The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 49: All For One

"Ah! villain(s) attack..."

"There are villain(s), everyone run!"

In the bustling downtown area, panicked shouts suddenly came from a building.

At the same time, with a series of loud noises, countless people rushed out of the building.

And a considerable number of professional Hero(es) also rushed over from the side, rushing into the building and carrying a large number of people to flee quickly.

Flames, smoke, and explosions kept coming from the building, and cries and scolding were everywhere.

A large number of police quickly stepped forward to disperse the crowd and maintain order.

In front of the building, several police cars stopped abruptly, a middle-aged police chief and Endeavor got out of the car, and the middle-aged police chief shouted at the building with a loudspeaker.

"Crazy Bomber, you have been surrounded by professional Hero(es) and the police, come out and surrender as soon as possible."

And as soon as the name of Violent Bomber appeared, the crowd who had stopped to watch the excitement showed panic all of a sudden, and hurriedly turned their heads and ran away.

The area around the building that was visible to the naked eye quickly became empty, except for the police and Hero(es), there were almost no ordinary people left.

Violent Bomber, villain(s), Quirks Bomb, is a fanatical building demolition maniac that can turn objects it touches into powerful bombs. It has appeared four times so far, and each time it will be notified in advance to place a time bomb , to give people time to escape before detonating, so the casualties are not too many each time, but it caused great social panic and a large number of squares, shopping malls, skyscrapers were blown up, affecting a large number of other buildings around, and the economic loss was very serious. serious.

And when the neighborhood has been almost cleaned up, in the corner of one side of the building, a bright black RV parked here quietly without moving.

In a black car.

"Is this the place?"

All Might sat in a car staring at another building next to the blasted building and said in a deep voice.

"Well! According to the tracking of the locator, compared with the other two bases, the number of times the opponent comes here is the least. It will only come once every seven or eight days or even ten days. At that time, it was more than ten days before we first came This is the first time I found out that the other party is here." Tsukauchi Masao said seriously.

"And the head of the household is a doctor who was suspected of conducting illegal Quirks research in the hospital and was dismissed from his home for several years. According to the investigation, there are a total of ten houses on the 16th floor to the 23rd floor, seven floors It is very likely that they were all linked together and turned into laboratories."

"Combined with other evidences investigated this month, it is most likely that AllForOne is hiding here to heal and recuperate." Masao Tsukachi said seriously.

"AllForOne!" Gran Torino said in a deep voice, "Jundian, are you sure this time?"

"Of course..." All Might clenched his fist, his blue pupils filled with determination, "AllForOne, a dangerous villain(s), must not be left to the next generation."

"Is that so?" Gran Torino looked at All Might seriously, "Since this is the case, Jundian, don't make the mistake you made six years ago again, don't listen to anything AllForOne says, don't think about anything AllForOne said, you just need to be right Just let him shake his fist."

"I know." All Might nodded solemnly.

"The evacuation of the surrounding buildings has been completed, and we can start to prepare for the attack." Tsukachi Zhengzheng heard a message from his earphone, and said hastily.

"OK!" All Might looked up at the building in front of him, grinned and showed his big white teeth, and got out of the car

That's right, the reason why All Might and others quietly watched the attack on the villain(s) aside in this car.

That's because the villain(s) attack there was originally arranged by them, and the crazy bomber was secretly arrested by them long ago. Now there are only some fake bombs with smoke, light and loud sound.

And a group of Hero(es) and the police acted together!

After all, unlike those two sparsely populated factory areas and less prosperous streets, this place is close to the city center, so this is the only way to evacuate a large number of people.

Behind All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Gran Torino, and a group of professional Hero(es) who are not young or even semi-retired at a similar age to Gran Torino.

"Let's go!"

In a dim room, a short doctor stood on the operating table and performed various operations on a Nomu.

"It's really noisy outside! The villain(s) who doesn't even dare to kill but just blows up the house is caught by Hero(es) as soon as possible, and he is so good at running away, disturbing my operation..." With a voice He complained twice while cutting Nomu's body with a scalpel.

"It's almost finished! Nomu who can have wisdom..." The doctor looked at Nomu who was covered with incisions on the operating table with enthusiasm.

"As long as this Nomu is completed, with the power of AllForOne, you can easily create a powerful army of villain(s) who are not afraid of death. At that time, there will definitely be more and more people who will become the materials for my Quirks research. I'll definitely figure out what Quirks are!"

The doctor whispered frantically, the scalpel in his hand was cutting and piecing together parts of Nomu's head.

Doctor, Quirks scalpel, any wound made by the condensed scalpel will not affect the body, will not bleed, even if the heart is split open, the head will not die, only need to gently wipe the wound together for a second, It can restore the wound to its original state. (Limited to organisms excluding plants)

"Come on!" With an order.

The Hero(es) from the 16th floor to the 23rd floor, a total of ten households, kicked the door and broke in.

"Don't move."

In front of the operating table, the doctor froze for a moment.

"Raise your hands, turn around, don't speak, don't make unnecessary movements." A cold voice sounded.

The doctor slowly raised his hands with an ugly expression and turned around, not daring to move.

Behind him, a Hero(es) with a pistol aimed at his head.

"He's...a ghost!" The doctor quickly recognized the Hero(es) aiming at him with a pistol in front of him.

