"His own?"

Cheng Shi was confused.

"What do you mean by his own?"

The innkeeper explained very patiently:

"Athos's mentor is Zainjil, the leader of the Creation Alchemy School of [Tower of Matter]. This school has very deep attainments and a huge technological lead in creation and puppetry.

Other schools assassinated Zainjil before he published his latest results due to various concerns, so Athos, who lost the protection of his mentor, became a fugitive scholar.

He wandered underground, met us, and joined us."


Why does this sentence sound so familiar.

Brother, if you say "Would you like to join us?" to me at the end, I will dream back to Fang Shiqing's arms.

"With our support, he developed the ability of 'puppet self' and transformed himself, who was seriously injured and dying, into a flesh-and-blood human puppet!"

"?" Cheng Shi didn't understand and blinked.

"If he becomes a puppet, who will control him?"

"No one can control him. The only one who can control him is himself before he becomes a puppet. He has designed a perfect consciousness for himself to support our actions to the greatest extent."



Cheng Shi's mind was buzzing.

Isn't this just artificial AI?

Make yourself an AI?

Why bother?

"What's the point?"

"Meaning? Using your broken life to create things, creating a puppet comparable to a perfect life form, isn't this the meaning of pursuing [truth]?"


What you said makes sense, but my mother told me not to talk to fools.

Cheng Shi's inner desire to complain expanded to the extreme, but he still smiled patiently on the surface.

How can this be the pursuit of [truth]?

Isn't this the pursuit of idiocy!

"Then who tonight......?"

"Kotaro, Athos's junior, he also made himself a puppet."


Double kill!

So what are these people doing?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that they have been infected by [Filth] and have fallen into a state of excessive pursuit of personal desires and obsessions.

Since this is underground, then maybe they believe in [Filth]?

So Cheng Shi asked in confusion: "[Filth]?"

"You mean my belief? No, no, no, I don't really believe in any [God], or rather, the existence I believe in has not yet come."


Cheng Shi was confused again. He frowned and stared at the face of the innkeeper, and asked in surprise:

"Then where did you get the power of [Filth]?"

The innkeeper raised his eyebrows, stretched out a hand, and shook it gently.

As his arm shook, the power of [Filth] on his body began to dissipate, and gradually, a golden power revived and wrapped around him again.

Cheng Shi looked at this familiar power and was completely dumbfounded.


It's the fucking power of [Order]! ! !

"You, you, you..."

"Isn't it incredible? Actually, I am a believer of His.

Not only that, I have also worked in the Grand Court of Inquisition.

And Mo Qiusi...

is my junior."


Stunned is not enough to describe Cheng Shi's current state. His expression management function collapsed, and his mouth was opened so wide that two light bulbs could almost be stuffed in.

No, wait a minute!

"You are... the judge of the Grand Court of Inquisition?"

"First-level judge, Chenosley, what a nostalgic name."

"Then what about the power of [Depravity] in you? Are you an oath-breaker?"

The so-called oath-breaker refers to believers who have abandoned their original beliefs and switched to believe in other [gods].

These believers will receive endless punishment from their previous benefactors because they have betrayed their original oaths.

In fact, now players of the [Faith Game] also have this option, but after opening the [Abandonment Prayer], even if you successfully change your faith, you will be left with a permanent debuff from the benefactor who betrayed your faith.

And the [God] after the change will not take extra care of the Abandoner.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to make such a decision.

"Abandoner? No, I did not betray my piety to [Order]. I just added piety to other [Gods] in this piety."


Can it be like this?

Good guy, what a Sea King believer.

I want them all.

The question is, can the gods who were "scumbags" by you tolerate it?

"I have never heard of such... fraternity... fraternity...Believers."

Chenosley laughed loudly, a little crazy:

"Before we succeeded, no one realized that faith could be so impure and so chaotic!

This is why we can gather together! "

Here it comes!

Cheng Shi's eyes condensed, realizing that tonight's night talk was finally going to get to the point.

Since the former first-level judge opposite was not a believer of [Depravity], nor was he an oath-breaker of [Order], then he came to the heart of the Grand Court again, and there must be an inhumane reason.

And this reason is likely to involve a deeper struggle of faith.

Cheng Shi had a little idea in his mind, he guessed that this person might have begun to worship [War]!

Because the boss said that his faith has not yet come!

And at this time, The civil war had just begun in the Tower of Reason. He had only noticed the Island of Hope, but had not yet descended.

The believers who followed Him were still in the stage of perceiving the name of God.

Yes, the coming of [Gods] also had a sequence, and it was basically the sequence of destiny.

This view was basically common sense in a game with more than 2000 points.

However, what Chenosley said next blew Cheng Shi's mind.

"All of us come from different faith camps, and each of us is a favored person who should be watched by the benefactor.

But even so, we still suffered all kinds of misfortunes and were forced to flee under the oppression of our compatriots and great injustice.

From then on, we realized that our beliefs were not completely correct. In the vast universe, there might be more suitable beliefs waiting for us.

So, following this vague and hazy perception, we gathered underground.

After decades of "faith experiments", we finally discovered...

He opened his eyes and looked at us!!! "

Chenosley suddenly became crazy, his eyes were red with excitement, his hands were waving with excitement, his whole body was tense and congested, indulging in the satisfaction of "summoning God".

"We felt His presence and listened to His whispers.

We found that only He is the essence of the universe and the origin of all things!

We bowed down at His feet devoutly, accepted His will, and prayed for His coming.

But we know that humble prayers cannot gain His appreciation.

So we need a grand ceremony to welcome the coming of our Lord!

Let the war spread to every inch of the Great Inquisition, let the entire Continent of Hope be in chaos, let everyone wail in the war, cry before death, and then wait for them to wake up in the displacement and feel the presence of our Lord!

Finally, let everyone in this world crawl at the feet of our Lord! "


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