The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 93 Untitled, Li...

"Uh huh, huh, huh, the chosen one? It's really disgusting, I really want to destroy that disgusting thing inch by inch!"" Sigang Muhang's mouth cracked, revealing a 'nuclear' look smiley.

"Son of the Chosen?" The doctor shook his head with a complex look on his face, "This One-for-All should only be called the Son of Hero(es)

The Chosen One should be the one you hate the most. "

The 'nuclear' smile on Sigang Mudiao's face froze, and an astonishing killing intent surged up in an instant, and gradually subsided after a while.

Looking at the dead handle wood hanger who had regained his composure, a flash of satisfaction flashed in the doctor's eyes, and he then said, "The last person, that kid, I thought for a long time before I decided that his Quirks were also inflated. One of [Quirks singularity], and it is the most successful one.”

"Zhen Xun Li Tian, ​​Quirks, has a speed that is several times the speed of sound, and can freely control the super fast thinking reaction ability of the speed. His father, Zhen Xun He Hui, Quirks can increase his own speed for acceleration. Ten times, Mu, Zhenxun and Mei, Quirks activate the brain power, and can calculate the increase of ten times and tens of times in an instant..." The doctor said word by word, and the complex expression on his face was also more and more obvious.

And Sigang Muhang beside him couldn't help but raised his brows and said in a deep voice, "Quirks marriage!"

"That's right..." The doctor nodded, "Quirks marriage, and it's the typical, no, the most perfect fruit of a Quirks marriage."

"I investigated him, that kid was always Quirkless until he was 15 years old and 18 years old, that is, when the other party was 15 years old, that is, in a villain(s) attack at the beginning of this year, both parents died, and he suffered a major blow. Awakened Quirks, from the awakening of Quirks to the present, the opponent's strength has grown at an incredible speed..."

"The body of a four-year-old child is undoubtedly unable to withstand that kind of bloated quirks, and the body of a four-year-old child is undoubtedly unable to manipulate that kind of bloated quirks, so...the opponent's quirks did not choose to awaken at the age of four, but It’s been waiting silently, waiting for the moment when the ground will break through and take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit, but so far, the growth rate of the other party’s Quirks is far from reaching its end, and his body has no signs of being unable to bear it.” The doctor said, The complex look on his face gradually turned into bitterness.

If One-for-All is the crystallization of the power that has been cultivated and irrigated through the unremitting efforts of generations, the seeds of hope will not be able to bear fruit until this generation takes root.

Then Li Tian, ​​just after he was born, he may have broken through the [limit] of being a human being!

Well, he and All-for-One have been researching for decades!

Countless [limits] of [human beings] that have not yet been broken!

How can this keep him from crying, how can he not hate!

On the side, listening to the doctor's words, Sigang Muhang's brows were also frowned, but the killing intent in his eyes did not weaken in the slightest, and even became stronger than before.

"I didn't rescue you to hear your complaints and hatred...You can make me stronger, right!" Sigangmu Diao said lightly.

"Of course." The doctor reflected back, the resentment and unwillingness in his heart were suppressed by him, and the eyes that looked at Sidangmuhang in front of him regained their usual calmness, "Although Sidangmu, your Quirks are strong enough now, but you still have to deal with it. It is far from touching your true strength, and it is not even close to touching the ceiling of [Quirks singularity], so you still need to hone, hone your body and mind, hone your skills, and arrive as soon as possible [Quirks singularity] this human ceiling."

"Then, with the help of the technology that took me decades to complete, you can completely break through this ceiling, control the true power of [Honkai], and become a real god of destruction standing in the world!" The doctor said , his face gradually became fanatical, this is the goal he has been pursuing unremittingly all his life.

"Speed, what's the use of being fast, wait until I send you into that field, Honkai is the power of the God of Destruction, the kind of guy who just laughs and laughs all day long, just turn into scum, my research ,Only my research is the only one that can make human beings stand on the sky, and the only one that can make people become gods." The doctor said, his whole body became excited, as if in a daze.

"The god of destruction...?" Sigang Muhang was not very excited, and sat there looking at the bewildered doctor calmly, feeling the power in his body that was about to move.

During this period of time, he has been traveling all over the country, recovering the dark forces left by his teacher and some villain(s) organizations. Without All-for-One to shield him from the wind and rain, he has experienced more and seen more , thinking too much, his thinking is no longer as naive as before, but the only thing that remains the same is...

"I really want to destroy this disgusting society right away!!" Shigaraki's smile gradually twisted.


