The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 91 Quirks Strengthening Potion?

Relying on his agility and increased speed, Li Tian parkoured forward at an extremely fast speed between tall buildings.

"Sure enough...before I learned how to use the speed force to pass through walls, proper parkour movements have a significant effect on improving my speed." On the roof of a tall building, Li Tian jumped and rolled from a rock Turned over on the pier, the movement was clean and neat without the slightest sloppy movement, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

Under Savitar's armor, a smile appeared on Li Tian's face.

This was what Cowboy told him when he was at Best Jeanist after he learned that his whole body moves faster, not just running fast.

However, this is not very useful for Li Tian who is using the super speed mode, because his super speed has already reached the level of running regardless of gravity. Much faster.

But...for Savitar who only uses the extreme speed mode, the cost is too much.

"That's... an illegal transaction?" Li Tian stopped leaping between the tall buildings, although he maintained the super-fast speed mode, Li Tian's dynamic vision and nerve response were even better than several times Strength of.

Therefore, although the movements of 'Savitar' were extremely fast, they did not slacken their observation of the surroundings~.

Even in the corner of the alley below, those inconspicuous... seventeen or eighteen strong men.

"Did you bring the goods?" Er Liuzi looked nervously at the men in black suits in front of him and asked.

"Of course I brought it. Where's the money?" A middle-aged fat man in a black suit of equal height and length asked with a straight face.

"Here is the money..." Er Liuzi lifted the box in his right hand.

With his skill, the faces of the dozen or so ruffians showed nervous expressions at the same time, wary of those men in black.

This is all their belongings.

"Open it!" The middle-aged fat man ordered.

"Let's see the goods first..." Er Liuzi directly shook his head and refused.

Although they are just punks, doing precarious business every day, they still have some brains.

"Yeah!" The middle-aged fat man raised his brows, looking submissively in front of him, but with a firm bum in his eyes, "show them the goods."


With the skill of a middle-aged fat man, a tall man in a black suit responded, picked up the suitcase in his hand, and then opened it to show those bums.

"Look! Authentic bald eagle products, one medicine is effective for at least two hours. These medicines are enough for you to have a big fight!" The middle-aged fat man said with a grin.

The dozen or so hooligans looked at the bright red bottle in the suitcase, with salivation on their faces, and their eyes were extremely earnest. This is... something that carries their future.

"Okay, I have seen the goods, take out the money!" The middle-aged fat man raised his hand and closed the box directly, and said to several people.

"Ergou." Erliuzi withdrew his earnest gaze, but the sleepiness on his face was not concealed in the slightest.

Among the dozen or so hooligans, a figure came out.

"Oh!" Seeing that the bum didn't take out the box in his hands, the black suits called someone over instead, and couldn't help frowning slightly, even though they knew that the dozen or so people in front of them were not worth mentioning, but Still vigilant.

The ruffian known as Ergou came out, took out a big paper bag from his pocket, opened it and showed it, "All the money is here."

Those drug sellers in black suits cautiously took a look, and found that they were indeed stacks of banknotes.

Seeing the actions of those men in black suits, a smug flash of pride flashed across the face of the bum, and he said, "Hey, this money is all our belongings, so we can't just lie down."

"Very well, you are very clever."

A look of disdain flashed in the eyes of the fat middle-aged man, but he gave a compliment in his mouth. He waved his hand, and the subordinates at the side came forward with the box and handed it to the rogue of the second dog, and the second dog smiled and handed over the money bag in his hand. Passed it over, and grabbed the suitcase with the other hand.

Just when the two were about to exchange.

"Look, what I found!"

"It's a sinful trading scene!"

The intruding sound made both parties vigilant at the same time, and the transaction did not continue. The drug seller quickly backed away and retreated among his companions, while the second dog stood there blankly, confused .

The location chosen by the two groups of people is not an abandoned area. There is a brightly lit Dama Road a street or two away, but this kind of dark alley is rarely visited by people at night. After a long time, It has also become a gathering place for some lawless people who dare not go to more dangerous places, but will not walk on the street openly.

As a result, the number of people who will go here will be even rarer, and more local hooligans will be attracted, falling into a vicious circle.

