian shook his head.

No matter how much you think out of thin air, it is better to follow up and see for yourself.

"I don't know how big a fish I can catch this time!"

Li Tian's murmurs slowly dissipated on the roof, but Li Tian's figure had already disappeared.

On the road, a bright silver-gray van was driving, and the windows were all pasted with pure black opaque window stickers, so the situation inside was completely invisible from the outside.

in the car.

Sitting there was Hero(es)SLIDINGGO, the last job that appeared when I caught Watanabe just now, as well as the angry student-like man and the figure who was hiding in the crowd and fanning the crowd before.

As for the weird man in cotton clothes, he is not here.

"Himiko Toga..." SLIDINGGO murmured, thinking of what the leader told him when he gave the order, his eyes flashed, "It's been 5 minutes

It can melt the ice! Her life...can't just be thrown away!"

"Yes!" Someone beside him answered.

He stretched out his hands, and put them directly on the big ice block that completely wrapped Himiko Toga 020, afterward, steam visible to the naked eye rose from the direction of the opponent's palm.



The man's hands stroked back and forth on the ice.


As if ice cubes were thrown into a red-hot iron pot, the evaporated water vapor kept coming out, and then it was all sucked back into the body by the man who sprayed water Quirks.

And the ice cubes lying in the middle of the car are also shrinking rapidly.

Tick! Tick~

The water drops made a crisp sound as they fell.

I don't know when the ice has completely melted.

But Himiko Toga, who was in the middle of the ice, still had his eyes closed, lying on the car without any movement.

"This..." The man was slightly taken aback, and looked at $LIDINGGO in a blink of an eye.

"Open your eyes!" SLIDINGGO said lightly.

I still didn't move.

"Five minutes of freezing air is enough to make you unable to regain control of your body until we arrive at the destination, and your slightly expanded chest cavity also shows that you have absorbed a lot of air before we arrived at the destination. Five minutes is not a problem at all, I think, I don't need to wake you up myself!"

Perhaps SLIDINGGO played a role. Watari, who had been lying on the ground with her eyes closed, opened her eyes, and glanced at several people playfully.

"Profession Hero(es) that will cooperate with villain(s)? It have a lot of influence!" Watari grinned stiffly, and said intermittently.

"You are wrong, we are not professional hero(es), they are not villain(s)...we are all revolutionaries fighting for a new future." SLIDINGGO said righteously.

"Hahaha, revolutionaries? Isn't that a (biad) guy worse than villain(s)?" There was a mocking smile on Wataru's stiff face.

"To a certain extent, you are right." SLIDINGGO nodded, not intending to deny it.

"Revolution is a great cause, and it will inevitably touch the fundamental interests of the revolutionaries. It is normal to be regarded as more dangerous than villain(s).


I laughed straight away.

"Sorry, seeing you being so serious, I can't help but want to laugh!"

"it's OK!"

SLIDINGGO and even the other people next to me didn't care about Wataru's provocative behavior.

"You will understand, understand the greatness of the revolution, and be willing to sacrifice your insignificant but destined splendid life for the revolution." SLIDINGGO waited and said.

"You..." The smile on my face disappeared instantly.

...... what do you want to do to me?"

"It's really sharp!" SLIDINGGO looked at Wataru with a look of surprise in his eyes, "Since you can detect it, then tell me in advance, and when you are brought to your destination, you will... know up!"

SLIDINGGO changed the subject and looked at Watanabe with a smile.

"..." Wataru's stiff face froze, and the way he looked at SLIDINGGO changed a bit involuntarily.

This is definitely a guy with an extremely bad character from Quirks!

The van was speeding past on the road, and at a position about four kilometers away, Li Tian was hanging on the other party from a distance with a leisurely look through the super speed force perception.

"What are you muttering about?" Li Tian felt that the people in the car seemed to be chatting and couldn't help muttering. His perception of speed force has not yet reached a very fine level, although he can faintly notice it. Those people are talking.

But... the content of the speech was beyond what he could perceive.


Mud Flower City, the central tower!

"Isn't it here yet? I can't wait to start the interview!" In the meeting room, curiosity looked forward to the opening.

