The Flesh And Blood Are Weak, You Directly Ascended Mechanically?

Chapter 71: Magic Flame Explosive Cannon, Unify The Eastern Region! .

A few minutes later.

The entire palace collapsed, revealing the Scarlet Mist and Mechanical Demon Dragon full of scars.

"It seems that there is no winner or loser for the time being."

Just when Jiang Ning was about to do it himself, the body of the mechanical dragon suddenly changed

The hell magic flame on the mechanical dragon's body first retracted into the body, and then the entire upper body began to deform!

After a while.

The upper body of the mechanical dragon has been reassembled, and a huge pitch-black muzzle more than one meter thick appeared on its back.

"Magic Flame Explosive Cannon!"

The muzzle of the gun slowly lit up with a black light, and instantly locked on to the Chimeng on the opposite side.

The mechanical dragon poured all the flames of hell in its body into this blow, and used its strongest skills, wanting to decide the winner with one blow!

Chi Meng, who was already covered in scars, never expected that the mechanical dragon would have such a hole card, and hastily used skills to defend.

"Red Dragon Patrol!"

Chi Meng immediately summoned many translucent red dragon phantoms, wrapping himself in them layer by layer!

When Chi Meng used his skills, the power of the magic flame blasting cannon had been completed!

A streak of black energy more than one meter thick shot straight towards Chimeng!

The phantom of the red dragon around Chimeng seemed to have sensed it, and immediately roared crazily and rushed towards the magic flame explosion cannon.

But the situation is not optimistic.

As soon as those phantoms came into contact with the magic flame blaster, they were infected by powerful black energy, and were instantly ignited by the black flame and turned into nothingness!

Although the densely packed red dragon phantoms blocked one after another, they only consumed some of the energy of the magic flame blasting cannon, and failed to stop it at all.

"not good!"

Chi Meng was shocked when he saw this.

He was about to leave the place immediately to get rid of the lock of the magic flame explosion cannon.

But it was too late.

If you are decisive and run away earlier, you may still have a chance to escape.

Judging from the speed of the magic flame blasting cannon, Chi Meng has no chance of escaping at all now!

The black energy reached Chi Meng in an instant.

Chi Meng watched the black energy penetrate his body helplessly, unable to avoid it.

I can only do my best to avoid my own vital points


Chi Meng let out a painful roar.

Looking at Chi Meng at this time, he was already severely injured.

Although this shot didn't kill him directly, it still cost most of his life

A huge gap more than one meter thick appeared on Chi Meng's body, exposing completely charred flesh and bones.

If it weren't for Chi Meng, it would be a dragon clan with tenacious vitality.

If it were any other race, I'm afraid they would have already died here

"My lord, please forgive me!"

"I am willing to surrender and willing to offer all the treasures of my Chilong Clan!"

"By the way, there are also female tributes from various ethnic groups."

"I only hope that the great God of Mechanics can let me live"

Chi Meng limp on the ground, wailed in pain, and begged Jiang Ning for mercy with the last of his strength.

"You're right."

"After killing you, don't these things belong to me?"

"Except for your queer females"

Jiang Ning walked forward with a smile and spoke.

Jiang Ning had no interest in Chi Meng's offer.

Originally, Jiang Ning came here this time with the intention of taking away the leaders of all the clans, quickly unifying the entire chaotic Eastern Region, and preparing for the next step.

Where would you keep your hands for mere treasures?

After killing Chi Meng, Jiang Ning will also kill all other Chilong Clan.

At that time, it would be a waste of time at most, and the treasure of the Red Dragon Clan could still be found!

What made Jiang Ning speechless the most was.

This Chimeng actually wants to dedicate to himself the females that have been tributed to him by all the tribes?


Who do you think you are?

If anyone is in front of him, Jiang Ning will find a confused black question mark expression on his face.

"Damn you!" Jiang Ning was speechless for a while.


Jiang Ning opened his mouth coldly, and a huge white lightning with a thickness of more than ten meters fell from the sky instantly, covering Chi Meng who was already seriously injured!

Before Chi Meng could make a sound, he was reduced to ashes by the white lightning summoned by Jiang Ning

"Level up"

"Level up"

The sound of level-up sounded one after another!

Thanks to the massive experience of leapfrog killing monsters.

After Jiang Ning killed Chi Meng at level 60, his experience bar soared wildly!

In the blink of an eye, he went up to level 5, reaching level 45!

However, after reaching level 45, Jiang Ning did not acquire any new skills.

Jiang Ning was not surprised by this, and had expected it for a long time.

Level 40 is a watershed for professionals, and after level 40 they are considered advanced professionals.

Before level 40, you can get a professional skill every 5 levels, but after that, you can get a professional skill at level 10.

Although the interval is longer.

But the skills acquired after level 40 are not comparable to those before.

If according to the game.

Skills before level 40 are small skills, then after level 40 is a powerful big move!

Each skill has a very powerful effect and ability!

These skills are often a professional's trump card, and can even determine the outcome of a battle.

After killing Chi Meng.

Jiang Ning first asked his men to kill several other Chilong clans in the Chilong Nest, and then turned the Chilong Nest upside down, digging three feet to dig out all the valuable things.

Looking at the dilapidated Red Dragon Nest beside him, Jiang Ning showed a knowing smile.

This trip to the Red Dragon's Nest has come to a successful conclusion.

It started with the Chilong clan holding a meeting of various clans.

It ends with the complete destruction of the Chilong clan and the leaders of all clans

To Jiang Ning's surprise.

The Red Dragon Clan is actually much richer than he imagined!

This is really delicious!

It has to be a dragon!

Otherwise, why do warriors like to slay dragons? It's too much!

And this addiction to collecting all kinds of rare treasures is too 6!

As the number one race in the Chaotic Eastern Territory, the Red Dragon Clan has accumulated countless useful and useless wealth for countless years.

Leaving aside those blue equipment piled up into hills.

That is, those shiny gems and crystals that are priceless among human beings have reached a terrifying amount

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an ocean!

Now it is completely fulfilled Jiang Ning!

After destroying the Red Dragon Clan.

Such a large amount of equipment plus all kinds of gems and crystals belong to Jiang Ning!

When it comes to settlement, these can be automatically converted into points!

After this battle.

The first race in the chaotic eastern region, destroy!

Leaders of all clans, die!

The vitality of the entire chaotic eastern region was seriously injured

But at the same time.

It can be regarded as completely establishing the dominance of the Mechanicus!

No race dares to disobey the will of the Mechanic God!


The former Chilong clan and the leaders of various clans are their fate!

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