The Forbidden World

Chapter 1169: Copy wind cave

In the cold moonlight, the two figures hang out one after the other.

In the cold and empty city, the sound of their footsteps echoed.

" said, when will we be able to defeat Naraku?"

Perhaps it was the reason for drinking some wine. The voice of the coral was a little confused. Although the trip during this time made the coral feel better, the sad past never disappeared.

The revenge between the father and his companions has not yet been reported, and the younger brother is still in Naraku's hands, not knowing when it will be liberated.

These things, like heavy bricks, have been pressed against the coral's heart.

Maitre stopped, in fact, he was also a little bit uncertain about whether he could defeat Naraku.

In these days of travel, although under the power of Inuyasha and others, he has rarely used the wind acupoint, but he can clearly feel that the wind acupuncture in his right hand has become stronger and stronger.

If he could not kill Naraku as soon as possible, he would soon die like his father and grandfather in the wind cave and his bones were gone.

But as a man, how can he show weakness in front of his enamoured women?

"Relax, Coral, as long as Master Shirai's message is correct, we will soon be able to find Naraku and defeat him!"

"If you can kill Naraku this time, Master Maitreya..."

Coral looked back at Maitreya, and turned a little reddish because of drinking, now brighter.

Looking at each other, Maitreya felt that the coral was going to speak very terrible words, and he immediately took it seriously. He knew that the next words would change his and her life!

"···Master Maitreya, you are willing···"


A roar awakened the two who were drunk on each other. The words behind the coral are not finished yet, but they have to stop now.

Because it was the mica that followed the two at the feet!

The two ran along the roar towards the jungle ahead, and after a few steps, they saw mica.

At this moment, the mica has become huge, and at the foot is a dead crimson scorpion, and the mica's mouth is the head of the crimson scorpion.

"Monster? Was the Nuliang group?"

Regarding the Nuliang Group, Maitreya is still vigilant. Although according to Inuyasha, the future Nuliang Group is to protect the weak chivalrous monsters, but the current Nuliang Group may not necessarily be.

Among those monsters that followed Nuliang Slippers, Maitreya recognized many monsters that feed on humans.

"No, it should not be the Nuliang group."

Coral looked down at the body of the scorpion and made use of years of demon experience to make a judgment: "This scorpion... doesn't seem to be a monster in this area..."


At the beginning, Maitreya hadn’t responded yet. The members of the Nuliang group came from all directions. It’s not surprising that it wasn’t this area. Why did the coral exclude the Nuliang group?

But soon, Maitreya thought that the area mentioned by the coral was not such a narrow area, but the entire Japanese and Japanese!

"From the mainland?"

"It should be... I don't know how the monsters of the mainland appear here..."

The two discussed the origin of the scorpion, without noticing, the shrunken mica began to tremble.

This monster who was sent to the mouth of mica was not just sent to be killed!

In the process of fighting with the monster, the mica's forelimb was scratched by the scorpion's poison hook.

By this time, the poison had penetrated into the mica body, leaped into the mica brain, and condensed into a hook.

With the formation of this hook jade, the mica, regardless of the coral and Maitreya, ran straight into the depths of the forest. It was found that the mica-shaped coral was not thought about and ran directly into the mica.

And Maitreya naturally keeps up. Coral came out without weapons this time, he was not at ease.

Deep in the dark jungle, a decaying trunk fell to the ground. Above the trunk, the two girls sat quietly, and at the feet of the two girls were some traveling clothes.

On one of the girls' laps, the mica shrunk in size, as if sleeping.

Seeing this scene, the coral hurried over and greeted the two people who took care of the mica with embarrassment: "Hello, this boy..."

"It's yours. It's probably poisoned by insects. I just told him to take the poison."

Coral sighed with relief when she heard the girl’s words. Mica grew up with her. In her eyes, mica was like a loved one. If something happened to mica, she didn’t know what to do.

"Sorry, thank you."

"Where, we should take care of each other."

Suddenly, Maitreya quietly pulled the coral behind him and came to the two girls to perform a salute: "I am also very grateful to you. By the way, there is one more thing that needs to be asked of you."

Maitre came to the two girls, half-kneeled, and grabbed the two girls one by one.

"Will you have a baby for me?"

Of course, Maitreya was suppressed by the coral.

But Maitreya was not sad, but instead smiled with his head down.

Since she was interested in corals, Maitreya has controlled herself so much, how could she make such a request to two young girls at the same time in front of corals?

He was just trying to contact the two girls and find out the origin of the two girls.

The dim forest where such monsters haunted at any time, and two young girls who suddenly appeared with their antidote on their backs had trouble thinking about it.

And the contact just now made Maitreur detect something.

Although hidden very well, there is indeed a trace of magical power between the two.

The other party is a monster!

"You, are you from the mainland?"

While guessing the origin of the other party from the costume, Maitreak pulled the coral back slowly.

Coral does not carry weapons, but it is not a good time to go to war.

"You are really keen to observe."


Some confused corals failed to understand the meaning of Maitreya, and directly asked the questions in their hearts: "But are they fluent in local language?"

The appearance of this sentence caused Maitre to quickly reach out and pull the coral behind him, while making a defensive posture.

Identity was exposed, but neither Liuli nor Glass were panicked.

They are confident enough to deal with Maitreya and Coral.

Even Liuli had time to explain for the two of them: "That is of course, because we first arrived here, it was already two years ago."

At the same time, Gouyu's eyebrows flashed.

When both Maitreya and Coral were guarding against the two young girls in front of them, unexpected things happened. From their feet, countless branches rose into a strong rope that bound them firmly.

Seeing the mica as if looking at himself as if nothing had run to the other side, Coral's heart continued to cramp.

"What do you want to do?"

The glass ignored the coral, but took out a leaf and blew it gently. Suddenly, dozens of scorpions were summoned.

After these red poisonous scorpions appeared, they rushed towards the coral!

Because of the tied branches, the coral can't save itself at all, and Maitreya is not tied tightly and can't get away.

After thinking about it, Maitreya had to liberate his wind point to absorb the poisonous scorpions, and he did not notice at all why his hands were not completely tied!

At the moment when Maitreya used the wind acupuncture, the glaze that had been sitting on the side suddenly appeared. When the wind cave sucked the scorpions into the darkness one by one, suddenly appeared beside Maitreya. The right hand seemed to be an illusion and the right hand of Maitreya. overlapping!

"What an interesting"

Seeing such a strange Maitreya trying to withdraw his right hand, he found that he could not move at all!

"Useless, you can't escape my [replica]."

[Replication], by copying a part of the other body to obtain the power of the other party, this is the ability of Liuli!

After finishing the rewriting, Liuli used the power of the wind cave just like the black hole to attract the body of Maitreya and the coral to the two people. When these two people were to be inhaled by the wind cave, an ice edge hit After breaking Liuli's wind cave, Liuli and glass were taken away.

Later, Shiraiuki appeared beside them.

"Huh, who are these two people?"

Bai Jingyue looked at the direction where Ruri and Glass left, and told the truth: "They are the Avengers from the past.

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