"We'll be there soon, SLIDINGGO has entered Mud Flower City. The person speaking is a long-haired, gloomy man, who is closely related to Youbao, code-named Doubter, and one of the cadres of the Alien Jihad Legion.

"Have you entered the mud flower market yet? I'm looking forward to it!"

The skeptic's words didn't quiet down the curiosity, but excited him, and the look of anticipation on his face was even worse.

Around, Discoluo and several other cadres were very calm. They were all familiar with curiosity, and naturally they had long been used to this little problem of the other party.



In the meeting room, the table in front of Kongcao Hanabata vibrated.

Because of the need to manage information issues on weekdays, and a lot of information needs to be dealt with urgently, Hanabata's cavity is not in the habit of being completely silent.

Pick up the phone, it's a text message.

"Huh?" Huabata Kongcao looked at the news on the text message and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"What's wrong?" On the main seat, Discoro asked in a deep voice after noticing the movement of Hanabata Kongcao, putting down the book in his hand.

On the side, the eyes of several other people also looked at Huabata Kongcao.

"A mouse has come in... I'm afraid it came in after SLIDINGGO!" Huabata Kongcao said in a deep voice.

"Mouse? And still follow SLIDINGGO?"

Several people around were taken aback.

They all know SLIDINGGO. As spies who have entered the professional Hero(es), their strength is definitely not inferior to their cadres, and even stronger than them in some aspects.

"Who are you following?" Discoro asked with a slight frown.

"Boss, do you still remember the high school student that the guy with the soul made us take revenge last time?" Huabata said in a deep voice.

"You mean..."

"Yes, that's him. He followed SLIDINGGO's car to Nihua City!" Huabata Kongqiang's face was a little gloomy, "If the brother who was in charge of Savitar's matter hadn't noticed him by chance last time, I'm afraid..."

Huabata Kongqiang didn't finish what he said, but everyone present knew very well what was he afraid of?

"Since he has thrown himself into the trap, let him stay! Let SLIDINGGO do it! Be careful, don't let that guy have a chance to escape..." Discoro frowned and said in a deep voice.

He has read the detailed information about Li Tian, ​​but he deeply understands how amazing Li Tian's speed is at this time. Once the other party wants to escape, among them, no one among them may be able to stop the other party.

However, even so, he is still full of confidence in winning Li Tian.

Li Tian walked on the streets of Nihua City, not very fast, and followed the moving van from a distance through the supernatural speed force perception.

"Where are they going..." Li Tian frowned slightly.

The other party will enter this city, and even drive towards the center of the town. Obviously, the other party's destination must be here, and even the other party's lair may be here, but...

Li Tian still couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to arrest Himiko Toga? And he was going to arrest Himiko Toga from a long distance with the risk of exposing himself as an undercover agent in Hero(es).

"Huh? Stopped? Someone came down?" Li Tian's eyes showed doubts.

Although the distance is very far, after Li Tian's speed force perception is fully activated, it can cover a huge range of five kilometers, and it is matched with the ultra-high-speed thinking ability endowed by the speed force.

Within a radius of five kilometers, the speeds of all moving objects were clearly reflected in his mind.

Can't hear people talking, but it's easy to feel someone getting out of a car.

Li Tian's face suddenly changed slightly, "He's coming towards me? The speed is not too slow."

"Discovered?" Li Tian understood instantly in his heart, and glanced at the surrounding citizens with a hint of annoyance in his eyes.


Knowing that this might be the stronghold of villain(s), he followed in without pretending.

The look of annoyance was instantly forgotten by Li Tian, ​​and then he reacted.

Although he thinks he is handsome, everyone loves him, and he is unforgettable all his life just by looking at him, but... an ordinary person without uniform was discovered just after he stepped into this city, which can only show that the defense here , the rigor is unimaginable.

Now that he knew he had been discovered, Li Tian no longer hesitated.

With a thought, the speed and force lightning jumped on the body surface.

Li Tian rushed out instantly and disappeared in place. ,

The moment Li Tian left, there were at least five or six people in the surrounding crowd whose faces changed drastically, and they quickly reported it.

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