The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 68: The Villain(S)

In front of the abandoned building.

"Huh?" Li Tian snorted slightly, looking at the scene inside the building with some doubts.

A woman who seemed to be kidnapped, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy who looked harmless to humans and animals.

"Is this kid the head of that group of villain(s)?" Li Tian frowned involuntarily, and silently increased his vigilance.

If humans and animals are harmless, it is impossible to suppress those villain(s) with blood on their hands.

You must know that even the three pig-headed men, the knife-armed man and the hallucinating guy are weak and pitiful, but after all, they are villain(s) who have repeatedly committed major crimes and have not been caught by the police and Hero(es). How cruel to say, but definitely cunning enough.

And the woman who came out in the end, not to mention the general villain(s) can be suppressed.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Li Tian's mind in an instant, but his whole body was covered in armor, but no one could see it.

"Hero(es)? Or villain(s)?" The handsome young man looked at Li Tian who appeared in the hall, with a faint smile on his face, without any nervous opening.

"Neither..." came out a hoarse and low voice.

"Understood!" Qingxiu young man smiled and nodded, "So it's the new debut dark Hero(es)!"

"Dark Hero(es)..." Li Tian didn't stop talking, of course he knew what the so-called Dark Hero(es) were.

He is not the first one to hide his identity and come out to be a hero. Decades before him, there were countless Hero(es) licenses all over the world, but he hid his identity and used Quirks to attack villain(s) without authorization. of.

Such people are collectively referred to as Dark Hero(es) by underground organizations.

However, the official face is to regard this group of people as villain(s).

But it is not pursued, not arrested, not wanted, let them go, unless these people are completely plunged into the dark, and make real villain(s) behaviors, then...then they will be regarded as real from the inside to the outside. villain(s).

"What's the name?" Qingxiu young man asked with a smile.

"You're very confident..." Li Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the handsome young man, then raised his legs and walked over.

"You can't catch me..." the handsome young man raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

"Then give it a try..." Li Tian's eyes were densely packed with lightning speed, and with a kick, Li Tian rushed towards the handsome boy maintaining five times the speed.

And that handsome young man looked at Li Tian who was rushing over quickly, with a faint smile in his eyes, standing where he was, with no intention of dodging at all.

"Huh?" Looking at the handsome young man who was already close at hand and could be reached with a single hook, Li Tian's eyes flashed vigilance, guarding against the handsome young man's Quirks.

But even so, Li Tian punched out without any hesitation.

Li Tian's own strength combined with the sudden stop of the lightning speed brought huge inertia to the lightning-fast punching, and the punch was as fast as thunder, and then...

Under Li Tian's stunned gaze, the handsome young man didn't use Quirks to defend or dodge at all, and flew upside down, spraying blood in mid-air, and Li Wei could even see a few pieces of internal organs in the blood.

Li Tian looked at the handsome young man who made him extremely vigilant with a bewildered face, flying like a tattered doll for more than ten meters, then smashed heavily against the wall and then fell to the ground.

What's the situation? o(....))0

"Hey hey hey".!" The handsome young man lying in the blood suddenly laughed, raised his head, there was still a smile on his blood-soaked face, but the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time, obviously still very painful painful.

"I want to be a Hero(es)...I don't know if a murderer can continue to be a Hero(es)!" The handsome young man looked at Li Tian, ​​there was no fear of death in his eyes, only a playful face

Just because of this reason, you choose to die?

This is super paranoid!

Li Tian had a painful expression on his face.

"No..." Li Tian frowned slightly as he looked at the handsome young man lying in a pool of blood.

Although the shock of the scene in front of him made him unable to react for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, there is no reason at all!

Taking my own life without any resistance at all, just to prevent him from becoming a Hero(es)? How much hatred and hatred!


Li Tian couldn't see the slightest fear of death from the handsome young man's eyes. Even a crazy person, when faced with the imminent death, couldn't be so calm and joking. he.

However, it is an iron fact that the person in front of him is dying, and Li Tian can clearly see this.

