The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 52: All Might Vs All

"AllForOne!!" All Might's roar exploded from the sky.

In the darkness in the distance, a black shadow that looked no bigger than a pea leaped towards AllForOne from the horizon.

"It's finally here! All Might——" AllForOne stopped attacking and suddenly turned to look over.

In just a second or two, the bean-sized black shadow quickly grew in size, and the figure of All Might appeared in the eyes of AllForOne.

"Give it all back! AllForOne—"

Accompanied by All Might's roar, All Might and AllForOne in mid-air seemed to be a comet hitting the earth, and the terrifying aftermath suddenly erupted from the place where the two collided and swept away.

"Hey, don't be so exaggerated!" Li Tian twitched his lips.

Below, the storm that had stopped just now because AllForOne turned to face All Might was swept away by the aftermath of the collision between the two.

Li Tian exploded with super speed and force at full speed, carrying the already bewildered Best Jeanist and ran away quickly.

Now that All Might has come, they naturally don't have to drag AllForOne here, and they can make an honorable exit.

A second later, Li Tian was more than a thousand meters away from where he was just now, and he appeared outside the attack range of the two wild beasts with Best Jeanist on his shoulders.

"Huha——" Li Tian put down the Best Jeanist and took a deep breath. Although the storm just now wouldn't threaten him, running in that kind of place is quite exhausting.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Li Tian looked at the two people who collided with each other in mid-air in the distance, accompanied by the sound of drums beating, and the strong wind that swept across the world. The corners of his mouth twitched and he complained, "Are those two guys monsters?" ?”

To be honest, Li Tian had this feeling when he was in Woying in his previous life.

If the combat effectiveness of Hero(es) from other professions is 34500, then the combat effectiveness of All Might and AllForOne has soared to 81 million.

It's completely fault-like rolling.

Even if it is him, there is no way to insert into that kind of battlefield, and Ding Tian is close to relying on speed to circle.

But just like AllForOne just now, it is completely possible to directly suppress him in mid-air in that brutal way, and with AllForOne's quirks, if it is aimed at Li Tian, ​​Li Tian has no idea what quirks the opponent will take against him. .

"Monster, you have the face to say it!" Hearing Li Tian's complaints, the corners of Best Jeanist's eyes twitched, suppressing the urge to leave in pain.

After all...his speed couldn't hit Li Tian at all.

"Best Jeanist, that opponent is very strong. The battle between him and All Might may spread to a large area. What is the distance for the surrounding crowd to evacuate?" Li Tian turned his head and asked.

"The evacuation distance." Best Jeanist was surprised suddenly, "No, the evacuation range is only two kilometers around the factory."

"Then we have to quickly increase the evacuation range. Looking at it like this... I don't think it's too much to evacuate around five kilometers or even ten kilometers." Li Tian pointed to the scene where there seemed to be two giant beasts expanding. .

"En!" Best Jeanist also nodded, although the police and other professional Hero(es) should have issued an evacuation order, but he also had to notify again.

After saying that, Best Jeanist quickly took out the radio from his body and informed the police to expand the evacuation range to a five-kilometer range.

And Li Tian watched from afar that it didn't look like a human battlefield at all.

Li Tian reckons that he needs to reach Mach 10 at least, and then he punches with all his strength regardless of the broken arm, so that the damage can barely reach that level. this size.

However, as a result of that, Li Tian estimated that he would have to lie in the hospital for a long time.

"No, I have to hurry up and find out how to punch out with all my strength without hurting myself~!" Li Que secretly said in his heart.

He remembered one of the Speed ​​Force moves when The Flash delivered a blow at nearly the speed of light with the force of an infinite-mass blow from an oncoming white dwarf.

If the Speed ​​Force had no way to remove its power, Li Tian would not have believed that a mortal body like The Flash could withstand the reaction force of swinging that kind of fist.

Li Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the battlefield, thinking in his heart whether he was looking for an opportunity to take AllForOne a cold shot.

Otherwise, what if All Might's body can't hold on anymore!

Why did he plan to promote the Battle of Shenye in advance? Isn't it to prevent All Might from defeating AllForOne before the embers of OneForAll burn out, so that the dangerous situation in the original book will not appear?

"Student Li Tian..." Best Jeanist put down the phone and spoke suddenly, looking at Li Tian seriously.

"Don't tell me that there are still people who haven't been evacuated on the battlefield, let me go there to save people..." Li Tian looked at Best Jeanist's serious face, and said with a twitch of his mouth, it shouldn't happen so much What a bloody thing!

"Of course not! This neighborhood is not a densely populated area, and the nearby people have already been evacuated, and the farther places are also being evacuated. With the help of other professional Hero(es) and the police, it will take only a few minutes. It can complete the evacuation within a radius of five kilometers." Best Jeanist shook his head and said, "I just suddenly remembered something and wanted to ask you."

"What is it?" Li Tian asked strangely.

"You and Mt. Lady should be related by aunt and nephew, right!" Chao Bao Niu Xiaoyan left his mouth and said.

"Eh... yes!" Li Tian seemed to understand what Best Jeanist wanted to ask, and said with a firm scalp.

"Then why did you look for me when you needed authorization just now? Instead of looking for you Mt. Lady? If I didn't give you authorization, would you really rush straight up?" Best Jeanist narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Tian Open your mouth and say.

"Mr. Best Jeanist." Li Tian straightened his face and said righteously, "Look over there, the No.1 Hero(es) All Might is now in a tough fight. As the No.4 professional Hero(es), Shouldn't there be a way to help, to help All Might defeat the villain(s)?"

Best Jeanist doesn't speak....(a_a)... stare at...

