The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 64: The Awakened Dead Tree

A remote mountain forest area.

hiss~ hiss~ hiss~~~

A group of purple-black mist appeared out of thin air, forming a small vortex, and five figures rushed out of the vortex in a panic, one of them staggered and fell to the ground, and then the vortex quickly dissipated.

The moment it dissipated, there was loud shouting and rolling mud and rocks from the other end of the vortex.

The sound of the rolling mud rocks shook the world, but the instant the fog dissipated, only a large group of mud rocks poured in, and then everything subsided.

Five bewildered figures, together with Kurogiri, who appeared in a condensed form in an instant when the purple-black mist dissipated, a total of six people were all buried in the rolling mud and stones in disgrace.

"This...what the hell is going on!" Sigangmu roared in a low voice. At this moment, only the big hand covering his face was left, and the gap between the hand molds on his face could be clearly seen. An incomparably ferocious face.

"It's not easy, you are being followed!"

A figure stood up in the mud and rocks beside Sigangmu. It looked like an ordinary face of passers-by. Mimi looked like she was smiling, and she didn't look like a villain(s) at all. place, but

When he opened his mouth to speak and opened his eyes, a pair of ferocious upside-down triangular eyes were full of ferocious murderous intent, and the other two also got up from the mud and stood behind him, staring fiercely at the three of them, saying something Hands-on gesture.

The base they had prepared for ten years was destroyed like this, how could they not be very happy.

"Impossible... After I rescued Shigaraki and Kurogiri at the very beginning, we used Kurogiri's Teleportation Quirks to hurry, and no one could track the teleportation." Another strong man with a hideous face and a tall stature He shouted in a low voice.

This person is the old subordinate of AllForOne who saved both Nikugaraki and Kurogiri when AllForOne attracted 840 points of attention.

"But that's the truth. Our base has been established for more than ten years and has never been discovered, but..." the pair of triangular eyes showed an angry killing intent, "just three days after you arrived, was found to have destroyed

"Moreover, it will take at least two days to quietly gather the power to destroy our base. Do you think I have enough reason to doubt?"

"This..." The tall and strong man opened his mouth, speechless.

In his heart, there was also unavoidable doubt, and he looked at Shikuragi and Kurogiri.

Shigangmu also stopped his mania at this time, and fell into deep thought.

"Of course, compared to tracking, I think it is more likely that the opponent has some peculiar Quirks that can lock your position." Triangle-eyed suddenly changed the subject, and said, "However, I think the specifics and reasons should be up to you." It is a small test to be judged by the heir recognized by the adults! Otherwise...

Following the words of the triangular eyes, there was a half-smile expression on the other party's face.

"Smiling tiger, you want to betray your lord." The strong man was stunned, and looked at the hanging triangle eyes angrily.

"It's too ugly to say betrayal, it's just that my lord is in a mess right now. As for the heir he chooses, I, as a subordinate, want to see if the young master can lead us to rescue my lord." Triangular chuckled lightly, with a pair of destructive temperament His eyes were closed again, with a kind look on his face.

"You..." The brawny man wanted to say something, but was stopped by Shigaoki raised his hand (bida), from the gap of that big hand, Sigaoki looked at the person in front of him coldly. He has a kind smile on his face, and there is no surprise on his face.

He is not stupid, as early as three days ago, when he came to this base, he had already foreseen this scene. Even if the attack did not happen this time, the other party would probably find a reason to test him and want to take him back These 'lawless' old divisions of teachers, that's such an easy thing to do.

The time when AllForOne was arrested this time brought him a huge blow, and what he replaced...the growth after the blow was also huge.

Thinking about it carefully, the previous battle between Shen and Ye was very inexplicable. He was attacked for no reason, his teacher was also attacked, and even the doctor was attacked.

Let's not mention the location of his teacher, you know, the doctor's residence, but even he doesn't know.

But there's one person who knows all three locations...and has even been there more than once.

That is.

Tomura Shigaraki's eyes flicked to Kurogiri.

"It's this little thing?" Shigaraki looked at the cleverly disguised tracker in his palm, and his cheeks twitched uncontrollably because of anger.

"It's such an inconspicuous little thing that caused all this, black mist, black mist, black mist, you really deserve to die!"

