The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 183 Li Tianvs Million·中


Passing by Million once again, Li Tian's expression became a little speechless.

Although it is said that every time you cross with Million, you will experience a refreshing competition of wisdom and speed, but after hundreds of competitions, there is no real collision once.

Even Li Tian was faintly speechless and impatient.

Seriously, Million is really amazingly strong.

Although Li Tian is currently only using the rapid mode - ten times the speed!

But you must know that when he was disguised as Savitar, Li Tian easily slaughtered hundreds of vicious villain(s) in a few minutes at this speed, and rescued thousands of hostages without any damage.

Therefore, the ten times faster speed mode is definitely not weak, and even with the reaction speed of Li Tian's super speed force mode, it can definitely be called very strong.

Unless you encounter a villain(s) with a bad compatibility, this strength alone is enough to stand at the forefront of Neon's professional Hero(es) world.

"Million, definitely can't be called my opponent with bad temperament, and he can even be said to be a very suitable opponent, but..." Li Tian looked at Million, who was just a phantom in the distance, and the eyes flickered—— ——This opponent is just too difficult!

"This is the person who has almost honed his physical instincts to penetrate this kind of super tricky Quirks!" Li Tian sighed in his heart, but he launched an offensive towards Million without hesitation, forcing him to launch Quirks again.

At this time, compared to Li Tian who was just a little impatient, Million's heart was undoubtedly much more nervous.

His oxygen... is running low.

Because when launching Quirks, his lungs, mouth and nose cannot breathe and provide oxygen to the body, but in the battle with Li Tian, ​​facing Li Tian's continuous offensive, his entity recovered the opportunity to breathe heavily It is very small, even close to zero.

Because sometimes, Li Tian is even willing to give up some of his exposed fatal flaws and not attack, but also forcibly forces him to launch Quirks to dodge, unable to breathe air.

And Li Tian's speed, coupled with the speed perception can accurately grasp the position of his recovery entity, even if Million wants to stay away, he can't do it.

"This Junior Flash is not only amazingly fast, but he has definitely had a lot of actual combat experience, and his will is even more unwavering. No matter what happens in the middle of the plan set at the beginning, he is meticulously carrying out it. Get down!" Million leaped out of the ground, looked at Li Tian who had charged towards him in mid-air, quickly recovered his body and took a big breath.

Quickly provide precious oxygen to every piece of flesh and blood in the whole body, and then quickly launch Quirks to blur again.

At this time, Li Tian is already very close to Million, if Million is slow, then Li Tian will definitely attack Million.

Looking at Million sinking into the ground again, Li Tian's face didn't fluctuate much, but he thought secretly, "Sure enough, ten times speed can hold him back, but it's hard to catch~"!"

Although, Li Tian only needs to speed up a little bit, which is enough to completely crush Million in terms of speed, and even easily win the victory.


This is not what Li Tian wanted. He was tired of all kinds of instant kills, so he wanted to try fighting Million.

If he wins at full speed, then what is the point of his coming here.

According to the plan, continue to play and enjoy the fun of the competition a little bit, this is what Li Tian thinks now, after all... His speed continues to improve like this, and he may never experience this kind of fun again.

Although... he still hasn't felt the joy of competition yet?

Li Tian stood there in a daze, thinking wildly. Of course, the perception of speed force enveloped the whole audience, even covering part of the underground, so he wasn't worried about Million's surprise attack at all.


Li Tian can feel that he is not far away from winning, or in other words, Million is not far away from "desperate"!

"If you don't fight any longer, you will run out of energy later!" Wrapped in endless weightlessness, feeling the signals from every inch of his body, Million had a decision in his heart.

"I still need to be faster...predict faster, and act faster!" Million's eyes were extremely calm, and with a thought, Million instantly released his penetrating Quirks, and his whole body was directly surrounded by his surroundings The earth catapulted out.

As soon as it emerged from the ground, Million quickly launched his Quirks.