Ghosts, stealth class Hero(es), Quirks ghosts, can transform into ghosts (can carry things that do not exceed their own strength and turn them into ghosts together, such as clothes and pistols), after transformation, they have flight through walls, physical attack immunity, etc. It has the same ability as a ghost, but after being transformed into a ghost, it will be hit by energy attacks such as flames, lightning, and lasers.

"It's over." The doctor looked at the ghost in front of him with an ugly face. As far as he knew, the ghost didn't have the ability to attack directly because of its own Quirks, and the tasks it performed were not very bright and dangerous. So there are very few Hero(es) who will make a decisive move against villain(s).

He doesn't have much fighting ability himself, and the Nomu in this room has just been dismantled by him, and it hasn't been assembled yet. Before he could finish speaking, a bullet would penetrate his head decisively.

"I can only wait for AllForOne to save me." The doctor instantly gave up his resistance and wanted to wait for rescue.

"You said no." Tsukachi Zhengzhi's face instantly became ugly.

"Yes, that Yiyi and sixteen Nomu were captured in the ten rooms, but no other villain(s) were found." A loud report came from the earphone.

And the complexions of the Hero(es) in each room of the building also turned ugly instantly.

"Wrong guess!" All Might's face was extremely ugly, and such thoughts appeared in their minds instantly.

"Oops, in order to prevent AllForOne from discovering the attack, the three of us launched the attack at the same time. If AllForone is not on our side! Then.

Hastily took out the unlimited battery and prepared to contact the other two places.

"Nomu Factory! The villain(s) is in Nomu Factory." Ai Jixiut's voice came from the wireless in an instant.

"Oops!" Masayoshi Tsukachi's expression changed instantly.

And All Might, who was waiting for the battle with AllForOne, rushed out in an instant, leaping out from the window on the sixteenth floor.

All Might had already remembered the three action locations this time, so he naturally knew which direction to go.

……ask for flowers…

All Might shouted loudly at the wireless phone in his hand, "Best Jeanist, hold on, I'll be there in two minutes..."

Time went back to a few minutes ago.


Following the fall of Mt. Lady's foot, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and violent shock waves scattered away.

The dilapidated factory turned into ruins directly.

At the moment when the shock wave flew away, hundreds, no, thousands of thin fibers that were invisible to the naked eye quickly pierced into the messy factory, tightly binding several Nomu who were awakened by the loud noise.

The huge palm of Mt. Lady, who turned tens of meters in size, also went deep into the ruins, and quickly grabbed three or four Nomu that escaped the Best Jeanist fiber blockade.

In addition, several professional Hero(es) around also quickly stepped forward and attacked the remaining Nomu.

With the assistance of No.4 Best Jeanist, within a few minutes, the Nomu of the entire factory was captured and suppressed.

"Mobile team, prepare the mobile cage immediately! Maybe there will be..." Best Jeanist said to the heavily armed police on the side.


"Really, can this kind of thing really be considered a living person?" Mt. Lady pinched the doll-like Nomu in her hand with a look of disgust, "Mr. Best Jeanist, it's really good that we are so relaxed here." Do you need to go to Mr. All Might to help, doesn't it mean that the villain(s) over there are very troublesome?"


"Separately consider the difficulty and importance of the work, rookie!" Best Jeanist glanced at Mt. Lady, and said coldly, "Facing the villain(s) who sent Quirks, the villain(s) on our side is Their support, if there is support over there, these guys may escape if they relax for a moment.

"But, it's too easy!" Mt. Lady pouted, and threw the Nomu she was holding into the mobile cage pushed by the police mobile team.

"Such a big action, I thought it would be very difficult, but it ended in such a hasty way. How can I brag at the press conference when I go back? How can I get more money based on the merits of the action!" Mt. Lady complained softly.

"If you want money, it's better to go to the press conference and brag!"

Best Jeanist glanced at Mt. Lady's mouth twitching.

"Are the current Hero(es) so focused on fame, wealth and money?" A voice suddenly rang out.

"But if I don't earn money, my family will almost have no money for food." Mt. Lady complained instinctively.

"No." Best Jeanist reacted instantly, turned around and looked deep into the ruins of the factory, and quickly reminded, "Be alert, there are villain(s)."

"Is there villain(s)?" Hero(es) of other professions also responded quickly, and instantly

Vigilance mentioned the highest.

"Do you earn money to eat? I haven't heard such a simple answer for many years!" The voice sounded again, full of nostalgia, "I remember the first time I used

When I used Quirks, it was also to make money, to eat for my brother and me, I really miss it!"

Facing the footsteps and words of AllForOne in the darkness, Best Jeanist's eyes were fixed, and the sleeves of his arms instantly disintegrated into thousands of slender lines, instantly disintegrating the darkness.

The AllForOne in is wrapped up tightly.


"Shoot directly without any hesitation, judgement, experience, worthy of the No.4 Hero(es)!" In the dark, AllForOne faced the group that tied him up.

The sturdy and slender fibers opened their mouths and praised.

Best Jeanist's face became serious again, he was bound firmly by him but still so indifferent, if he is not a fool, then he really has confidence, but could the villain(s) look like that?

The tightly bound AllForOne arm muscles twitched suddenly and swelled suddenly, a chilling pressure suddenly appeared in everyone's heart.

"Boom boom boom——"

Terrible power erupted, shock waves visible to the naked eye pierced the sky, the ground shook and billowed with smoke and dust, and half of the half-abandoned factory suddenly disappeared, directly in half

The air was turned into powder six by a huge force. .

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