In the next few days, Cheng Shi's life suddenly became busy.

As for the reason for being busy, it was naturally for food.

After two months of only going out and not coming in, the food in his warehouse was already below the warning line, so he had to stock up a wave of food before the next special trial came, in case of emergency.

So he began to order single-player copies frantically, preparing to fill up the two warehouses this week, so as not to waste energy on food before the audience meeting at the end of the year.

And the time saved can be used to study how to effectively score and become the chosen one.

Cheng Shi's current audience ladder score is 172, ranking 47th in [Fraud], 42 points behind [Fraud]'s current chosen one Li Jingming; ranking 39th in [Destiny], 34 points behind [Destiny]'s chosen one Blind Man.

He is a sober and cautious person. He knows that even if he wants to rank up, it does not mean that he has to keep matching different trials. That would be too risky and tiring, so he would study how to "effectively" rank up.

Based on his past performance and the degree of bonus points, he can basically guarantee 2-3 points in each game. In this way, in the more than 4 months before the end of the year, he only needs to steadily climb 12 points every month to ensure that he is close enough to that position before the audience.

Of course, everyone's scores are changing. Even if the highest score of the chosen ones has been around 210 for a while, no one can predict what changes will occur in the next few months, so the rank-up plan is not so rough.

He plans to evaluate the progress of the score difference in the middle and end of each month, and conduct some additional prayer trials based on the actual gap to make up for the score difference required for stable rank-up.

In this way, he can move forward steadily and get closer to that position little by little, so as not to encounter high-scoring players in the early stage of rank-up.

The God's Chosen only based on the ranking of the audience ladder, as for the ranking of the road to godhood, Cheng Shi didn't care at all.

After all, his road to godhood score is flexible and variable, and the specific number of points depends on his mood.

In addition, in the past few days, judging from the information in various chat channels, except for a few who are still stuck at the bottom, the other God's Chosen probably really returned to their own segments, and even "Sincerely" has returned to the top 10.

The game finally became normal.

Although many people died again, the chat in the channel was still hot, and even the often quiet streets would hear some laughter from time to time.

This situation even reminded Cheng Shi of the time when everyone was just assigned to different areas.

But... it was because everything was too normal that Cheng Shi felt something was wrong.

He always believed in the saying: Madness is often bred under calmness.

Especially the current calmness is still false and superficial.

Because one of [them] has fallen.

[Prosperity] has fallen. [Him] who signed the [Covenant] and brought down the [Faith Game] has fallen silently. Except for Hong Lin and himself, no other players have noticed this.

Even though he has made some efforts to spread the news of [Prosperity]'s death, he still has not received any relevant feedback in the chat channel, which shows that his little trick has failed.

Of course, the fact that outsiders do not know about this is also related to Hong Lin inheriting some of His [Covenant] powers and performing His "work" on his behalf, but this still makes Cheng Shi feel terrified.

The essence of [Faith Game] is to allow players to constantly approach the Him at the end of the road on different faith roads, but when the guide at the end of the road disappears and only a throne is left, what is the meaning of this approach?

After all, His death is the greatest denial of the followers who are moving forward on this road.

In addition, since whether there is [Him] on the throne at the end of the road does not affect the approach of faith, then who can guarantee that the one standing at the end of other faith roads must be the original Him of faith?

Even more terrifying, does [He], or [Them], really exist?

Cheng Shi had thought about this question more than once. Ever since he witnessed the fall of [Prosperity], he began to think about the meaning of [Faith Game]. If faith is so fanatical that the gods need to perish to practice their will, then what are these players who continue to participate in the Trial of the Gods in their eyes?

This incident made all the "Gods Conspiracy Theories" that had been circulating among the players lose their meaning, because [Prosperity] did not intend to do anything to the players he "selected", but instead blew himself up for the so-called prosperity of the universe.

Cheng Shi thought about it and couldn't come up with a solution that could even convince himself.His own logic, so he could only put this thought aside for the time being, and walk, watch and think.

He told himself that maybe it was because there was still too little information about them, and he needed to collect more to have new ideas.

And just recently, he had a chance to exchange information with other players.

The mediocre people's meeting!

The golden card taken back from the ranger has changed a little recently. When Cheng Shi's eyes accidentally swept over it one time, he found that there was a countdown and a line of invitation on the back of the gold card.

The countdown started in days, initially 3 days, and today, 3 has become 1.

The invitation with delicate strokes is even more straightforward: Welcome to the stage of the mediocre people.

This is undoubtedly a mysterious gathering organized by a player who calls himself a mediocre person. In the past, Cheng Shi was absolutely not interested in such gatherings outside the trial to contact other players, because he didn't like extra risks.

But now, this new thing will also make him excited. After all, he wants to make progress too much. He is eager to expand his intelligence and connections and learn more about the essence of the [Faith Game].

Cheng Shi could vaguely feel that this should be a way of summoning, and this card is more like a key to another space, that is, if he holds this card until the countdown ends, he is likely to appear on the stage of this so-called mediocre meeting.

As for what is on that stage, he is not sure, but the only thing he can be sure of is that there must be a clown there, oh no, a fate weaver.

In the call a few days ago, he asked Hong Lin about this organization, but the other party didn't know much about it, and even teased him, saying that the destined people are indeed not mediocre people, there is no need to participate in these gatherings that claim to be mediocre people, but instead all the destined people should be brought together for a sharing and exchange meeting.

Cheng Shi thought that the call with Hong Lin was already a sharing and exchange meeting for the destined people. After all, this great organization blessed by [Destiny] has only two people in total.

No, to be precise, it is one person and one messenger.

This may be the most impressive organization established by players since the advent of [Faith Game]. Regardless of the actual combat power, at least there is a Him in it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shi couldn't help but curl his lips. He held the card that was about to count down and thought:

I hope tomorrow's performance will not disappoint me.


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