When Cheng Shi woke up again, he found himself still in the void, but he had turned back into a human form. Not only that, he also had a pair of extremely cold eyes of [Nothingness] in front of him.

He was stunned for a moment, then stood up, bowed and praised three times.

"Praise the great [Destiny], may your glory spread everywhere, let the universe sing the music of the established and the changing, let the past and the future chant the chapters of good luck and misfortune!

Your most devout believer, the most loyal follower, Cheng Shi, greets you.

And I express my most sincere gratitude for your protection."

This time it was sincere.

After all, he had just been saved by his benefactor, so it was only right to put some honey on his mouth.

But what he didn't expect was that after hearing this pious praise, the cold eyes suddenly became playful. He looked at Cheng Shi with a little dissatisfaction, and said:

"It turns out that the praise for others is so pious and thoughtful. My blessing is not worthy of this most sincere gratitude."

As soon as the voice fell, Cheng Shi "swish" squeezed out a clone with cold sweat.

! ! ! ! !

He is not [Destiny]!

How could He not be [Destiny]?

How could there be a [God] who pretends to be a brother god with the same fate just to play tricks on his believers! ?

Can this be a serious [God]! Huh?

Oh, He is a [Fraud], then it's okay, just consider it bad luck.

Cheng Shi choked, and he quickly wiped the cold sweat from his head, and changed his words in an instant:

"Praise the great [Fraud], may you... may you..."

The pair of eyes looked at him with a half-smile, as if wanting to know what flowers could come out of the mouth of this believer.

Cheng Shi thought it was not good, and immediately changed his strategy, saying casually:

"May you be happy every day and smile forever."

After hearing this, the spiral in his eyes turned upside down, and he glanced at Cheng Shi with a playful look, sneering:

"It seems that I really don't deserve those praises."

Cheng Shi immediately waved his hands: "No, no, no, my Lord, this is the most sincere blessing from the heart, those formulaic words are used to deal with things, you should know that the simpler the praise, the more pious it is."

"Oh? So, the praises you recited to [Destiny] were all false words against your will?"


Cheng Shi became smarter, he did not respond immediately, but carefully observed the details of the eyes in front of him, when he was sure that this was not [Destiny] playing [fraud], he looked around and nodded hesitantly.

What else can I do, I have to deal with it first.

So he said in a very small voice: "It's about the same."

The eyes in the void immediately changed from cold and lifeless to joyful. He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "What did you say?"

Cheng Shixin was ruthless, gritted his teeth, and muttered quickly: "It's about the same."

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of identical eyes opened on the side of [Fraud], looking at him with no joy or sadness.




Seeing two pairs of [Nothingness] eyes appear in the void at the same time, seeing the crazy spiral of the pair of [Fraud] eyes, he didn't know that he had become the clown in the center of the stage again.

He didn't have the strength to explain more, so he just slumped his shoulders and gave up.

Tired, destroy it.

All of them should be destroyed!

[Prosperity] shouldn't commit suicide, he should drag the gods to death together, let them all disappear from this world!

Although [Destiny] "responded", He did not pursue Cheng Shi's disrespect, but just said coldly:

"I have returned the power given to her by [Covenant], and the fall of [Prosperity] is over."

"Ah? Whose power, Baldhead? Lord Benefactor, did you just go to find Baldhead?" Cheng Shi couldn't sit still, and he asked hurriedly, "So, Baldhead still became the messenger of [Prosperity], right? He became Furadore? Did she also get the authority of [Prosperity]?"

However, neither of the two pairs of eyes in the void responded to him. They seemed to ignore the humans in the void and communicated with each other.

[Fraud] smiled and looked at [Destiny] and said:

"Why, [Truth] didn't get the authority He wanted, you seem a little unhappy.

I guess the most rational He in the universe shouldn't go to [Desire Sea] to ask for the authority of assimilation from the one in it?"

"?" Cheng Shi looked at [Destiny] suddenly, but saw that the cold eyes became even colder.

"It is set in the future, and the changes are in the present, and there is no impact."

"Future? Whose future, benefactor, my future is back, do you know?" Cheng Shi took advantage of the opportunity,But the two ignored him.

After hearing what [Destiny] said, [Fraud] was even happier. His eyes blinked and he almost laughed out loud.

"Oh? He used this reason to convince you to help him cover up the traces?"

He! ?

