It is hard to say whether Zhen Xin waited for what she wanted to wait for, but Cheng Shi did wait for it.

He waited for an unexpected shock!

He thought that after joining Cheng Dashi's plan, he could be a bystander and see what kind of game his future self had set up now, but he didn't expect that soon after the arrival of [Prosperity], his eyes went black and he completely lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the new rain forest underground, but stood in an endless sea of ​​treetops. Facing the brilliant morning glow, he saw a giant tree that pierced the starry sky standing in front of him.

The giant tree was lush and thick, and its branches that grew wildly almost covered the entire field of vision. Its height was enough to make people look up and break their necks.

But this is not the most shocking thing. The reason why Cheng Shi's pupils suddenly shrank and he froze on the spot is that this giant tree is not a simple plant at all. The outer wall of the trunk and branches that breathes and swells does not seem to be bark at first glance, but more like the skin of some animal. But if you look closely, you will find that the slightly shrinking outer wall is clearly flesh and blood wrapped in a thin layer of fascia!

The giant tree in front of him is actually a mixture of flesh and blood and trees!

Cheng Shi's breathing suddenly stagnated. He seemed to guess who was in front of him, but this guess was so absurd that it made his brain vibrate and buzz.

How could it be Him?

It seems that it should be Him, but the trial is not over yet, how come it has reached the stage of meeting the gods! ?

What is going on? Is this what Cheng Dashi is planning?

Does he want him to meet [Prosperity], or is he preparing to meet [Prosperity] himself?

Thinking of this, Cheng Shi swallowed nervously and looked down at his shadow.

But he failed, because there was no shadow here.

This was not because the shadow had changed again, but because the tree canopy was full of rising suns. Under the irradiation of countless scorching suns, there was no shadow here.

Cheng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that he was not facing the one who was rumored to appear in the [Prosperity God Shade] and turned into a tree god, but...

The one who showed his true form on the [Prosperity God Shade]! ?

He looked at the tree canopy under his feet and suddenly realized that it turned out that under this tree canopy was the so-called [Prosperity God Shade], which was the pilgrimage site that countless [Prosperity] believers had been thinking about, and above this tree canopy...

There was only a monster made of flesh and wood... [True God]!


Fortunately, he braked in time, otherwise he would be charged with blasphemy again.

Just when Cheng Shi was confused and didn't know what to think and how to speak, the giant tree in front of him, which was full of terrifying vitality, spoke before him.

This was the first time that Cheng Shi didn't shout out his praise when he met the god, but surprisingly, [Prosperity] didn't seem to care about his "disrespect". His voice was like a warm breeze, blowing the endless [Prosperity] breath to Cheng Shi's face, making him clear-headed and calm.

"Raise your head and let me see you."

His voice was neutral, crisp, pleasant and very contagious. The blood of the listeners was excited and the spirit was refreshed. It was completely different from the kind female voice of [Mother of Prosperity] "Mother" in Cheng Shi's mind.

Cheng Shi raised his head nervously and looked at the towering tree again, but as soon as his eyes passed over the thick trunk, his pupils shrank sharply and his back tightened suddenly. Even his hands instinctively clenched their fists tightly, and he dared not look up again.

Because he clearly saw that the trunk, which was just a mixture of flesh and wood, opened one after another huge mouth like a tree hole, and the mouth wrapped in rough bark spit out a lot of bright red tongues of different lengths and sizes.

This horrible scene scared Cheng Shi silly, and he immediately thought of the [Birth God Pillar] that he had the honor to see, but compared with the various motionless mouth "fossils" on the [God Pillar], the many huge mouths in front of him now are obviously more vivid.


So, this is [Prosperity]?

Is this the second god of [Life]'s fate?

No, why do you [Life] all have this devilish character?

It turns out that the adult on the bone seat looks the most normal?

Ha, a skull is actually the most handsome among the three [Him], what a hell joke!

But since He has a mouth, wouldn't that be...

Cheng Shi swallowed his saliva again and looked up with fear, and then he saw the nose, ears and eyes that had not appeared just now, but the changes were expected.

It's just that the breathing nose is attached to the connection of countless branches like a new bud, and the ears are like a tree.Leaves rustled on every branch, and the eyes were like bunches of fruits on the branches, blinking in disorder, and all looked at him when he raised his head.

Cheng Shi felt that he was wrong. The one he was meeting should not be [prosperity], but... [chaos].

It was too chaotic, so chaotic that Cheng Shi's reason went on strike.

Ababa Ababa Ababa......


Looking at Cheng Shi who was stunned by the shock, the giant tree spoke again:

"You are very smart, no wonder [Fraud] listed you as a treasure."

After hearing this, Cheng Shi finally came back to his senses. He quickly lowered his head and "praised" with great "piety":

"Praise [Prosperity], may the breath of life remain in the world forever, and may there be no decline in the world."

"You seem to be afraid, because my appearance has aroused your fear?

Interesting, I deliberately changed my form to get closer to humans, and my appearance is closest to humans at this time. You are not afraid of [death], let alone me."


The form is closest to humans......


No, I would like to ask, where did you come to this conclusion?

Is it the densely packed leaf ears or the bunch of big grape-like eyes?

Let me say something unpleasant, the [God Pillar] of [Birth] is more like a person than you, right?


But Cheng Shi certainly couldn't say such words. He could only keep his head down, and while trying to suppress his discomfort, he echoed:

"I'm not afraid, I just admire the grandeur of [prosperity], and I feel respect and even at a loss."

"You are lying, your vitality is messed up, and you become like your benefactor who likes to lie, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

But it doesn't matter, I don't worship the hierarchy like them, so you don't need to be too restrained in front of me.

I summoned you here just because I think your actions are quite in line with my will. It's a pity to follow you so much and walk on the road of [nothingness].

So, human, are you willing to step out of [nothingness], stop [cheating], rewrite [fate], embrace [prosperity], and then... coexist with me?"

Countless tree hole giant mouths spit out such shocking words that Cheng Shi's brain exploded with a "buzz" after hearing it.

He heard that the solicitation of [Prosperity] was different from that of [Memory] and [Chaos]. It didn't seem like He was simply looking for believers who could practice the will of [Prosperity]. Instead, it seemed that He was sending him an invitation to "become one".

He seemed to want him to embrace the great cause of [Prosperity], completely integrate into this greatest [Prosperity], become a part of the giant tree that pierced the starry sky and pierced the universe, and share the glory of [Prosperity] with Him.

A [God] was inviting him to share authority with Him! ?

Is this possible?

Is this real?

Can't people and gods share authority?

Isn't this an illusion set up by Zhen Yi?

Cheng Shi was confused. His heart tightened and he instinctively began to look around. But after feeling the endless vitality around him, he was sure that what was in front of him must not be an illusion, but the real [Prosperity]!

He was inviting himself to coexist with Him!


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