Niigaragi turned his head fiercely and glared at the trembling Kurogiri, the tracker in his hand instantly collapsed and shattered, a terrifying malice that seemed to destroy everything burst out, and Niigaragi's face was covered with white gloves The big hand of the hand model turned into a burst of black debris and fell to the ground without a sound.

Under the feet of everyone, the mountains, rocks, grass, and trees are rapidly withering and collapsing under the malice at this moment. The vegetation is withering and withering, and the rocks are crumbling and smashing, as if the end of the world is coming.

"I...I..." Hei Wu looked at Sigangmu in horror, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he was completely speechless under this malicious attack.

His gut told him.


You will be smashed to pieces in an instant!!

Let alone Kurogiri who was being targeted, even the other four people on the side facing Tomura Shigaraki at this time were shrouded in the crisis of death, as if they were facing a ferocious hunting beast with bare hands.

"This... this..." The strong man looked at Sigangmu in horror, but suddenly he couldn't help being excited. There are successors, and his master has successors!

"Okay... so strong!" Smiling Tiger couldn't help but took two steps back, wanting to subconsciously want to stay away from Sidangmu at this time, and the pair of triangular eyes that opened again to look at Sidangmu no longer had the sinister viciousness before Spicy and...hidden deep ambition, replaced by only the fear that has not melted for thousands of years.

This malice made him couldn't help but recall AllForOne, and the doomsday scene before him also made him couldn't help but recall AllForOne.

The eyes of the other two people looking at Shigaoki also lacked the previous banter, replaced by fear and... respect.

This scene of malice and destruction lasted for a full minute.

"never mind."

With the sudden opening of the dead handle tree, everything around him suddenly dissipated, and the previous malice that seemed to be approaching the end quietly dissipated. If it weren't for the withered flowers and plants around, the collapsed rocks were silently telling everything that happened just now, If it weren't for the fear on their faces, it would not have dissipated.

I'm afraid they will all think that what happened before was just an illusion.

"Since the matter has already happened, there is no point in pursuing it. Kurogiri's ability will be very useful for the next plan. His life will be left behind in the plan to destroy society!" Without looking at Kurogiri, he said indifferently.

"Yes!" Kurogiri trembled when he saw the indifferent eyes of Niigaragi, and indeed he responded happily.

"As for this thing..." Shigangmu looked at the black embers on the ground, a look of coldness flashed in his eyes, "I probably know when and who made it.

"Who is it?" Kurogiri asked subconsciously.

This thing made him miserable, so he naturally hated it.

"We appeared in front of the Hero(es) only once, and that time, who else could quietly put this kind of thing in your neck gaiter?" Dead Karaki said coldly, looking There was a murderous look in Kurogiri's eyes.

Although Kurogiri's ability is still useful and cannot be killed, it does not mean that this matter can pass easily.

With a glance at Shigaraki, Kurogiri suddenly trembled and lowered his head involuntarily.

He had already remembered that the only time they appeared in front of Hero(es) was Hero(es)! And that time, the only thing that could put something in his neck guard...

Kurogiri thought of the kid who held his neck brace and almost took him down, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

In addition to being shocked, Kurogiri, who was extremely resentful towards Li Tian, ​​also felt a touch of panic, just made that judgment in an instant, and left behind the tracking device, which is unbelievable

However, other than this possibility, Kurogiri really couldn't think of how his neck guard would leave something like a tracker.

"That person is definitely the enemy of the future..." Kurogiri understood instantly, looked at Shigaraki, and wanted to speak.


"Let's go! The teacher should have arranged a lot of things." Said Shizuoki, turned around and prepared to leave, without even looking at Kurogiri.

"Yes, young master." The burly man quickly followed up, looking at the back of Siganmu, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

Smiling Tiger and the other two followed silently.

Only Kurogiri, after seeing the attitude of Shikuraki, silently closed his mouth, and the resentment towards Li Tian in his heart suddenly became stronger by three points, and then hurriedly followed. Although Kurogiri knew about the matter, he didn't know the coordinates of the location, so he couldn't use teleportation.

In the front of everyone, Shigangmu's face was far less calm than the others imagined, and the almost distorted expression was full of hatred.

It's not going to end like this... that damn brat!.

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