He is a magician?

The first impurity in the four [Destiny] seemed to be sifted out.

Everyone looked at Li Yi with scrutiny, but Li Yi himself did not seem surprised that Ji Er had exposed his identity. Instead, he smiled and nodded to admit it.

But just nodding made Ji Er look extremely ugly.

Although everyone could not see how wonderful his expression was, they could guess how uncomfortable he was at the moment by looking at his stagnant figure.

He was calculated, calculated by the magician next door.

Li Yi's exposure was intentional, but he used Ji Er's mouth to dispel Ji Er's own arrogance.

"Yes, I am a magician.

[Nothingness] only has [Destiny], so it is not wrong for me to say that I am a prophet, isn't it?"

"So, your predictions are also false?

It's so funny, what's the use of a clumsy lie except wasting everyone's time?"

Su Wu snorted in dissatisfaction, sneering at Li Yi's hiding his identity.

However, Li Yi was not annoyed. He smiled and said:

"The prophecy is not a lie. I have two prophecy cards in my deck, so both prophecies are true.

This is why I am willing to trust you.

There are not many good people in this world, but there are many bad people.

If I were a good person, I would never believe that I could get 5 other good people.

I am not a good person. Of course, I don't think I am bad either, so when my prophecy card told me that you are the same as me, I thought we could possibly cooperate.

This... brother Ji'er, using a mean mouth to hide your nature is also a good trick, so are you a war supervisor or...

a clown?"

Oh, the fun is here.

Cheng Shi is undoubtedly the person who knows the clown best on the field. He has seen clowns, played clowns, and was once a clown.

So when he heard that his old profession was attributed to someone else, he immediately looked at Ji Er and waited for his response with a smile.

As a priest of [Fraud], the clown was blessed with "lie therapy". As long as he used lies and illusions to make others believe that he had the ability to heal, then this healing power would take effect.

So if we assume that Ji Er is really a clown, a clown who does not "lie like yesterday", then he just said that he is a war supervisor, which is "cheating" to get the healing power in public.

Note that what is cheated is the healing power of this dagger, not the belief in [war].

This kind of lie trick is far more demanding than the trust environment required by "lie like yesterday", and it is far less stable than the treatment of priests of other beliefs, so the clown itself is not a very "qualified" nurse.

They are immersed in the intertwined lies to absorb the few healing powers, but they can only deal with emergencies, just like the joy brought by the clown, which will always be temporary.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ji Er just sneered and did not say anything.

Now everyone began to wonder, are there three liars in this trial?

Then there are five [nothingness]?

Thinking of this, all the players looked at Gao San in surprise.

Yes, they didn't look at Ji Er, but looked at Gao San together.

It must be interesting to have a [Truth] sneak into this game that is likely to be "all" [Nothingness].

Gao San did not change because of everyone's scrutiny. He smiled and said:

"No matter if it's a prophet or a magician, or a war supervisor or a clown, in this trial, we want to cooperate. We have only one goal, that is:

Prison break!

You have heard what the magician said. No. 1 and No. 2 will be dragged to fight to the death, and then I will take turns to play.

This is obviously not a trial about cooperation, but we must know that since the advent of [Faith Game], there has not been a trial with confrontation as the main theme, so I think the direction of the answer is very clear. We need to break out of prison and we must break out of prison.

Creating a chaos and leaving here not only meets the needs of [chaos], but also liberates ourselves. How about this plan?

Otherwise, each of us will become each other's enemy."

Ji Er snorted coldly after hearing this and turned his head away.

According to the rules of the death penalty, he and Li Yi were obviously the first to meet each other, but whether he was a war supervisor or a clown, as a priest, he might not be as combat-effective as a magician, even if he had a back-up plan, the problem was that magicians usually had more back-ups.

So at this moment, the two of them and the senior high school student who were in the order should be the ones who wanted to cooperate in escaping the prison the most. After all, according to the order, the three behind could still have moreObserve for a while.

In this way, Gao San's suggestion is much more reasonable.

But this prison is not so easy to escape.

So when Gao San finished speaking, Cheng Shi cautiously poured cold water on everyone.

"The idea is right, but the plan is wrong.

I just inquired. The Knights of Iron Law are stationed outside the death penalty field. One of the three highest judges has come to Montrani and watched the performance on this arena.

Wanting to escape from prison at this time is nothing short of fantasy..."

"But it's not completely impossible." Li Yi interrupted Cheng Shi and continued, "Don't look at me like that. The most cards in my deck are honest cards."


Cheng Shi twitched his mouth and his eyelids jumped.

You'd better not point at me.

Magician is a very magical profession. Under His gaze, these singers can turn their lies into playing cards with special effects.

Every time they trick someone, a poker card will appear in their hand, but the specific effect of this poker card depends on the magician's [Fraud] talent.

Other singers may need to sing to enhance their teammates, but magicians prefer to give poker cards instead of singing.

Of course, it's not absolute, it depends on the person.

Li Yi obviously doesn't like singing, so he likes to give people cards.

"This time it was another prisoner, the one behind me in purple prison uniform, who said that he heard from the Punishment Knight that the nobles of Montrani will hold a unique prison open day event tonight. At that time, many nobles will bring their families here to see how these "poor people" who are about to die prepare for the game.

It's a bad taste, isn't it, but it's very beneficial to us.

As long as we seize this opportunity and use the identities of the nobles to create a big enough mess to attract the attention of the Iron Law Knights, we may have a chance to leave here.

Even if we don't do anything, the guards will slack off at the moment when the nobles leave. This is human nature, and we can also use it."

"You are a liar, who knows whether what you said is true or false."

Ji Er said again, but Li Yi seemed to have guessed his doubts, so he opened his prison uniform in public.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, but saw a poker card with a mouth painted on it stuck to his chest!

"Honest card, I'm afraid that too much suspicion will waste our time, so I put an honest card on myself. How about it, do you believe it?

If you don't believe it, you might as well tear off my card and stick it on yourself to see if your secret will be told by yourself."

Since Li Yi confessed his identity, he has taken the absolute initiative in the confrontation with Ji Er. All his actions are so confident and elegant, just like a magician who is performing a great show, which makes Cheng Shi very excited.

This is the magician in his mind, exposing himself to the spotlight, but always able to fool the audience.

Ji Er was choked, he snorted again, and bowed his head without saying anything.

Zhao Si, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Li Yi and said in a muffled voice:

"What are your plans?"

"I do have a plan, but before sharing my plan, shouldn't you two also share some new experiences?

Hmm? The final stroke, and this...screenwriter teacher?"


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