The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 82: Reformation Of Heroes

At noon, Xiongying Cafeteria.

"After all, the test scope of general subjects is what you have learned in class, and the difficulty will not be too great, but the content of the practical test is uncertain, which makes people feel very uncertain!" At the long dining table, Lu Gu was thinking, a little helpless opened the mouth.

"What you learned in class!"

"It won't be too difficult!"

Uraraka and Ye Yin looked embarrassed, they were the 13th and the 16th, they are not qualified to match this kind of words!

The eyes of the two swept over the surrounding people, Li Tian, ​​who was tied for the first place with Yaoyorozu Wan, needless to say, Iida was only ranked third under Li Tian and Yaoyorozu Wan, and Green Valley was ranked fifth, And Asui seventh.


Among the top ten, there are five of them beside the two of them, and they are all the top ones.

"It is true that the written test is not a problem, but the content of the practical test should not be too simple. This is Xiongying, the top school in the country!" Iida didn't notice the expressions of Uraraka and Ye Yin at all, and his face was serious The ground made up the knife and said -.

"It's not impossible, the content of the written test should not exceed the content of the textbook, but the actual test, even if Mr. Aizawa said that it will only test what we have learned.

But there are also combat training, rescue training, evacuation training, Hero(es) basics, etc., coupled with the recent form, if the difficulty of the exam increases several times, it will not be so simple.

Li Tian reminded.

He himself is very relaxed, no matter it is the written test or the actual combat, it will not be a big problem for him, not to mention passing the test easily, but it is not difficult.

"Oh! Indeed... I almost forgot that before the workplace experience, the teacher said that our campus life will be ten times or eight times more difficult than before. Although the daily training is indeed much more difficult than before, it has not reached ten times. Doubling the level of Yaoyorozu, is the difficulty reflected in the final final exam? I am so careless, I completely forgot about this kind of thing, if the final difficulty of the final exam is really increased by ten or eight times, then Xiongying. ..." Lu Gu's broken thoughts came out continuously.

"Then what, did I say something wrong?" Li Tian looked at Lugu, and said with a twitch of his mouth.


Everyone also looked helpless.


Li Tian casually raised his hand to block the elbow strike on the back of his head, his face turned cold instantly, he lifted the hand and immediately flew the person behind him, sat on the ground with his buttocks, and the dinner plate in his hand spilled all over his body .

"what happened?"

Hearing the movement, Lugu and the others raised their heads and turned around, looking behind them.

"I remember you are... Wujian Ningren from Class B!" Li Tian turned his head and looked at Wujian Ningren, who was lying on the ground behind him in a mess, and frowned, "Next time, don't stand beside others casually." Sneak attack from behind, I can't control my instinctive reaction!"

"Pain, pain, pain..." Wujian Ningren hugged his shoulder with a livid face and cold sweat. The feeling of being directly lifted by his elbow was not very pleasant, and he even felt that his left shoulder had been dislocated. "As expected of Class A, it's a deadly move every time you make a move!"

"At least it's much better than your boring little moves!" Li Tian said calmly.

"Really?" Wujian Ningren hugged his shoulders and endured the pain with a pale face, but still with a sarcasm on his face, "It's a terrible instinct to break a person's arm casually. If people know that Xiongying The students are so terrified, they will definitely feel terrified..."


A hand knife skillfully appeared directly on the head of Ningren Monojian, and Kazuka Kento stood beside Ningren Monojian in annoyance, "Hurry up and go to the infirmary if you are injured, and you are still here. Provoking what?"

"I'm sorry for Class A, this guy is a bit of a mental disorder, don't take what he said to heart, I have to send this guy to the infirmary, bye!"

This is the wounded!

And it hurts badly!

The corners of Kento Kazuka's mouth twitched as they watched the sullen-faced dragging the unconscious Mujian Ningren away.

"Very good!" Li Tian scratched his chin and looked at Kento Kazuka's back and suddenly commented, "The hand knife is neat and sharp, but Rikido is not too big or too small, just enough to knock him out without hurting that kid, drag Xing's actions seemed rough, but they completely avoided the opponent's shoulder injury so that he would not aggravate it. Regardless of the strength, the knowledge and ability of rescue, almost no one in our class can match except Yaoyorozu Wan! "


Hearing Li Tian's comment, everyone was stunned for a moment, and turned their heads to look at Kazuka Kentō who left in the distance in disbelief. There was such an explanation for the rough action just now?

"Everyone, it looks like we have to work harder! Class B is silent, but it has already caught up and even surpassed us! The situation during the sports festival may not happen now!" Li Tian lightly said with a smile.

