The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 86 Exam Progress

The third examination room.

Sora Oni, the battle with Asui · Tokoyami is over, and unlike the original, this time, because of the severe form, Sora Oni, who got serious, didn't give the two of them the slightest chance at all.

From the beginning to the end, the two have been fighting with the clone of the ghost teacher Kong Ling for a full 30 minutes. Until the last moment, neither of them could catch, no, neither could find the real body of Kong Ling's soul.

On the contrary, I was very tired.

The fourth examination room.

Cement Division, the battle with Kirishima·Sato is still the same, the two hot-blooded guys rushed towards the Cement Division-sensei with brute force.

In the end, after breaking through countless concrete walls one after another, they were covered by countless water-mud surging in.

Total defeat!

The fifth examination room.

Midnight, Sero · Mineta's battle, also not much difference.

Sero's carelessness, as well as Putao's ingenuity shown by his superb acting skills, successfully passed the actual combat test from Teacher Midnight, who didn't hold back at all. Of course...still clearing the level alone.

The sixth examination room.

Marksman, Ye Yin・Shoji's battle.

Although Ye Yin is already better than the original book, I don’t know, but the Quirks automatic tracking of the sharpshooter teacher who is serious is almost completely defeating Ye Yin. Even with the joint efforts of Shoji and the two of them, it is still impossible The slightest carelessness marksman teacher to win.

Seventh examination room

It is a battle between Mr.Principal and Ojiro Iida.

Here, it is different from the grouping in the original book, but... the scene is still a dense industrial area similar to the playground.

"This time, our opponent is Mr.Principal Principal Ojiro-kun, do you know what Mr.Principal's Quirks are?" Iida frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Ojiro was startled, then thought about it, and said, "Principal's Quirks? I remember like..."

Before Ojiro could finish speaking, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the dense industrial plant beside the two, and countless ruins rushed towards the two in the middle in an instant.

"No, run!" Iida didn't have time to think, he hugged the tail on the side and ran out quickly with the engine fully on.

"What's going on here?" After rushing out of the collapsed area, Ojiro looked at the unburied road behind him in panic.

"I'm afraid the principal has discovered us and launched an attack!" Iida said solemnly.

"But, how did this happen? We didn't see the principal!" Ojiro looked puzzled.

Not only Ojiro, but also Iida at this time, the doubts in his heart are definitely not much less than Ojiro, but...

Mr. Principal didn't intend to make them think at all.

The rocker in his hand kept shaking, and a huge pendulum under the control of Mr.Principal kept destroying the surrounding buildings. Then, a series of chain reactions happened quickly, which finally led to Iida and The field around the two of Ojiro kept collapsing.

"No time to think!"


Iida and Ojiro fled desperately with terrified faces. There was no time to think about other things in their minds. The series of house collapses and explosions behind them did not seem like a joke, they were really fatal!

"What kind of chain reaction will be caused by destroying it? For me, the calculation of this level is as simple as making tea." In the huge tower crane, Mr.Principal shook the joystick while lifting The red car on the side drank.

Mr.Principal, Quirks, super-standard mind, is an animal that has awakened far beyond human IQ.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and one-third of the 30-minute exam time passed in a blink of an eye, and Iida and Ojiro did not realize that they had completely moved away from the exit position unknowingly.

"I can't run away like this without thinking. If I go on like this, I can only be played by the principal until the end of the exam!" While running wildly, Iida finally realized this.



Ojiro screamed, and Ida ground with his tail forcefully, brushing straight out of the rubble that nearly buried him alive.

Almost, almost he was buried in it.

Picking up Ojiro, Iida's engine was fully turned on, and he quickly escaped from the two sides of the factory where Mr.Principal was the next target.

When it's time to run for your life, don't you still have to run for your life?

"Ojiro-san, next I need to prepare to escape with all my strength, and it's up to you to think about our qualified tactics!" Iida said to the tail on his shoulders.

He is now exhausted just by dealing with the surrounding environment, and he really does not have the ability to think about those.

"Ah!" Ojiro was stunned for a moment, and then he realized in an instant that he was not stupid, just to deal with the blow from the principal who didn't know where it came from, Iida had already gone all out, and now he was carrying him, then I really started to fight.

"How to do..."

Resisted by Iida on his shoulders, his tail quickly moved his brain, thinking of a solution to the rich situation in front of him.

Although the surrounding clutter prevented him from knowing where they were, he could also imagine that they must be far away from the exit of the examination room and Mr.Principal who was hiding in the examination room.


Ojiro looked at the constantly collapsing ruins behind him, and a glint of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Iida-san, I thought of a way to win." Ojiro said hastily, "The ruins left behind after being used by the principal to attack, the ruins will not cause us any trouble, and it will be difficult for Mr.Principal second use."