Accompanied by a huge roaring sound, a giant beast rose across the sky, and the eagle hit the sky.

In this world, although the emergence of the supernormal era has inevitably led to chaos in the world, which has caused the stagnation of the era for a period of time, but.

But anyone with insight can understand that Quirks is just a tortuous fork in this world, magical, alluring, and full of attraction, but... science and technology are the future of mankind.

No matter how miraculous Quirks is, it will sooner or later be dug through and captured on the road of continuous development of science, merged into this road, and become another cornerstone of human civilization.

And now, but... the future world!

"Even in the future, it's too exaggerated for this kind of civil aviation airliner to be able to cruise at supersonic speed casually!" Li Tian complained speechlessly, this speed is almost catching up to one-fifth of his speed , he, Flash, don't want to lose face!

"Haha, it's been a long time since I took a plane to my island and it's still so fast!" By the window of the plane, All Might sighed with emotion as he looked out the window at the distant scenery that was rapidly receding.

It turns out that this is the plane of my island, not all planes in this world are so fast!

Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

To put it bluntly, my island is the most technologically advanced place in the British world, not one of them.

And the plane on My Island is naturally the most advanced civil aviation airliner in the world...Damn, even if it is the most advanced, it is still a civil aviation airliner, breaking through the speed of sound casually, I, Flash, don't want to lose face or even have a lining?

"Practice more when you get back... If you don't get rid of him ten times, twenty times, I will, just... eat ten bowls of rice less." Li Tian looked out the window, bored and silently irritated.

"Well, can I really go to my island together? Didn't you invite me?" Seeing the plane take off, Green Valley silently raised his hand and said submissively.

"It's already at this time, do you still want to go on?" Li Tian looked at Lu Gu's obedient look, and couldn't help feeling a headache.

He really wants to help All Might cultivate this disciple, to cultivate this next symbol of peace, but... I don't know if it's because Li Tian stole too many scenes from the other side, and the other side has endured too little training, so far [this is awkward] His character hasn't changed yet.

However, under the double training of Li Tian and All Might, at least the problem of crying at every turn has been greatly improved.

My island!

It is a man-made and movable sea city. It wanders in the Pacific Ocean for many years. Its location is uncertain. There are more than 10,000 scientists and their families living in it. ) event, that is, the city with the lowest crime rate in the world.

"Is that my island? It's so spectacular..." By the plane window, Li Tian looked down at the electrically large island that Fang Yin could faintly see, and his eyes showed shock.

Being at a high altitude, the island of me below is far away, and it is precisely this way that one can see the whole picture of my island. This huge sea island is surrounded by an extremely spectacular defensive wall, and inside is a huge city. Island - my island!

"Wow Kaka, we're here so soon! It seems that my island is not far from the neon lights recently!" All Might couldn't help laughing when he saw the island over there, seeing him for 340 years My friend on my island, he is also looking forward to it!

"Passengers, this flight is about to arrive at my island, please bring your belongings and get ready..."

The plane landed smoothly at the airport on the outermost side of my island. After all, it was a plane from the future world. When it landed, Li Tian didn't feel any bumps at all.

After getting off the plane and changing into their respective Hero(es) suits in the changing room, it is the immigration inspection of My Island.

The importance of My Island to the world is self-evident. More than 10,000 scientists and their research results are all the most precious wealth in the world.

Even All Might or even the leaders of various countries cannot be exempted from this inspection when entering the island.

Standing on the translational elevator, a series of light that is not dazzling swept across the three people's bodies and their respective luggage, and the virtual projection quickly showed their identities beside them.

and various information.

"Name Zhenxun Li Tian..."

"Is it very detailed?" Li Tian looked at the data on the virtual screen and couldn't help being surprised, some of which he didn't even know or forgot, scratched his chin, and Li Tian glanced casually. A glance at the side of All Might and Izuku Midoriya.

"Name Yagi Toshinori, Hero(es) name All Might..."

"The name Green Valley Izuku..."

"My Island Immigration and Border Inspection entry check is complete."

"This defense is really strong enough." After all the inspections were completed, Li Tian couldn't help but click his tongue. No wonder there hasn't been a villain(s) invasion since its establishment. The reason why in the original movie version There will be invasions by villain(s), and the full support of Dr. David and his assistants is absolutely indispensable.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a situation to occur.

"All Might is like this now, the other party should have no reason to make such a mistake!" Li Tian looked at the shriveled All Might in front of him and muttered inwardly. .

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