"Who?" The middle-aged fat man yelled violently, and immediately raised his hands in front of him, turning into two chainsaws that creaked.

"Those who beat you!" The figure of 'Savita' appeared at the entrance of the alley, looking at the 17 or 18 people who were almost full of boxes, including local hooligans and suit drug dealers, and rushed all the way without the slightest hesitation. up.

Before facing hundreds of vicious villain(s), he didn't hesitate at all. These dozen or so people are not enough for him to warm up!

Ping ping pong pong......

A few seconds later, more than a dozen people all fell to the ground, rolling and wailing all over the ground, as did the men in black suits who looked like full-fledged drug dealers.

"There is no one who can fight, a bunch of cowards..." Li Tian curled his lips and looked at the dozens of people lying on the ground with disdain. , there is no sense of shock at all.

Li Tian took a few steps forward, picked up the medicine box and the money bag, and looked at it casually. Needless to say, the money bag was full of stacks of banknotes, estimated to be worth millions of dollars. More, um, first!

Li Tian has no interest in these stolen money, this money is not enough for him to eat a few meals!

Li Tian looked at the box curiously.

He heard the conversation of these people from a distance just now, and according to his guess, what was contained in this box should be the legendary Quirks strengthening potion.


It was originally developed as a drug for the salvation of weak Quirks, but unfortunately...the side effects are too large, and the price is extremely expensive. In Neon, it is even more because it is listed as a banned drug, so only the underground black market has it. spread.

"Hmm?" Li Tian looked a lot, his gaze fixed, then his face darkened, and he threw the box in his hand aside.

Go to Nima’s bald eagle products, if you sell fake medicines, you need to get your outfit done first. Although I can’t understand the symbols on the glass bottles, it’s not in English anyway! And this kind of shoddy bottle contains bald eagles The Quirks strengthening potion? How is it possible? Bald eagles don't want to lose face!

"Inferior products from Southeast Asia." Li Tian instantly thought of the introduction when he saw the Quirks strengthening potion.

This kind of medicine has been repeatedly banned all over the world. Apart from the best bald eagle products and products from several other big countries, most of them are inferior products from small places.

For example, in addition to bald eagle products, most of the neon products are inferior products from Southeast Asia.

At most, the effect is only ten or twenty minutes long, and the after-effects are serious enough to kill.


Although few people come to this alley, but the street is not far away, the voice here has naturally been spread, and someone has already called the police and called the professional Hero(es).

In less than a minute, the professional Hero(es) in charge of this area has rushed over.

But what caught his eyes was a group of hooligans rolling on the ground with their stomachs in their arms, a large bag of banknotes, and an open box.

"This is..." After all, he is also a professional Hero(es), the scene in front of him instantly made him understand what was going on.

This is an illegal transaction that was bumped into by someone with a heart, and then... I learned a lesson from it!

"It's this kind of potion again, there have been so many things like this recently..." The professional Hero(es) contacted the police, looking at the neatly arranged ten bottles of potion in the box, helplessly Shaking his head, in the last month, he encountered this kind of potion five times alone, and it was used by others, and then he was hit by him for a total of twelve crimes. , the quantity is even more overwhelming.

On the other side, Li Tian also looked helpless.

It's the third time.

Since the first time he encountered that group of drug dealers, Li Tian ran into this kind of business of buying and selling Quirks strengthening potion twice in succession.

"With so many drug sellers, aren't they afraid of fighting?" Li Tian looked at the drug dealers and the men dressed as office workers who were taken away by the police with a headache.

"Is this getting involved in another incident?" Li Tian was speechless, this time he didn't have time to deal with such troublesome things at first sight!

After the final exam, about a week later, the forest camp will start. During this time, he, as the first place in the Hero Sports Festival, will also be invited to participate in the exhibition on My Island.

Stop by to complete the agreement with Melissa.

"Forget it, it's not that there are no professional Hero(es) here in Neon, I'm just a part-time job, why worry about that? It's impossible for the professional Hero(es) here to not notice such an obvious thing, so I'll continue Go find the villain(s) to practice!" Shaking his head, Li Tian made a few vertical jumps, climbed up the tall building, and then disappeared without a trace. .

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