"Ruins?" Iida was stunned, looking at the houses collapsing behind him, and a series of ruins left in the distance, the city, his face under the helmet was stunned, "Yes! We can step on these The ruins go to the entrance of the exit from the examination room."

"Finally found out?" Mr.Principal was drinking tea with a smile on his face at the top of the tower crane.

The road to ruins is exactly the way he left behind to clear the customs.

Mr.Principal laughed with a sullen look on his face, "Hahahaha, is it so easy to escape? Come, accept the baptism of your profession!"

Fifteen minutes later!

Exam exit.

Iida, whose armor was broken in many parts, and Ojiro, who looked like a refugee, walked out of the examination room tremblingly!

"Iida, Ojiro team, fulfill the conditions!"

"Phew, it's much more comfortable to vent out!" In the examination room, Mr.Principal regained his calm face, and Yuga was enjoying the human, no, rat life on the top of the tower crane.

The eighth examination room.

Different from those professional Hero(es) teachers, the opponent in this exam is the undulating spiral in the top elite BIG3 of Heroing High School, and different from the teachers, as students, they did not carry weights to limit their strength.

In the eighth examination room, Ashido Mina and Kaminari, who had already turned into a strong face, were circling in mid-air with both hands raised by the undulating spiral, listening to the undulating spiral. Various energetic questions that have been stopped.

Now, they just want this to end quickly!

Ninth examination room.

…… Ask for flowers …………………

They are also members of BIG3, the day before yesterday and Aoyama faced the battle of BIG3's Tiangu ring.

Although his personality is extremely introverted, he didn't hesitate at all when fighting, and he fought sharply and decisively. Almost from the very beginning, the battle situation was one-sided

Uraraka and Aoyama had no strength to fight back at all, and even fled because the other party had no intention of really catching them.

But even so, thirty minutes passed.

Two people, did not meet the conditions.

The tenth examination room is also the final examination room.

The strongest among BIG3, also known as Million among all professional Hero(es), who was closest to All Might, played against Bakugo and Green Valley.


The two obviously didn't know how powerful the senior in front of them was.

"Don't follow me! That guy, I can pass the exam by myself, I don't need you to follow me!" Bakugo glared at Green Valley behind him, and warned.

"But Kachan, neither the strength of that senior nor Quirks is clear. Since the other party can be rated as a member of the strongest elite of heroes, it means that the other party's strength is definitely not weak. You can't just rush forward like this. You should first test"


"Shut up." Bakugo looked annoyed, looking at Lugu beside him, his eyes became inexplicably angry, "Don't think that you just stomped your nose on your face after learning some new tricks. Now that I hear your voice, I feel uncomfortable and want to kill you!

"Kajiang!" Lvgu looked at Bakugo who refused to listen, and also became annoyed.

Different from when he was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, after meeting All Might and inheriting OneForAll, he has encountered too many things. He is no longer the one who was yelled at by Bakugo and just said yes to him.

"Hmm! Are you going to fight? That's right, before fighting that guy, I'll kill you to pieces!" Bakugo grinned ferociously, turned to face Green Valley, and assumed a fighting posture.

"Ka Jiang!" Lu Gu's expression changed involuntarily, obviously he didn't expect that Bakugo would want to fight him at this time.


The explosion sounded directly, and following the impact of the explosion, Bakugo flew towards Green Valley in an instant.

"You bastard, this explosion will definitely expose us and attract the attention of the seniors." Green Valley completed the full coverage of OneForAll in an instant, and at the moment when he leaped out to avoid it, his face still had disbelief, Bakugo actually Really say it and shoot it.

Bakugo looked at the dodging Green Valley, with an angry killing intent on his face, and shouted indifferently, "It's just right to attract attention, let him come to find him...

Before Bakugo finished speaking, Million's figure popped out of the ground very abruptly, and at the same time a fist was imprinted heavily on Bakugo's abdomen.

The sudden appearance of Million and the location where he appeared were completely unexpected to Bakugo, and the speed of the punch made him have no time to react at all. Rikido was equally astonishing, and Bakugo only felt like his stomach was overwhelmed.

"How could it be, how could it be possible..." Holding his belly, Bakugo opened his mouth wide, staggered back, his mind was blank.

"One blow made Bakugo incapable of fighting!" From a distance, Green Valley also looked shocked, looking at Million who popped up from the ground in disbelief.

"KO!" Million yelled, then turned his head to look at the position of Green Valley, with a serious face, "The team is not in harmony, and there is internal strife before the battle. This is a taboo for professional Hero(es) on the battlefield, but yes, no ,You guys like this can't even become professional Hero(es) corpses."

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