The Forbidden World

Chapter 1200: Person who arranges the enchantment

Bellflower's complexion looks at Bai Jingyue to introduce herself to Huiye.

Among all the people, she is the only one who knows Shirai's identity. She knows very well that Huiye who can be Shirai's wife is certainly not an ordinary person.

However, she couldn't say anything.

One of the three gods and the monster sage worked together to customize the plan, she was unable to resist.

Moreover, she did not dare to resist.

Unlike when it was a witch before, bellflower now has a fatal weakness-Inuyasha.

Based on the relationship between Shiraitsu and Inuyasha, it is estimated that Shiraitsu will not treat Inuyasha, but what about Yakumozi? If she destroys Yakumo’s plan, how will Yakumo treat Inuyasha?

Bellflower admitted that she did not dare to gamble.

Therefore, in the face of Shirai Moon and Huiye, she seemed to greet normal people as if facing ordinary people.

After introducing each other for Huiye and Inuyasha and others, Shiraiuki turned his attention to the corner of the battlefield, where there was the wreckage of the puppet of Naraku who had been destroyed.

"So, let's take a look at why, the arrow of Sister Bellflower can't penetrate the puppet of Naraku."

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone serious. This matter is very important. At present, it is the demons broken arrows of Ge Wei and Kikyo that are the most harmful to everyone. If they do not understand the reason why the demons broken, they are not qualified to face Naraku.

"This is... a clean feeling!"

Ge Wei was very surprised. This puppet is very different from the Naruo puppets they have encountered before. There is no evil at all. It seems to be purified, giving a feeling of purity.

"It feels a bit like Bailing Mountain."

Bellflower, who had been to Bailing Mountain, said with some uncertainty.

Bailing Mountain is able to purify evil filthy mountains, how could Naraku hide there? But this is indeed a similar feeling to Bailing Mountain.

"It seems that it should be Bailing Mountain."

What surprised the Campanulaceae was that they didn't arrive at Bailing Mountain, and everyone seemed to determine what they were and set their goal directly in Bailing Mountain. After careful inquiry, I realized that this was the message passed to them by the so-called family of Shirai.

After taking a deep look at Bai Jingyue, Campanulaceae said nothing, because she knew that since Bai Jingyue said so, Naraku mostly hid in Bailing Mountain.

What Bai Jingyue wants to exercise is the combat ability of Inuyasha and others, not the ability to find people. This information should not be faked.

Although I don't know what method Naruo hid in Bailing Mountain.

"Have a smell of flowers and water..."

Inuyasha smelled the puppet smell and found a clue on his sensitive nose, but this clue is not important at present, after all, they already know where Naraku is.

After deciding on the goal, the crowd started to pack up and prepared to move towards Bailing Mountain. As a result, just halfway through, the crowd stopped.

They looked at Hui Ye in unison.

This time, what attracted them was not because of Hui Ye's beauty, but because of Hui Ye's clothes.

That's twelve singles! This kind of luxurious and beautiful clothing is totally unsuitable for hurrying!

After noticing everyone's eyes, Hui Ye turned around, but after changing her clothes, she changed clothes.

The black kimono dotted with blue flowers brings a different kind of beauty to Huiye, which makes people look sideways.

However, compared with what just happened, Hui Ye's beauty can no longer attract everyone.

"Hui Ye Xiaojie, did you do it?"

Looking sideways, glancing at Bai Jingyue, who was helpless, Hui Ye smiled softly: "In fact, this is what the concubine was wearing, just just canceled the illusion."

After hearing the words, everyone suddenly realized how they felt.

However, only Shiraitsu knew that it wasn’t an illusion at all. It was clear that Huiye used her ability to transform the moment of the moment into eternity. Then she found a hidden place to change her clothes, and then came back here. Release ability.

As for why Hui Ye said that this is an illusion, naturally because this is Bai Jingyue's request.

In order to fight with Bai Jingyue before, Huiye promised Bai Jingyue to hide his identity.

It's still too horrible to always have a power like Xu Yu, it is difficult to guarantee whether other people will have any association, or a power like illusion is easier to accept.

Soon, everyone was ready to finish, and just as they were ready to go, they encountered another problem.

What should the children do in the medical hall in Sleeping Bone?

They were very fortunate not to be affected by the Sevens’ attack, but they also unfortunately lost all those who could take care of them.

If Inuyasha and others leave like this, this group of children will all die within a few days-hungry.

Seeing death is impossible. Soon, someone made a suggestion. It is the bellflower that has been here before: "We can’t ignore them. There are several villages nearby. Let’s send them over. ."

Everyone agrees with this proposal. After all, there is no better way than this.

Sending the children away took Inuyasha and others for a while, but in the end, they came to the foot of Bailing Mountain.

"It's the same feeling as the bellflower said!"

Ge Wei's words just confirmed the relationship between Naraku and Bailing Mountain.

Mica suddenly lifted the demonization and became a cute cat in the arms of coral.

Qibao fainted directly, lying on Maitre's shoulders without moving.

Inuyasha still has the ability to move, but it also feels uncomfortable.

"this is?"

"Probably inhaled too much cleansing power. After all, Qibao and Mica are real monsters, and Inuyasha is a half monster. The situation is slightly better."

Inuyasha was silent for a moment, and then tried to walk towards the depths of Bailing Mountain, but in a few steps, he felt severe pain.

"This is... an enchantment?"

"Probably the enchantment under the guardian sanctuary, and it is a powerful enchantment that can actively purify evil spirits and demon qi. According to Master Shirai, this enchantment is artificially arranged, if this person is helping Naraku... ···"

"It is very likely that Shiraitsu directly affirmed Maitreya's guess.

"If such a powerful enchantment has loopholes, the biggest possibility is that there is something wrong with the person who arranged the enchantment. And if the person who arranged the enchantment has already belonged to Naraku, it is understandable that the arrow of breaking the devil does not work for Naraku. "

After a pause, Bai Jingyue continued to explain: "The reason for the broken arrow is not working because those puppets are originally purified things."

"Original · Come · · · · · · · · · · ·"

Bellflower's trembling voice directly stimulated Inuyasha. He put Bellflower in his arms and carefully checked Bellflower's physical condition.

But nothing can be seen!

ps: I owe a total of 43 chapters in June, cough, I admit that I am a bit lazy this month, I started to sort out the outline at the beginning of July, and broke out in the middle.

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