Who was he referring to! ?

Cheng Dashi?

Cheng Shi recovered from the initial embarrassment and his mind immediately became clear.

Obviously, he didn't think that his benefactor [Fraud] was just making fun. He was obviously saying something to him, otherwise he shouldn't have been present in the secret conversation between the two gods [Nothingness].

Since they didn't leave him in the void, it means that he can listen to these things, and it is very likely that they are telling him.

So he immediately shut up and listened attentively, so as not to miss any details.

He heard that Cheng Dashi's return seemed to be related to [Destiny].

But Cheng Shi couldn't understand why his future self didn't choose to cooperate with [Fraud]. To be honest, he was more inclined to believe in [Fraud].

Even if He dressed himself up as a clown every day, there was no way, the boss of the liar should be [Fraud].

However, the two in the void didn't play too many riddles. The spiral in [Destiny]'s eyes slowly turned. He looked at Cheng Shi and hit the most confusing question in Cheng Shi's heart as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You guessed right."


Cheng Shi's pupils shrank and he pursed his lips.

"This matter is actually not complicated.

When a god of [Nothingness] provoked [Memory], he acted too much, causing an omission between [Existence] and [Nothingness].

An uneasy shadow listened to the nonsense of the god of [Nothingness] and slipped back from that omission, but found me before [Memory] made up for all the omissions."

As he said this, [Destiny] looked at Cheng Shi again, his eyes deep, as if he saw through Cheng Shi's past and future in an instant.

"He said that he came back not simply because he was commissioned by a certain god, nor to see his past self, but to present me with a 'predetermined play full of changes'.

He felt that the future would be too boring if it remained unchanged, so he wanted to bring the climax of the play forward.

I thought that he had always walked on the predetermined path without wavering, so I accepted his offering and put him into the trial I gave him, fulfilling his request.

I think you have already seen him."

Cheng Shi's scalp tingled when he heard it, but he still shook his head calmly: "I... just guessed that he was back, but I didn't see him."

"To know is to see."


My realm is not as high as yours.

Cheng Shi curled his lips, looked up and asked: "Has he... gone back?"

This time, the answer to him was not [fate], but [fraud].

"He was sent back. Nothingness likes disorder, but existence doesn't. Those two rigid old traditions cannot tolerate any flaws in existence.

However, it's so fun for people who are keen on collecting to have their collections smeared with their own brushstrokes."

Cheng Shi didn't care what Fraud said. He just thought that Cheng Dashi had achieved his goal in this way.

"So, his goal was achieved?

Borrowing my tribute to Prosperity, he attracted the gods to hunt Prosperity, and then let Him fall into the will of 'Universal Prosperity'. Is this his tribute to you?

Is this the climax of the play he rewrote for you?"

Destiny didn't respond. Maybe He wanted to respond, but Fraud spoke first.


What are you thinking about?

So you think your future self is so awesome, ha!

That traitor only wrote a little bit. The first word of the rest of the play was written by you. Everything after that is in the [change] of [fate].

He stayed behind just to create an opportunity. As for whether this opportunity perfectly utilized the [change] of [fate], you have to ask this benefactor who made you tired of dealing with false praise."


God of Fun, I think you want me to die!

[Fate] glanced coldly at [Fraud], and then glanced coldly at Cheng Shi, and once again forgave his blasphemy.

"The fall of [prosperity] has never occurred in the predetermined destiny. The present is indeed dominated by [change], but the future is still on the [predetermined] path.

I want to advise you not to make any more mistakes and have those unnecessary fantasies."

"Did you hear me? I'm scolding you."

[Fraud] smiled at Cheng Shi and blinked.


I don't know who he was scolding, but it wasn't me."Tsk, boring, this audience is too unpleasant, I'm leaving, I'm upset to see you two."

As he spoke, the pair of happy eyes gradually dissipated, and the cold eyes swept over Cheng Shi again, and soon disappeared silently.

Only Cheng Shi was left standing in the void with a frown, silently sorting out his thoughts.

It seems that the change that Cheng Dashi hoped for has appeared.

But [Fate] says that the future is predetermined, so did he change his fate or not?

Or, the purpose of his return was not to change his fate at all?

Thinking of this, he frowned secretly.

"Future... predetermined... tragedy...

[Prosperity]... [Existence]... [Nothingness]...

What do they want to do?"


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