"..." Li Tian looked at Best Jeanist's serious eyes (emphasis added), "Then what? Isn't that my aunt is just a newcomer Hero(es)? It's only been a year since her debut, if What if students like me are authorized to fight with Quirks and are punished afterwards!"

"If the punishment is too severe and my aunt's income is greatly reduced, how can our family eat? Now that I am growing up, I have to eat more than a hundred people's meals a day. Is it possible that I will go to other places every day? Looking for a cafeteria in the city that hasn't banned me?"

"As for your No.4 professional Hero(es), it's different. Leaving aside the punishment that may not exist, even if the punishment happens, wouldn't it be sprinkled on you? Just rush at me and save you For so many times, you can't let our family not open the pot!" In the end, Li Tian became inexplicably righteous.

.” There are too many slots, and Best Jeanist is unable to complain.

Especially the last sentence, which blocked all the words of Best Jeanist.

"I didn't mean that." Chao Baoniu said.

"Haha! I knew how the No.4 professional Hero(es) could care about such a trivial matter. Well, All Might is in a hard fight over there. I'll see if I can give that villain(s) a cold shoulder. Come on, let's go first."

Before the word '了' fell, Li Tian's figure instantly turned into a flash of lightning and galloped away, disappearing in Best Jeanist's sight.

"I..." Looking at the disappearing Li Tian, ​​Best Jeanist opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

In the night sky, a helicopter of a TV station hovered high in the sky, but it didn't dare to get too close. After all, the aftermath of the battle between All Might and AllForOne was too terrifying. Shooting from a distance.

But it is also because of the long shooting distance that the tragedy of the battle between All Might and AllForOne can be fully shown.

"A nightmarish scene. According to the information we have received, there is only one villain(s) who destroyed the city this time, and it has only been about two minutes since the start of the battle. Half of the Shenye district has been reduced to ruins. At this time The person fighting that villain(s) is All Might, our symbol of peace!" On the helicopter, a dedicated female reporter presided over the camera.

And the pictures captured by the camera were quickly broadcast to all parts of the country when they were sent back to the TV station.

"Hello? This feels bad!"

"The city turned into ruins in two minutes? That villain(s) is so strong!"

"What about the other Hero(es)?"

"All Might will definitely get rid of the villain(s)."

All over the country, the people who saw this live broadcast of Shenye held different opinions, some were making sarcastic remarks, some were frightened and frustrated, and some even gloated and didn't take it seriously... But more people firmly believed in All Might Can defeat villain(s), after all, it is a symbol of peace All Might!

However, besides the public, there was a group of people in front of the screen who were furious.

"How dare those reporters!"

"."Didn't you warn them that this incident should not be rebroadcasted with great fanfare?"

"Asshole reporter!"

A group of high-level bosses who knew about today's action watched the TV broadcast and gritted their teeth angrily, wishing they could go directly to the scene and throw the reporter away.

Others don't know, don't they know yet?

The villain(s) this time is AllForOne, the man who seriously injured All Might. If All Might is a symbol of peace, then AIIForOne was a symbol of darkness and evil in the past.

"All Might can win, right?" Suddenly, a senior official asked in a deep voice.

"Absolutely can win, he is... a symbol of peace!" The other person said in a deep voice, that voice seemed to be answering and giving himself firm confidence.

"No matter what, let's start preparing according to the worst plan! No matter what happens, the fall of All Might can't cause chaos in the country."

"Perhaps this is our punishment for relying on one person all the time!"

All the high-ranking officials present couldn't help being silent. As early as six years ago, when the symbol of peace was seriously injured and could not be cured, they had actually expected this scene, but the domestic peace at that time could not be said to be entirely due to All Might alone. People's deterrence is established, but there is no doubt that All Might's deterrence accounts for more than 80%.

It is said that All Might please others to hide it and not to speak out, but without their help, I don't want the symbol of peace to fall so quickly.

"Okay, six years, although Daliang is still on All Might, but losing All Might doesn't mean we have no power to fight." Another senior government official clapped his hands.

"It only needs to persist for a few years, and there is news from my island that the research on that thing is about to be successful.


The executives in the field all nodded, and everyone's face became a little more relaxed, but when they saw the picture on the screen, they inevitably became heavy again.

(Qian Qianzhao) The battlefield of All Might and AllForOne!

"All Might, when did your fist become so weak!" AllForOne looked at All Might with a sneer and taunted, "It's because I was with you six years ago.

Big hole in the stomach?"

With a smile on his face, All Might punched AllForOne and fell into the ruins, "Who are you talking about getting weaker! AllForOne...

"Haha!" Struggling to stand up from the ruins, AllForOne laughed indifferently, "If it was six or seven years ago, you would have killed my companions one by one.

I should have been defeated by the punch just now, right Tiger!"

"If it was six years ago, you would never have let me hit you." All Might retorted without hesitation, walking towards AllForOne with a strong body, eyes

Full of firmness.

The embers of OneForAll in his body will disappear soon, AllForOne is a dangerous villain(s), he must not leave it to the next generation, this is what he made

The last possible mission for the symbol of peace.

"I was injured by that brat before, and the remaining strength can't support too much time for Quirks to use at the same time. It seems that there is no way to proceed as planned

Feeling the condition of the body, AllForOne was still extremely calm, and could not help but glance at the location of the residential building not too far away.

"Don't be delusional, the people around here have already been evacuated. I was preparing for today's battle more than a month ago!" All Might looked at AllF

The movement of orOne said in a deep voice.

AllForOne was stunned and finally understood the whole story of the attack, "More than a month ago? When usj?",

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