"Has Class B caught up?" Everyone present counted as one, and after proving their resistance, they all ignited a flame called fighting spirit.

"Iida-kun still has some time for lunch break, let's go to combat training together!" Green Valley sent an invitation to Iida with a serious face.

"En!" Without the slightest hesitation, Iida directly agreed.

"Li Tian, ​​can you help us with our homework?" Ye Yin asked Uraraka eagerly.

"Of course no problem!" Li Tian nodded in response, "Asui-chan, come along too! I can be your sparring partner to exercise your actual combat ability.

"Yeah!" Asui didn't hesitate, and agreed directly.

After the decision was made, the few people did not hesitate, and after quickly finishing their lunch, they quickly acted.

At the same time, in the meeting room of Xiongying Campus.


A group of professional Hero(es) teachers looked at Mr.Principal sitting at the top with a look of surprise.

"That's right, with the recent social fluctuations, villain(s) actions have become more and more frequent. As a school, we must do our best to prevent problems before they happen. Considering that the current society may gradually become intensified, we will continue to In the next teaching, we must pay more attention to actual combat!" Mr.Principal said with a serious face.

"Put more emphasis on actual combat? Does it mean to teach students how to fight in advance?" Midnight frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Hmm! That's right, that's what it means!" Mr.Principal nodded.

Pay attention to actual combat.

The third-year students of Xiongying High School don't need to say much. In the past three years, whether it is practical experience or skills, they have already gone through a lot of tempering. Naturally, they don't need to worry about it. Therefore, their main consideration next is, the first-year Problems with second graders, especially first graders.

The second grade is okay, after all, it has been a year of training, and education has already been on the right track. The next step is to continue to accumulate experience and exercise Quirks.

As for the freshmen who have just entered for one semester, they are still immature in terms of the use of Quirks and combat experience, so Midnight will teach students how to fight in advance.

……ask for flowers…

"Principal, can you tell me how your specific plan is arranged?" All Might raised his hand and asked.

"Of course." Mr.Principal nodded and said, "Focus on practical teaching, the most important thing is the first-year students of the Hero(es) department who have just entered the school, the beginning of the reform

We will also start with them, the first item is this year's final exam, we will no longer use robots that lack practical combat capabilities as opponents in previous years, but choose students from the main grade or our teachers to exercise practical combat ability!"

"Third graders and teachers, this is too much!" Someone said immediately, and the loud voice of Present Mic rang out, "The third graders are fine, but let our teacher play and win easily Is there any point in exercising?"

"That's what makes sense!" Mr.Principal said with a smile.

"What does this mean?" Present·Mic asked in confusion.

"Practice combat ability cannot be completed overnight. First of all, we need to let students understand their own weaknesses and weaknesses." Mr.Principal said with a smile.


"Know your weakness and your weaknesses!"

Those present are all professional Hero(es), Mr.Principal just said a little bit, and it is easy to understand what Mr.Principal means.

Only when you know your weakness can you work hard to become stronger, and only when you know your own weaknesses can you find the right goal and find the direction you can work hard.

"So that's how it is... I remember that Xiongying's first-year students had a habit of exercising Quirks in the woods during the summer vacation. During the final exam, they understood their own weaknesses and weaknesses. They can work harder in the woods. Go and become stronger!" Cement nodded clearly.

"That's right, that's what it means." Mr.Principal nodded, "And regarding this year's camp in the woods, I plan to increase the intensity a little bit, and let the students start designing their own nirvana while exercising Quirks.

"Nirvana? Is it too early?"

"Those students haven't mastered Quirks to the point where they can start developing nirvana!"

As soon as Mr.Principal said this, everyone frowned and said.

According to the practice of previous years, things like developing nirvana will only start when the temporary practice exam is approaching. At that time, after training in Quirks, and also accumulated good experience to understand what kind of nirvana you need Killing skills will only begin.

"You underestimate the students!" Mr.Principal said with a chuckle, interrupting everyone's discussion, "The students this year are different from the previous ones. Among them, a group of professional Hero(es) let them experience the real Hero(es) activities, as far as experience is concerned, they have enough nirvana.

"What is lacking is the exercise of Quirks, and the desire for what kind of nirvana you specifically need!"

Hearing Mr.Principal's words, the professional Hero(es) teachers present frowned and began to think carefully.

Seeing the hard thinking of all the teachers, Mr.Principal couldn't help but shook his head, and said again, "I think everyone should agree on the reform. As for the ultimate skill, it's better to put it in the final exam You have seen how the students' grades are deciding.


"I agree!"


Hearing Mr.Principal's words, all the teachers looked at each other and nodded in agreement. .

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