"Is this how you, the destined ones, broke through the sky and faced the [Gods]!?"

Seeing that the eyes emitting the aura of gods on the treetops were increasing, Hong Lin asked this question fearfully.

She was scared, really scared, perhaps no player would not be scared in this scene.

She thought that was just an exaggerated boast of Cheng Shi to the destined one, but unexpectedly, what he said was actually true! ? ?

How dare the destined one do this?

Is [Destiny] so powerful that it can save the destined one even if so many [Them] appear! ?

Hong Lin's eyes suddenly changed from fear to fiery, she had never worshipped [Destiny] so much as now!

The excitement in her heart even dispelled some panic, and she looked at Cheng Shi with burning eyes, no, at Cheng Shi's hand, she was looking for the dice!

The dice of destiny!

She wished she could get the dice now and join the destined one!

This is so cool, so fierce, so cool!

However, Cheng Shi, who was motionless beside her...

Don't cue, it's dead.

Cheng Shi hid behind Hong Lin with his head down, trembling and not daring to say a word.

Ah? Are you talking to me?

I don't know, this is the first time I see them.

They should... not come to find me, right?

He is very confused now, even more confused than the day when the [Faith Game] came.

Everything in front of him almost exceeded his expectations, but he was wondering if all this was still within Cheng Dashi's expectations?

So he pushed himself to "complete" this trial, to attract the attention of [Prosperity] and even pull [Prosperity] into the game, what exactly did he want to do?

[Destiny] just mentioned assimilation, and [Prosperity] also mentioned symbiosis, so [Prosperity] was just as he expected, and the prosperity of the universe that He advocated was different from everyone's understanding.

He is clearly the most selfish and predatory one!

My benefactor [Destiny] obviously doesn't buy this, so the two of them have already started fighting on the treetops.

But my script doesn't seem to be written like this...

When I was trying to trick Honglin, I said that [Prosperity] and [Destiny] were on the same front, but now, the two gods are fighting on top. How should I explain this to her?

Is your second belief in [Destiny] going to fail?


The big cat won't beat me up, right?

But even if [Destiny] fought with [Prosperity] to protect me, what are these [them] doing in the sky?

Watching the fun?

Not really. If [the gods] want to watch the fun, they don't have to come to the scene in person, let alone come here to show the [Eyes of the Gods]. So those who can come here must have ideas...

But the question is what exactly do they think?

Thinking about it, Cheng Shi's pupils suddenly shrank and he suddenly realized a problem: Could they be trying to take advantage of the fire?

Regardless of stealing, exchanging or merging, all gods are coveting each other's authority. Since there is an opportunity here, are all these high-ranking ones coming here to take advantage?

So who is their target! ?

This question doesn't seem difficult.

Cheng Shi swallowed his saliva and turned his head to look deep into the rainforest.

Obviously, the weakest one at this time is... [Decay].

[Decay], whose faith was stolen by him and dedicated to [Prosperity], was beaten to the doorstep by [Prosperity]!


Isn't this Cheng Dashi's goal?

Use the advent of [Prosperity] to exchange for the weakening of [Decay], and then attract the gods to come and attack him?

His target is [Decay]? Did he guess wrong?

No, it seems to be wrong.

Cheng Shi frowned tightly. Hong Lin, who was standing beside him, was still immersed in the shock of the appearance of the [Gods]. Seeing Cheng Shi's complex expression, she quietly asked:

"You just went..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Shi disappeared again with a "whoosh".


Hong Lin, who was the only one left, looked at the twinkling starry eyes in the sky and seemed to have guessed something.

Her expression was horrified, but she did not speak, just continued to look at the top of the tree canopy motionlessly.

At the same time, she thought:

Who summoned him?



No, it seems not to be void.

Although it is as dark as the void, the void is not so sad.

Yes, sadness!

When Cheng Shi opened his eyes again, he felt endless sadness spreading in the air, which made him unconsciously feel pity.

He did not know who the object of this pity was, but he just felt that he should give sympathy, give this strong pityEven a tiny bit of sympathy.

He felt that his senses were blurred as if immersed in water, and his perception of everything outside was dull. This feeling seemed to have appeared somewhere, but he thought for a long time and couldn't remember it. He just felt that his thinking seemed to slow down, becoming as slow as an old man in his twilight years.

Wait, old man in his twilight years... old man...

Cheng Shi was startled and suddenly thought of something.

And at this moment, the endless darkness suddenly lit up.

A dazzling blood color first came into view, and then the thick black blood gradually peeled off and flowed from the field of vision, making Cheng Shi's vision slowly clear.

When he could see everything around him clearly, he found himself standing in a palace made of black boulders. No, it might not be appropriate to say that it was a palace. The decoration inside was too simple. It was more like a... mausoleum, a mausoleum with simple lines and no clutter.

It's just that this space is so huge that Cheng Shi has the illusion of being in a palace.

In the center of the mausoleum, there was an old giant, half lying on the ground beside the blood-colored throne, motionless.

The giant's body was festering, and his left hand, with only the bones left, weakly supported the throne made of black blood beside him. His right hand raised a long nail, which was as sharp as a knife and cut his only intact belly skin, leaving scars.

But the over-aged skin had long lost its blood color, and no drop of blood flowed out even if the wound was deep.

Watching this scene, sad black blood flowed out of the wax-like eye sockets.

The black blood flowed down his wrinkled cheeks, dripped to the ground, and then gradually merged into the ground under his feet and disappeared.

But Cheng Shi clearly felt that when the black blood disappeared, the terrifying power of [Decay] surged out from under his feet.

Fortunately, the power was radiating outwards and did not embarrass him, but he still instinctively trembled and retreated half a step.


The one in front of him was undoubtedly [Decay], the second god of [Sinking]!

Why did He come here?

No, it should be said that He came to cause trouble! ?

After all, [Prosperity] came to the Sighing Forest entirely because of his dedication, and what he dedicated was nothing else but the faith of [Decay].

All the [Decay] that Cheng Shi saw was turned into sacrifices for [Prosperity], which was tantamount to helping [Prosperity] break the corner of the wall of the opposite door or even dig out the foundation of the opposite house. With such a revenge of confiscation and extermination, he felt that this brother was the greatest tolerance for letting him live to see Him.


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