The Forbidden World

Chapter 1167: End of the banquet

It seems to be a momentary moment, and it seems to be a long-term stagnation.

A chuckle laughed into everyone's atrium at the moment of shaking.

I saw Bai Jingyue, at the blink of an eye, it seemed to slowly and really erected a finger, and gently tapped on the blade in Nu Lianghua's hand.

For a time, time seemed to be still, and everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Jingyue's fingers.


With a crisp collision sound, time seems to resume flowing again, the wind wound did not erupt, and the sprinting Nuliang Slipper also stopped the figure, it seems that the situation of splitting life and death from the previous moment is like an illusion!

But everyone knows that this is not an illusion.

They can also see the magnificent ice cubes behind Shiraitsu at this moment.

In the crystal clear ice, Inuyasha, who had just brandished iron broken teeth, was vigorously hairy, and the intoxicated eyes and blushing face made some female monsters around me fascinated.

However, this is not the point, the point is the blade held by Inuyasha.

At this moment, the iron broken teeth were covered with frost, and some branch-shaped frost grew from the iron broken teeth toward the air.

In front of the iron broken teeth, there is a web of ice that winds and winds densely in the air like a tuft of grass.

Among the many monsters, there are always one or two bright-eyed people. They recognized the truth about these irregular ice cubes.

Those branch-shaped ices are frozen fairy spirits.

And those meshes are incredible,

And isn't the ice net the wound of the wind that hasn't fully spread out yet?


This was the first thought that flashed in the hearts of all monsters.

The magic power and the gusty wind were actually frozen into ice!

How terrible this human power is!

And don’t forget, Shiraitsu not only freezes Inuyasha and wind wounds with a single stroke, but also blocks Nu Lianghua scoop with all his strength with one finger!

Judging from the state of Nuliang Slider, Shiraitsu does not have the ability to use the frozen class on Slave Slider.

That is to say, this human being blocked Nuliang Slipper with the power of his own body! ?

With one enemy and two, instant kill.

Such a scene reminded everyone of what happened. They all intently focused their eyes on the only Crow Tengu who had consulted with the rule level and observed his reaction.

At this moment, Raven Tengu was speechless.

He did not expect that just now they were still talking about the so-called strong rulers, and there was such a person in front of him, but this one was not a monster, but a human being.

The reaction of Raven Tengu made many monsters sweat coldly. They thought that the humans around Inuyasha were only supporting characters. Unexpectedly, they would meet a strong ruler!

At this time, they also understood why Xueli's coldness was useless to Shirai, but it was only the high-level monster Xueli, which was obviously not a regular opponent.

Especially the other party, like her, controls the existence of frost.

After stopping the fight between Inuyasha and Nuliang Slipper, Shiraitsu waved back, and the ice cubes surrounding Inuyasha shattered and disappeared.

This dull movement made the surrounding monsters shudder, because the ice that broke together with the ice, and the violent demon power overflowing before Inuyasha, and the wind damage enough to make the entire Nuliang group devastated.

After carrying Inuyasha, Shiraizuki walked in the direction of Ge Wei. In this case, the banquet is no longer open. Inuyasha is drunk and it is time to settle down. They will set foot on Bailing Mountain tomorrow Journey.

Just when Shiraitsu passed by some stunned gods, the slave Liangliang suddenly stood, and in front of some frightened demon, said a word to the slave Liangliang, a sentence that seemed to fight the slave Liangliang.

"In this world, the water is deep."

However, as expected by Bai Jingyue, the mentality of the slave Liangliang who can establish the Nuliang group is not so fragile. Not only did Bai Jingyue not hit him, but he aroused his vigor!

"As if there were no challenges on the way to the top, isn't it too regretful!?"

"Good ambition."

Subsequently, Shiraizuki crossed Nuliang Slippers and came to Xueli.

"Shuang Li, in our family's records, is a rule-level monster who once participated in the lunar war. In the lunar war, the primitive human Fujiwara who coordinated to transform into a monster killed the Asama mountain god."


Not only Xueli, the entire Nuliang group was stunned. They really didn't expect that Shirley's sister was actually a regular character, and they also killed a god! Although it is a joint effort with others, this does not prevent them from feeling glory!

Of course, Shuang Li is only semi-regular, but what does it matter? For them, there is no difference between the two.

"What about my sister now?"

Looking at some expected Xueli, Shirairai shook his head: "Unfortunately, it seemed that in order to defeat that god, your sister Shuangli used some secret method, and even her body disappeared."

Shirley lowered her head and looked somber. If it wasn't for the strength she had cultivated alone all the year round, she was already in tears at the moment.

Holding back the tears turning around her eyes, Shirley asked again: "My sister, do you have anything left?"

In fact, Shirley no longer has any hope. The human classics can record the lunar wars, as well as some of the people who participated in the war and fragments of some is already amazing, this kind of personal thing How could they have records?

But Bai Jingyue actually answered her: "Shuang Li seems to have given something to Fujiwara Sister Red who fought alongside her, and entrusted Fujiwara Sister Red to give that thing to you. And when I first asked you, I just wanted to Ask if you saw her."

"Fujiwara...My sister? Who is it?"

Xue Li was a little confused. She had never met a man named Fujiwara Meihong.

And at this time, Nu Liang slipped and frowned.

"Fujiwara... where did I seem to have heard?"

"Of course you have heard that the Fujiwara family is the surname of Ri Ben, didn't I say that before? The Fujiwara sister red was transformed from a human into a monster. She was originally from the Fujiwara family."

"Is it so...I haven't met that it her..."

Shirley was a little anxious. She wondered if the man named Fujiwara Sister Red did not come to her and swallowed the things her sister gave her.

However, Bai Jingyue smiled: "You can rest assured that our sister Fujiwara, who was once a human, has a very detailed record. Although he has lost contact in recent years, his character is still very safe. You have not encountered , It’s simply not encountered. In short, if you meet, please take a sentence for us."

Knowing that her sister's last thing had not been engulfed, Xueli let out a sigh of relief: "Say, what's the matter? If I meet, I will tell her."

"One sentence is enough-Hui Ye is looking for her."

Then, throwing away the confused monsters, Shiraiuki left here carrying Inuyasha.

ps: Recommend Jiyou’s new book "I Have a Taoist Temple in Dongying", this is not a deal, you can do it

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