The three swindlers completed a perfect cooperation.

The moment the two Herrs came in, the three people covered by the Quiet Lizard skin were not discovered.

When the old scholar left, the acrobat Gao San immediately flashed out and twisted Figol's neck. At the same time, Cheng Shi opened the mouse cage and released Li Yi, letting Li Yi approach the corpse by himself, tearing off the soul parasitic card on his body and sticking it on the corpse.

At that moment, Li Yi "regained life".

Everyone knows what happened next. This unfortunate follower was pitted by "his own people" without any surprise.

At this moment, he looked at the sharp tip of the knife constantly wandering on his body, his face gloomy and uncertain.

Obviously, this is a knight with faith, but no matter how much faith he has, he can't resist the interrogation of the devil, and Cheng Shi is exactly the devil who understands people's hearts the most.

"Well, I can see that you are not afraid of death, but it doesn't matter. I know a little about psychology and know that people will always have fear.

Your faith seems to be very firm, but I happen to have something that can soften this firmness."

As he said, Cheng Shi took out a black pill from his personal space.

"Do you know what this is?

Disorder precipitation, a specialty of the Yuhui Church.

Perhaps you don't know what the Yuhui Church is at this time, but I can tell you that it is a group of lunatics hiding underground and creating chaos crazily, and they are the lucky ones watched by [Chaos].

Oh, I remember that [Chaos] seems to have not yet arrived at this time, and you should not have heard of His name, but it doesn't matter, His messenger Ultraman has brought His will here, to the Grand Court of Inquisition.

You only need to know that He is the lifelong enemy of [Order], It is the nightmare of all order and the end of all order.

Now, as long as you swallow this "disorder precipitation", you can completely abandon [order] and embrace [chaos] like them. In this way, what you believe in and want to maintain now will become what you hate and will destroy.

How about it, isn't it interesting?

I'll give you another chance, are you willing to say it now? "

Cheng Shi held his nose with one hand and held this "disorder precipitation" with the other hand to the mouth of his follower, rolling it on his trembling face and pale lips.

If you were just forced to take medicine, this punishment might not be so terrible, but when the interrogator in front of you is still a weirdo who likes to pick his nose, this terrifying sense of oppression comes up instantly.

After all, you can't understand what perverted behavior a pervert will show to you.

Seeing that the attendant had not spoken, Cheng Shi continued:

"Okay, let's be practical. If you can answer my questions truthfully, at least... you will die in my hands.

Instead of dying in the hands of your so-called friends, so that you can also retain the last dignity, how about it?"

The attendant's eyes flashed with mixed emotions. He looked at Cheng Shi with fear and resentment. After only a second of staring at each other, he was defeated by those pure eyes that did not look like those of a demon.

"I say... I say!

Don't turn me into His believer. Please, don't push me into [chaos... chaos]."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and smiled happily.

"That depends on whether the information you tell is true or false."

"Really... Everything is true, and I have long had enough of guarding these things that blaspheme my Lord in this underground without seeing the sun...

They are blaspheming [Order], they are defying the law, they are... using the rules...

The experimental materials I am talking about are... all the death row prisoners!

Including you..."

As soon as the follower finished speaking, the three liars present narrowed their eyes. They first looked at the follower together, and then quickly looked at each other.

Li Yi and Gao San both nodded slightly to Cheng Shi, which undoubtedly showed that the interrogator was not lying.

Interesting, the Tower of Logic is using prisoners of the Grand Court for experiments?

Who gave them the courage?

That lord, Figol mentioned that lord before his death, who is he?

Is he the mastermind behind the secret collusion with the Tower of Logic? Or is he an insider cultivated by the Tower of Logic in the Grand Court?

This seems to be an interesting story, so much so that Cheng Shi wanted to move a stool to listen to him slowly.

The follower had no choice. Under the pressure of betrayal of faith and the close watch of three liars, he told the truth about everything that happened in the underground laboratory.

The follower's name was Nisk, and he was originally a member of the Iron Knights.

One day, he and many Iron Knights were selected by a first-level judge to carry out the "Detroit Mission", and the destination of the mission is here, a secret laboratory under the Monterani Arena.

