The Forbidden World

Chapter 1321: 7 treasures

When Qibao was struggling with strength, everyone finally walked out of the woods and saw the venue for the fox demon exam. X

Suddenly, a stunned voice rose in everyone's heart.

That inn is as luxurious as a palace! Dazzling!

Perhaps only a big city like Kyoto has this level of inns, and it is such an inn that they can live for free today!

"How do you feel, what do we earn?"

The only shortcoming of the inn in front of you may be the fox and fire that is constantly floating in the air. Except for this, this inn can be called perfect!

"Free inns appear in such a desolate place, such a weird thing, if the inn is bad, who will live in it?"

Bai Jingyue said indifferently, and then led the crowd towards it.

Halfway through, Shiraitsu stopped suddenly and looked back at the crowd.

"Oh, remind you, the moment we stepped in here, the exam has already started~"

Bai Jingyue's words just fell, and a huge stone directly hit Inuyasha's head!

The hands-on, I don’t know when the seven treasures that have used illusion to cover up their body!

"Inuyasha, your vigilance is still too low~"

Facing Shirai's ridicule, Inuyasha removed the stones on his head and shouted in disappointment: "It's too sudden! Who can hide it!?"

The voice just fell, and another stone fell from the sky.

But this time, the stone attacked not Inuyasha, but Shiraitsu who was talking to Inuyasha!

Seeing this scene, Inuyasha couldn't help but look happy, but he was very happy to see Shiraizuki eating deflated. In his memory, Baijingyue seemed to haven't eaten any losses yet!

Unfortunately, this expectation is destined to be a fantasy.

Before the stone reached Bai Jingyue's head, it stopped as if hitting something. If you look closely, you can find a transparent ice plate on the top of Bai Jingyue's head, blocking the falling stones.

The most annoying thing was Bai Jingyue's reaction. After blocking the stone, he actually sighed and shook his head at Inuyasha: "So, Inuyasha, you are still far away."

Anguished by Inuyasha, he almost jumped up and beaten people if he could.

After teasing Inuyasha, Shirai looked at other people and his eyes became serious: "Today is not just an exam for Qibao, but also an exam for you. Although it will not kill people, it will be embarrassing, but don’t take it lightly. Now."

Having said that, Shiraitsu took the lead in entering the inn.

As for shame or something, it has nothing to do with him, he is only responsible for watching the show.

Behind them, Inuyasha and others hesitated for a moment, and then stepped into the inn as well. They can clearly remember that there is also a master who uses illusion on the side of Naraku. How to deal with illusion, they really need to train.

In the dark, Qibao looked at the two notes in his hand and fell into contemplation.

These two pieces of paper were dropped after attacking Inuyasha and Shiraizuki, one of which reads [from eight digits], and the other one reads [not].

If he guessed right, this is his score.

From the eighth place, it should be the score of his tricky Inuyasha, indicating that his rank is promoted from the eighth position, and that is not possible, referring to his failure to trick the white well.

In other words, as long as he succeeds in tricking people, he can upgrade his rank. If the trick fails, he will not lose anything, just waste a little time.

Thinking of the weakness of his companions, Qibao's mouth showed a sneer.

Soon, Bai Jingyue and others, led by a fox demon who turned into a beautiful woman, came to the guest room, where they will face various fox devil's various tricks.

After finding a bed in the corner, Bai Jingyue directly wrapped herself in a transparent ice wall, and then began to watch the show.

Campanulaceae and Ge Wei, who have the ability to set up enchantments, followed suit and used the enchantment to isolate the outside world, and then sat down to see how several other people responded to the tricky tricks of those fox monsters.

Maitre can actually set up an enchantment, but compared to Kikyo and Ge Wei, his enchantment is too troublesome to maintain. They are here to stay, not to demonize, anyway, they will not be harmed. So he simply went to the next room and cooperated very well to accept the trickyness of those fox monsters.

Seeing this scene, the coral directly fluttered and threw a special stink bomb among the demons.

It is true that she cannot kill these fox monsters, but it is no problem to expel them with a bad smell.

As for Maitreya's claim to help the fox demon to advance, it was not recognized by Coral at all. If you want to help, what method will not work, you must adopt this method? From the perspective of Coral, Maitreya is an opportunity to enjoy.

After a large bag on his head, Maitreya could only apologize to the coral, and at this moment, Qibao started!

The sound of the collapse of the huge wall came from the horizon, and the same one came, as well as Naraku's sneer!

Even if it is known that this is the Tricky Treasure of Qibao, Maitreya, Coral and even others can't help getting nervous, who can guarantee that Naraku hasn't found it?

As Maitreya and Coral looked out the window, the lights in the entire room suddenly went out! At the same time, several tentacles were stabbed along the bed edge towards Maitreya's chest!

In an anxiety, where can Maitreya and Coral think of it? Is this true or false? All counterattacks are launched at the fastest speed!

The blade in Coral's hand was cut toward the tentacle, and Maitreya unwrapped the seal of the wind cave and pointed it out of the window, preparing to kill the monster that was about to invade!

It was this overreaction that made Maitreya and others understand how powerful Shiraitsu's rule of not allowing killing is.

The blade in Coral's hand cuts over the tentacle, but it actually only played the role of a blunt instrument. It hit a bag on the head of a fox that was transformed into a tentacle. In addition, there was no other effect!

And Maitre’s wind acupuncture seems to have been No suction at all!

After stunned for a long while, Maitre even took a chopstick to poke into the wind cave, and after taking it out, the chopsticks were intact!

At this moment, Qibao suddenly appeared over the two of them, picked up a pot of water and splashed it down. Where did the two people who were in shock at the moment had the time to react? All were wet.

Shortly afterwards, Qibao got his evaluation.

"From the sixth place?"

After putting away the notes, Qibao left here. He didn’t plan to fight against the same person multiple times. In his view, if it was a real battle, Maitreya and Coral had already been killed. In that case, he didn’t need to continue any more, and it didn’t help his illusion. beneficial.

His goal is to succeed in tackling everyone in the team!

Tonight, it belongs to his stage! He will use his own strength to destroy the team of Inuyasha! rw

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