Don't forget, there are more than two players in this trial of [Prosperity].

Let's go back a little bit. Before [Prosperity] came, in the depths of the Sighing Forest, several figures staggered out of the treeless forest step by step, against the thick fog and countless wandering twisted pythons.

But how do you know that you have walked out of the forest without trees?

That's because they are no longer standing on the rotten leaves made of the snake skin shed by the twisted night python, but muddy red soil that can be stepped on to bleed!

The environment in front of these people has changed, turning into an endless bloody wasteland, and in the center of this land that has no cover, there is a dazzling and eye-catching blood lake with surging waves!

Zuoqiu and Anjing looked at the bloody lake in front of them, which continued to ripple, and the shock and fear in their hearts could not be calmed for a long time.

Who would have thought that there was a lake of corrupt blood in the center of the Sighing Forest?

Who would have thought that the so-called Septic Blood Tomb was not a stone tablet standing on the ground, but a pyramid-shaped mausoleum hanging upside down in the sky for the pilgrims who needed to [decay] to look up!

The upside-down pyramid tomb was like a giant thorn floating in the air, with countless facets, and each facet was etched with countless unclear [decay] words by the corrupt black blood.

Whenever the corrupt black blood from all faces flowed through all the words, the septic blood would gather at the tip of the pyramid, turning into a drop of sticky blood filled with hissing and wailing, dripping into the blood lake below.

And when the blood lake was filled and overflowed by the continuously accumulated thick blood...

The sighing tide of sorrow broke out.

The blood of corruption poured into the barren land, pushing the rich power of [Decay] to spread outward. The mist from the thick blood rising and evaporating became thicker and thicker, and the blood color became lighter and lighter in the process of spreading, until the mist spread into the forest and gradually turned into the sighing tide that players are familiar with.

When Zuoqiu and Anjing arrived here, they happened to encounter the end of a wave of sighing tide, but the end of this bloody fog almost broke through their defense barrier and caused the two to die on the spot.

The historian held a page of the learned poet that he had found from nowhere, his face was pale and his body was tense, but even under such great pressure of death, his eyes still showed a gleam of thirst for historical truth.

He kept looking for the weak points of the bloody frenzy and tried to go through the fog to the depths of the blood lake, but he failed after trying for a long time.

At the moment when the sighing tide broke out, probably no one could go in.

"Master Yan, help me, I can't stand it anymore. This is the last page of the Holy Light Great Wall. I have used up all my accumulation. It's your turn next!"

Anjing is as quiet as her name suggests. She didn't make a move, but frowned and looked to the other side.

Zuoqiu was a little anxious. He reminded her again, but Anjing made a quiet gesture.

The historian's breath stagnated. He looked along the line of sight of the Master Yan, but found that in another direction not far from the blood lake, there was actually a person, a living person, who just opened his hands and jumped into the horrifying blood lake naked.

The warrior's scars and rotten flesh were so eye-catching that the two of them recognized who he was in an instant!

The poison!

The poison who left the player team from the beginning and set off for the depths of the forest!

This believer of [Decay] completely threw himself into the arms of [Decay] in this [Decay] pilgrimage place in a way that the two could not understand.

Zuo Qiu's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this scene, and he exclaimed:

"Crazy! He's crazy!

He actually dared to step into this blood lake?

He wants to die?

The rumor about [Decay] is false!

How could someone come back alive after bathing in corrupt blood?

Not even Lin Xi can do it!"

"What rumor?"

An Jing's eyes flashed with curiosity, and she turned around and quietly took over the defense work.

Countless puppet-controlling silk threads suddenly burst out from the mouth and nose of the Ranger Yan puppet, and then whipped around the two people and turned into a translucent "cocoon" woven by silk threads.

The surging [Decay] frenzy quietly flowed after hitting the seemingly fragile cocoon wall, as if there was only a ball of air in the space wrapped by the silk cocoon and no living things existed.

Zuo Qiu looked at this magical scene with sparkling eyes.

"[Silence] is really good at hiding himself, it's really wonderful."

"It's just a trifle, far less exciting than the history you mentioned. Tell me, I'm curious about the rumor you mentioned."

"It's just a rumor.

After [Decay] God Chosen Lin Xi came out alive from the Tomb of Septic Blood and reached the top, a voice came from the channel of [Decay], saying that as long as someone can bathe in the corrupt blood on the Septic Blood Tomb, he can directly receive His reward.

But all this is fake. "

"Interesting, I see that your shock at this place is not fake, it should be your first time here, how come you are so familiar with this Septic Blood Tomb?

This Septic Blood Lake is obviously formed by the blood drops dripping from the Tomb above our heads, and the floating Tomb is likely to be the place where He descends, so where is the fake?"

"This is my first time here, but I do have some memories of the Septic Blood Tomb, and I know that no one has ever walked out of the blood lake alive.

