The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 169 The Imminent Death

"Could it be possible that they can still arrange support three kilometers away?" Savitar laughed at himself, amused by his own thoughts.

"for safety..."


A very small sound.

A series of red laser beams directly passed through various positions of Savitar, and then slowly disappeared, leaving only three or five slanted thumb-sized holes on the ground.

Savitar fell directly to the ground.

"Hindering the road of revolution, this is the end." Discoro looked at Savitar, whose head, heart, and legs were pierced, with a look of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Turning around, Discoro was about to leave.


"It really hurts!" Savitar's low voice came suddenly.

"What?" Discoro suddenly showed astonishment on his face, and turned around to look at Savitar in shock.

not dead?

how can that be?

Savitar, who spoke just now, also stood up again at this time.

There are two gunshots on the head, one gunshot on the heart, and one bullethole on each of the legs. In total, there are five gunshot wounds that are not too obvious but can be seen at a glance.

This kind of injury, except for some Quirks who are not afraid of physical damage, I am afraid that no one can survive.

"Impossible, why didn't you die!" Discoro looked at Savitar who stood up again, his eyes showed a hint of disbelief, and he asked angrily.

"Death... It's really close!" Savitar looked at Discoro with a deep killing intent in his eyes, and his ferocious claws touched the two obvious holes on the helmet, and the killing intent in his eyes was extremely strong.

It was the first time, and it was the first time that he was so close to death. Even when he was sniped last time, the sniper bullet approached him within ten meters, and it was not as dangerous as this time.

A sniper attack at the speed of light... Even if he activates the super speed mode, he will definitely not be able to dodge.


You have to be able to hit it.



"How can he still move?"

In the sniper channel, the curses of five snipers came out.

No matter how calm a sniper is, seeing that the villain(s) who has been shot through has successfully sniped and can still stand up, people will probably want to scold her.

"Could it be...the opponent's Quirks are not afraid of sniping?" The squadron leader of the sniper team couldn't help but wondered at this moment.

"No... sniping will definitely work on him..." The captain's eyes flashed to what he had just seen through his Quirks.

Savita, who was sniped, fell directly to the ground. If it was useless to the opponent, it would be impossible for him to fall to the ground because of his legs being hit.

Moreover, the opponent's Quirks have long been speculated to be accelerated Quirks. Even if there is an error in the guess, it is impossible for the accelerated Quirks to ignore the sniping of the laser gun.

But... If the sniping is effective, they penetrated the opponent's head and heart, why didn't they die?

"Obviously it's already hit... Wait? Hit?" The team suddenly flashed a certain possibility, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Could it didn't hit!"

This idea suddenly appeared in the captain's mind, and then he remembered the appearance of Savitar who had been sniped under the steel armor, and his eyes immediately showed a hint of clarity.

Just when he was excitedly preparing to tell others his guess, an alarm from the satellite monitoring team suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The sniper AB team evacuates as soon as possible, the target B is rushing towards you quickly, please evacuate the AB team as soon as possible!"

"Target B?" The captain was taken aback.

The sniping of target B also failed?

The speed of target B reported by the satellite monitoring team before suddenly appeared in the captain's mind.

Mach 6.72! That is more than two kilometers per second, and the furthest distance from the urban area is about 9 kilometers.

"I can't escape!" The captain gritted his teeth, the expression on his face became ferocious, and he gave up running away, preparing to report his guess.

Even if it is death, the information must be passed on, and the sniping must be rearranged.


Before he could open his mouth, a golden bolt of lightning shot out from afar.

"The third!"

About four kilometers away, Li Tian's face was calm, his right hand shook quickly, and a beam of lightning spears condensed again, projecting towards the figure in his speed force perception.

"the fourth!"

Li Tian spoke softly.

Although Li Tian's speed is very fast, these sniper positions are far apart, and running over one by one is quite a waste of time.

Therefore, Li Tian simply adopted the same ultra-long-range strike as the opponent, as for the control of the long-range throw of the lightning speed force.

Li Tian thought of the few death lasers that attacked Savitar in less than a tenth of a second after being sniped just now, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

If the opponent's first snipe is not Savitar, but him...

No, the opponent was not Savitar who attacked first.

It was the two of them who sniped at the same time.

It's just... the sniper is obviously not a robot. Although the sniper attack is launched at the same time, the laser can be sensed instantly, but different snipers pull the trigger at different speeds.

Although... this gap may not even be a tenth of a second.