At that moment, he saw, or rather unexpectedly, Li Tian... was very close to him.

Li Tian can predict or observe his position when he does not activate Quirks, this is the information he has noticed at the very beginning of the battle.

After estimating that his body had almost been ejected from the ground, Million quickly turned his head from virtual to real, and quickly determined Li Tian's position through the recovered sight, and then launched another attack before Li Tian's attack came. Quirks.


There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Li Tian's arm passed over Million's phantom head, without causing any waves.

At this time, Million's fist was already approaching Li Tian's big waist.

"Here, you can't be hit..." Li Tian muttered, twisted his feet, dodged directly, and quickly grabbed Million's fist with his right hand.

But at this time, Million's head once again changed from reality to reality. After watching Li Tian's posture, he released it and then retracted it. Quirks was activated in an instant, and his fists were blurred together. Even Li Tian, ​​who was at ten times the speed, had no time to react or It's too late to attack.

And Million's next blow came again, with a movement of his right leg, he aimed at Li Tian's left calf when he was dodging, and kicked it hard.

Kicks... Who's afraid of whom!

As a professional runner, Li Tian is very confident about his legs Rikido and the hardness of his bones, not to mention...his whole body is surrounded by speed force lightning.

Just one blow is enough to make Million lose its combat power in an instant.

Although...he didn't think it was a blow.

Sure enough, this whip kick disappeared directly after the moment it was just kicked, sweeping towards Li Tian.


With a dash, Li Tian went directly to meet him, passed the whip leg ahead of time, and holding the lightning in his right hand, he grabbed Million's head without hesitation.

Li Tian looked extremely calmly at Million, whose whole body was in a penetrating state—again and again, do you want to do it again and again?


The truth tells Li Tian, ​​Million, he doesn't want three, but two!

Million's feet are short, and his whole body quickly sinks into the ground...However, Million only sinks a super short distance of less than 1cm, and he directly switches from reality to reality

Bounced out by the ground.

The instant no one could see clearly, Million changed from standing to lying on the ground.

As for Li Tian, ​​she pulled a distance of two meters from Million very abruptly.

"."Just now...didn't hit?" Million looked up at Li Tian in astonishment, his eyes filled with disbelief, "The Flash dodged my second shot


No one knew how shocked Million was at this moment.

When his penetrating Quirks overlap, the decision of who is bounced by whom is not controlled by Million himself. What determines this is the gap in strength and quality.

Million was able to eject Bakugo and Kirishima with one punch, which was enough to stun Rikido. It was because he hit the backs of the two who were unable to exert force. Therefore, at that moment, Million's strength was overwhelming. The greater the power disparity between the two who are unable to exert force, the faster the force and speed of the ejection will be.

And when Million overlaps with an object, the quality determines both sides, and the one with the higher mass bounces off the one with the lower mass. Similarly, the greater the mass difference, the more amazing the ejected Rikido and (good money) speed will be.

Compared with the earth under his feet, Million's mass is almost negligible, so...Million can use the ability to penetrate Quirks, and has a speed close to teleportation. Of course, although Million can't decide who is ejected, but he himself is ejected When shooting, he can roughly control the speed of his own ejection or even stop suddenly.

Otherwise, with the mass gap between him and the earth, if he is really ejected, the speed of ejection can definitely kill Million directly.

But even if Million controlled the speed, the speed of the kick kicked out by Million with the help of the terrifying mass of the earth at the moment just now has definitely reached an incomparably astonishing level.

That speed...Even Million himself...doesn't know exactly how far it has reached. He was only able to control this speed recently, and he can only do it when he can guarantee that it will not cause a fatal blow to Li Tian. Will choose to use it.


The first time his trick came out, it turned out to be fruitless.

When Million was extremely shocked, the shock in Li Tian's heart was also not small.

"Just now...Senior Tong Xing's explosive speed must be at least Mach 4 or higher! Lift!".

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