Even if he is a believer of [Decay], to this place where [Decay] has accumulated and settled for tens of millions of years, he is just a piece of white paper with only red marks smudged on it!

He actually wanted to use this sticky [Decay] blood to color himself, huh, a foolish dream.

Such a thin and fragile paper will not be stained with any color if it jumps into the lake, because once the white paper falls into the water, it will be melted and shredded by the thick blood plasma, turning into [decayed] ash and piling up on the side, becoming part of this barren red soil!

Otherwise, how do you think such a large piece of barren land came from?

Over the past tens of millions of years, how many [decayed] pilgrims have jumped into the lake in an attempt to obtain His blessing, but they were all crushed here by this sticky blood, washed into the bloody mud under your feet and mine.

What we are stepping on is not mud, it is clearly the blood and flesh of thousands of [decayed] believers! "

This is not mud, but flesh and blood...?"

The puppet master was a little shocked. She controlled the Ranger puppet to raise her feet and crush the mud under her feet. Seeing the black blood seeping out and covering her instep, she was shocked and her eyes were slightly fixed.

This is faith.

This obsession with pursuing faith is so fanatical that countless unknown pilgrims have died one after another, dotting the history of [decay].

No wonder the historian had to fight hard to come in and take a look even if he had memories, because now everything in front of the two is living history, a history of flesh and blood and faith.

Witnessing it with your own eyes is far more shocking and real than recalling memories.

The scene fell silent again until the surrounding fog began to fade gradually, and the thick blood in the blood lake began a new round of accumulation. At this time, the puppet master broke the silence again. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Zuo Qiu with interest and said:

"Your memory, it can't be that Lin Xi shared it with you? "

Zuoqiu sighed and shook his head:

"I am just a historian with 2300 points. Apart from knowing this name, I have no connection with the chosen one. My memory...

is of the man in the coffin."

An Jing was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

"It turned out that the history school ate the man in the coffin?

So, Lin Xi has taken a big blame for you!

Almost everyone thought that he killed the person who showed him the way after he got the gift of [Decay]. "

"No, the 'disappearance' of the man in the coffin is indeed related to us.

But their death... has nothing to do with us. ”


An Jing obviously felt that this sentence was contradictory, but then her doubts were solved by the historian.

“The historical school has always wanted to complete the history of the underground, but this work cannot avoid the study of the Sighing Forest. The history of [Decay] has always been rare. It is said that only the [Decay] words carved on the Septic Blood Tomb record some of the history of [Decay], so everyone is eager to find a way to reach the Septic Blood Tomb.

Long before the appearance of the man in the coffin, we determined several paths by flipping through the few books, but because the road to the deep Sighing Tide was too dangerous, we chose to give up after many attempts.

Before we figured out all the history, we didn’t want to become history.

However, we never thought that there would be someone who was even crazier than the historical school in seeking history, and this crazy organization was the man in the coffin.

This organization with only more than a hundred [Decay] believers, in order to make their names "go down in history", actually wanted to pave a road to the Septic Blood Tomb with their own lives!

They used the so-called range overlap method to continuously narrow the range, and then used the deaths of different members as marks, and gradually approached the Bloodthirsty Tomb.

To be honest, even if the six players in a trial were all coffin-bound, the exploration range of the six players would only be a drop in the bucket for the vast Sighing Forest. This was almost an impossible exploration.

But who let [Fate] favor the lunatics? Even these lunatics themselves did not expect that when the coffin-bound people were almost wiped out, one of them was lucky.He actually found the location of the Septic Blood Tomb!

Not only that, he also witnessed a ritual of self-sacrifice by a [Decadent] believer.

He was frightened by this suicidal pilgrimage and started to run away without saying a word. He hid until he retreated to a safe area without the Sighing Tide. He was ready to wait for the end of the trial and then spread the explosive news.

At this time, the most ironic thing happened.

A [Foul] player who embraced greed somehow found his hiding place, and then killed the only person in the coffin who knew the path to the Septic Blood Tomb just for a beautifully carved magic lamp in his hand.

The historical school had never seen the coffin man at all. They almost died in the trial of finding the route.

But the historical school was also lucky, because in a certain trial, one of our [Memory] believers killed a [Foul] teammate who tried to rob him, and then found everything about the man in the coffin in his memory!

But since the man in the coffin only exists in the memory of memory, we can't complete all the details. After trying our best, we only found the part about the blood lake.

So we pretended to be the man in the coffin and released clues, hoping to complete the route by the death of those fanatical believers. Then, it was Lin Xi who successfully walked here. "

An Jing was shocked by this absurd historical truth and was a little at a loss. She looked at the historian in front of her, opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

"History is like this, isn't it?

In the past, it was passed down from mouth to mouth among different people. We remembered their stories. In the future, others will remember our stories.

And what I have to do is just to verify the authenticity of this story and make the details of this story more vivid. "


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