This laboratory has no name, and its existence has not been officially recorded by the Grand Court. Nisk and his companions did not know the purpose of the inquisitors secretly building this laboratory in the first few years. They only knew that at the end of the year when the New Law School promulgated the death penalty, the laboratory was almost completed at the same time as the Monterani Arena. Since then, more and more people in Gaoshan County have been sentenced to death.

But the so-called death penalty is not a crime at all, but a rhetoric and illusion to cover up the output of this laboratory.

Because this laboratory is transporting out experimental subjects wearing mysterious helmets, that is, all death penalty prisoners including Cheng Xian's current identity!

The experiment conducted in the laboratory is not complicated. It has a simple and easy-to-understand name, which is called:

Life Assimilation Experiment!

The host of the experiment is called Serius, who is the old man who walked out of here before.

Although none of the guards of this underground laboratory knew his true identity, with so much and obvious "evidence", anyone could guess that he was a scholar of the Tower of Logic.

To be honest, before the outbreak of the civil war on the surface, the relationship between the Grand Inquisition and the Tower of Logic was good. The two just had different beliefs, but there were still many similarities in the construction of [civilization], and they often cooperated.

However, this state of "gentlemen's friendship is as light as water" no longer existed after the civil war broke out in the Tower of Logic first, and it was precisely at this time that the Tower of Logic was already deeply involved in the war!

It was before this period that Serius came to the Grand Inquisition.

Of course, the information about Serius's appearance was all Nisk's guess, and the only thing he was sure of was the part about the experiment.

The purpose of this experiment was very simple, that is, the judges who were prepared for a rainy day tested and manufactured a batch of killing weapons for war in advance in order to prevent the war of the Tower of Logic from spreading to the border of the Grand Inquisition!

Yes, killing weapons!

The same killing weapon as the war machine pawns of the Tower of Reality.

The only difference is that the war machine pawns of the Tower of Reality use the "truth" of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, while the killing weapons produced here use the "truth" of the Department of Life Extension.

Serius is a great scholar of the Department of Life Extension.

The content of the experiment is to inject a mysterious potion called "life assimilation agent" into the bodies of several "lucky people" who were caught for violating the new law, turning them into so-called "life assimilation bodies".

When one of the life assimilation bodies kills another life assimilation body in the same group of potions, the "assimilation power" buried deep in the winner's body will plunder the power of the dead in all aspects, thereby piling the winner's life force to a higher level in a way that is almost like infusion and superposition.

This method is more like "reproduction" and "inheritance" between parallel life forms.

In this way, the final winner will become a war machine with excellent physique and strength, and the "life assimilation agent" has long been mixed with easy-to-control life defects. Under the call of special means, these final winners will become the strongest warriors who obey orders.

This is all about the experiment.

When Cheng Shi and others heard this, the three people frowned for a long time.

What the follower named Nisk said was indeed correct, at least, he thought it was all true.

But after a rough listen, Cheng Shi still found many things that he couldn't understand, such as:

Since it is a fight between strangers, why do you have to wear a helmet that looks expensive and even implies the power of [prosperity]?

Also, if it is just to kill each other, why do you have to go on stage in order? In this case, group fighting should be more able to stimulate the ferocity of "weapons", right?

And the way of group death fight is obviously more attractive to the audience, and it can also sell high ticket prices.

Furthermore, from the perspective of the experiment, since death can bring experimental benefits, why let these people fight to the death in public? Wouldn't it be better to let them kill each other mechanically? This can also improve the efficiency of the experiment.

There are too many doubts, but Niske can only answer a limited number of them. He has been suffering from the inner torment of "worshiping [order] and breaking order behind the scenes". He has not paid much attention to the details of this laboratory, so facing Cheng Shi's massive questions, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't answer.

But knowing so much is enough. Cheng Shi now only wants to know one more question, which is:

"The adult you are talking about is the first-level judge who asked you to come here to garrison? Who is he?"

Niske's face turned pale and shook his head.

"No, not him. The lord I'm talking about is...

One of the three most noble and honorable beings...

The favored god of [Order], the highest judge of the Grand Inquisition, the true controller of the Knights of the Iron Law, Lord Kernlauer."


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