The Forbidden World

Chapter 1174: green

Earth shaking.

The Tree of Time, supported by part of the power of Agate Maru, grows again after many years!

A huge tree was formed in front of everyone!

At the top of the tree, Agate Maru's body began to become huge.

As Agate Maru gently waved, the five groups of magic **** floating in the sky began to rotate around his body.

Then, one of the magic **** directly integrated into the body of Agate Maru!

When the two merged, the body of Agate Maru changed again! Huge wings like a jungle spread out beside Agate Maru!

One monster after another flew out of those wings and rushed towards Inuyasha and others!

"these are!?"

"It is monsters from the mainland. This number is the same as the army of flying monster moths in the records. It is estimated that they are like the agate pill, are resurrected monsters."

Bai Jingyue's words made the slave Liang Liang on the side a bit ashamed.

"Well, how did we win this time?"

"In the beginning, Inuyasha's father took the monsters of the entire Western Kingdom to meet the enemy, and at the cost of the death and injury of the Western Kingdom's monsters, all the army of the flying monster moths were destroyed."

"Is the whole West Country?"

Nuliang Huatiao thought about the comparison between his Nuliang group and the power of the entire Western Kingdom, and took a breath.

But soon a spirit of fighting ignited him.

"It's worth the challenge, isn't it? Little ones! Let this group of monsters see, the strength of our slave group!"

"Oh oh!"

In this way, Nuliang Slipper took the Nuliang group to meet these resurrected monsters.

"Useless, let you see my power!"

With the agate maru's roar, the four magic **** in the air began to fluctuate, and then four rays of light burst out! Strike towards different targets separately!

The first beam of light was shot at Inuyasha, which was the closest to Onyumaru. In this regard, Inuyasha directly suffered a wind wound. The wind wound that tore the atmosphere collided and entangled in the air with the ferocious demon cannon, and finally the two disappeared at the same time. Exhausted.

The second beam of light was aimed at Ge Wei, who shot the arrow, but was blocked by a huge ice wall that appeared suddenly. It had no effect except to plan a pile of ice on the huge ice wall.

The third beam of light shot at the raging Nuliang group.

I have to say that this form of grouping still has its merits.

The powerful Lord of the Ghosts will feedback some of the fear through the imprint of the dread that the hundred ghosts have left for themselves.

To put it simply, Bai Gui follows the Lord of 100 Gui to provide him with the power to make it stronger, but also makes himself stronger.

Under the leadership of Nuliang Slippers, the Nuliang group actually competed with the Flying Demon Moth Legion that invaded here two hundred years ago. You must know that the number of Nu Liang Group personnel is much smaller than that of the Flying Demon Moth Legion!

Therefore, the Nuliang group was also included in the target to be removed by Agate Maru.

However, this light column did not achieve the desired results. In the Nuliang group, there was a man who gathered all the monsters.

Facing the powerful and sturdy demon cannon, Nuliang Slipper cuts it off with awe-inspiring dread!

As for the fourth light column, it was shot at Aoqi Qingzi. Before Aoqi Aozi punched his demon cannon, this gave Inuyasha and Kagome a chance. How could Onyumaru not get revenge?

However, this more powerful demon cannon seems to make no difference in front of Aoqi Qingzi.

Still, it's a punch!


Ge Wei cried in surprise.

Aoqi Aoqi should only be able to fire a spirit cannon once a day. It has obviously been used before. What happened this time?

"Ah, it's still used."

Bai Jingyue sighed with emotion. In the end, Aoi Sakiko chose to call the curtain here.

Next, but the performance belongs to Aoqi Aozi alone, the other people, or leave it! On this stage, no other supporting roles are needed!

"Inuyasha, come back!"

"Huh? Why?"

Agate Maru's attack was not in the eyes of Inuyasha at all. He could completely use the wind damage to weaken the magical cannon, and he could avoid the strong magical cannon.

If it wasn't for blasting and only being able to defend the counterattack, he would have been blasted up for a long time.

"Qingzi is going to zoom in, I am afraid she will hurt you by mistake!"

Bai Jingyue's words made Inuyasha stunned, and then Inuyasha no matter whether he was merging the second group of agate pill, he directly returned.

Inuyasha has no idea of ​​the so-called Aoi Sakiko, but Inuyasha trusts Shirai.

Since meeting, he has improved a lot of strength under the care of Shirai, he can clearly feel this, so, as Shirai just said, Inuyasha has no idea of ​​verifying the authenticity, and directly chose to believe!

After Inuyasha came back, Shiraiuki waved at Aoqi Qingzi.

"Qingzi, the stage has been set up, please~"

"Then, I'm welcome~"

In the dull eyes of everyone, a layer of light enveloped Aoqi Qingzi's body.

At the same time, the pressure as heavy as the mountains spread from Aoqi Qingzi's body.

"Human!? Don't look down on people too much!"

If Inuyasha or Nuliang Slippers threatened to kill him alone, Agate Maru might still be calmer, and even he would in turn mock mock Inuyasha and Nuliang Slippers.

But human?

This is a serious insult to Agate Maru who is a big monster, especially his father's endless demon power!

The second group of demon power **** has not been absorbed yet, and Agate Maru mobilized the third group of demon power **** to move closer to himself.

At the same time, the last two magic **** began to revolve around his body, like a satellite.

"You arrogant mankind, just turn to ashes!"

The three magical forces gathered in front of Agate Maru to form a huge ball, and then it seemed to be pierced by a needle. The monster in the ball began to flow in one direction.

The beam of light, which was more powerful than the previous demon cannons, rushed toward Aoqi Qingzi. The huge beam of light, the small figure, and the sharp contrast made everyone feel tight.

"Shirai! Doesn't matter?"

Inuyasha endured the urge to rush out and turned to ask Shirayuki who was smiling.

"Relax, Qingzi is very strong. Unlike me, she carries an artifact with her."


Inuyasha, who was not surprised, and the curious Nuliang Slipper reacted, screaming through the sky!


Storm, get up!

Countless blue spirit sons come from all directions! Condense and form in front of Ako Saki

It is a formation composed of complicated patterns and spells!

And at the right hand of Qingzi Qingmang is already full of strength!

Punch out!

The most basic magic bullet from Xingyue World is transformed into a destructive magic cannon in the hands of Aoi Sakizaki!

The blue light of the sky, face to face, directly destroyed the magic power cannon of Agate Maru!

Yu Wei of the magic gun followed the trajectory and came to Agate Maru in the blink of an eye!

As a last resort, Agate Maru suspended the fusion of the third group of demon powers and focused most of his attention on building the barrier.

A moment later, the magic gun Yu Wei dissipated, and Agate Maru looked angrily at Aoi Saki's direction, intending to take revenge on the shame of being forced to defend, but he saw nothing.

At the same time, a soft female voice came from his ear.

"Are you looking for me?"

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