But for Li Tian, ​​the 0.1 second of others, that is ten or twenty seconds, is enough for him to dodge those snipers who didn't react and re-aimed.

However, if the slow-firing sniper aimed at him instead of Savitar, then even if he was in the speed mode at that time, he might have been sniped.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in Li Tian's eyes did not hide at all, a lightning spear in his right hand instantly formed "and then shot out.

Death's raving sounded.

"the fifth!"

"It's really close!" Savitar's clone looked at Discoro not far away, and a flash of fear flashed in his heart.

At the beginning, when designing the Savitar armor, in order to better conceal his identity, Li (Biae) actually enlarged the design of the Savitar armor by more than one county.

Therefore, Li Tian, ​​who is more than 1.7 meters tall, has a height of more than 1.9 meters after wearing the Savitar armor. In order not to affect the activities, Li Tian was nearly 20 centimeters tall at that time. The helmet of the tower armor and the high heels under the feet are two places.

In the Savitar armor, Li Tian's real head is actually on the neck and chest, and the heart also needs to be moved down by ten centimeters.

And the other parts of the body are also enlarged, the waist armor is thickened, the arms are below the thick armor of Savitar's armor, and both legs are also inside the thick legs of Savitar's armor.

Therefore, the five shots seemed to be serious injuries, but in fact, the two shots to the head flew past the scalp, and the shot aimed at the heart only hit the shoulder, only the legs were hit accurately, and It's just rubbing bones and breaking through muscles.

Moreover, although the laser gun has strong penetrating power, it does not contain the destructive power of a real bullet.

If he didn't hit the fatal wound, it wasn't a serious injury to Li Tian.


"It really hurts!" Li Tian felt the burning pain from the wounds on his shoulders and legs, and his face became grim.

The moment the laser is pierced through, the nearby meat is also roasted, not burnt.

"Fortunately... I am a clone!" This thought flashed through the mind of Savitar's clone.

Of course, Savitar's luck is not because the main body escaped unharmed, but... As a clone, although his body looks like the same flesh and blood as the main body, it is actually made of speed force.

Even this kind of burnt flesh injury can be recovered quickly.

But if he is the main body... a real body of flesh and blood, then... there will be pain.

All kinds of thoughts are just fleeting to Savitar's avatar who thinks fast. Feeling that his body has recovered quickly, Savitar withdraws from the fast thinking with a thought.

At this time, Discoro still looked at Savitar with disbelief.

"Huh? Empty..."

Discoro's eyes staring at Savitar's head froze suddenly, looking at the hole between the two thumb-sized gun holes on Savitar's head, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

Although his company DETNERAT is a personal goods company on the surface, it has been researching supernatural support equipment for a long time in the dark.

And as the boss, he is not an idiot, and he even personally participated in the research of his own ability-enhancing armor.

And the emptiness in front of him, combined with the scene of being shot in the head by a sniper but not dead just now, it is easy to figure it out.

That ferocious head that looks like the opponent's head is simply an empty helmet, and the opponent's reminder is simply shrunk in the hideous armor that is more than one size bigger!

not only that.

Discoro thought of more at this time.


What the spirit possessed once said, Zhen Xun Li Tian, ​​is Savitar!!!

The difference between Zhenxun Li Tian's body type and Savitar's body type, if... no no if, things have already happened.

Just because of a simple mistake on his part, the scene in front of him appeared.

Looking at the two gleaming thumb-sized bullet holes on the opponent's head, in his opinion, it is not too shameful.

"I... unexpectedly ignored this important information." Discoro's body was trembling because of extreme anger.

The originally huge body size actually swelled up again at this time.

Yotsuhashi Rikiya, code-named RE·Destro, Quirks [Pressure] can continue to build up pressure and turn it into his own strength. At the same time, the more pressure he accumulates, the bigger and stronger his body will become.

"Activate the supercharged armor!"

Discoro's deep, angry voice sounded.


There was a loud bang.

Under the tower that had been dismantled into ruins, a huge metal ball soared into the sky, scattered in mid-air and turned into pieces.

And Discoro's huge body, which became black because of launching Quirks, suddenly jumped up, and the scattered metal parts flew to various parts of Discoro's body in an orderly manner.

Piece together!


The huge metal armored man hit the ground heavily.

"Supercharged Armor - Load Amplification Steel Compression Mechanism Activated!"

"Supercharge one hundred and fifty percent!!".

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