"Who the hell are you?" No fluctuations in the tone could be heard in the hoarse voice, while Li Tian was speaking, he was also thinking about pieces of information that might be the villain(s) in front of him at super high speed.

"Who..." The handsome young man grinned ferociously, of course it's villain(s)! Very bad, very bad villain(s)!"

Li Tian looked at the handsome young man, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he saw that there was a very faint phantom attached to the body surface of this handsome young man, which was almost invisible in the darkness.

"Pursuing the soul!" Li Tian blurted out directly, calling out the name.

Possessed ghosts, villain(s), unknown real name, unknown gender, unknown age, Quirks, guessed to be similar to the soul out of the body to control other people's bodies, hiding in the dark, the number of times of possession has been found to be more than fifteen Each time, he committed a crime of different size and controlled his body to commit suicide after committing the crime.

"I've been recognized so quickly!" Hearing the name Li Tian called out, the smile on the handsome young man's face slowly disappeared, he curled his lips, and looked at Li Tian with displeasure, "You are quite smart, a rookie." Is it? How about it, do you want to mess with me after becoming a villain(s)?"

"I am the person who likes to take in homeless companions the most. If I think about it, I will release those guys outside. I will take you in. If you don't agree, then tonight's video, I It’s uploaded to the internet.”

After the possessed ghost finished speaking, he didn't intend to pay attention to Li Tian, ​​the pain of this tattered body was coming to his mind wave after wave, and he didn't want to continue to suffer for no reason.

With a thought, a phantom like a ghost floated out of the handsome young man. The phantom is very faint, almost invisible in the dark, and very blurry, like a mosaic with ten or eight layers. It soared into the sky in an instant, passed through the ceiling of the building, and disappeared into the vast night.

"."When villain(s)..." Li Tian looked at the handsome young man who was about to die after the possessed ghost left.

He has already understood now that this handsome young man is probably a real young man, not some villain(s) who kills people. Indeed, after this article is exposed, Li Tian's Savitar identity will definitely be destroyed. Be branded in the camp of villain(s).

But...all of this is based on the premise that the handsome young man is dead.

With somewhat dull steps, Li Tian walked towards the handsome young man who was lying on the ground. At the same time, the blue light in the gaps in the armor exploded, becoming ten times and a hundred times stronger in an instant.

Under the moonlight, the entire abandoned building shone with a strange blue light, and it took more than ten seconds for the light to gradually dim.

Then, accompanied by dull footsteps, Li Tian walked out of the abandoned building, took several villain(s) who had passed out with him, and disappeared into the vast night.

The bright moonlight reflected the scene in the abandoned building.

The unconscious woman was still unconscious, but the rope on her body had been untied, and she lay flat on the ground, and beside her was the handsome young man covered in blood who was tied up and thrown there. Although the young man's face was pale, his breathing It was gentle, and it was obvious that there was no danger to life.

In the middle of the two (Mali's), there is a mobile phone with two screens, and the voice of questioning is still coming from the mobile phone.

A few minutes later, a series of sirens broke the dead silence of the abandoned area, and a dozen policemen and several Hero(es) rushed to the abandoned building.

On the other side, Li Tian tied up those villain(s) who had been knocked unconscious by him in an indescribable posture, and directly packed them all away.

This group of villain(s) is a big harvest of his hunting tonight.

He turned into 'Savitar' and came out in the middle of the night, not only to exercise his skills, but more... Li Tian actually wanted to use this group of villain(s) to study the effects of his speed force on people What a manifestation.

Of course, Li Tian has already done experiments on animals, and this group of villain(s) is just for Li Tian to be on the safe side, fearing that people are different from animals, and will lose the chain at critical moments.

No, the handsome young man who was possessed just now became Li Tian's first human experimental subject with honor.

As a result, it was also very successful.

Under the influence of Li Tian's supernatural speed force, the serious injury on the other party's body, which was fatal enough, quickly recovered hundreds of times, although it did not completely recover to its health before it was injured.

But it is indeed not life-threatening. .

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