The Forbidden World

Chapter 1367: Boss Battle Phase 4

The appearance of the ice wheel pill made the Douyawang take a deep breath. X

He knows the power of this weapon, Bai Jingyue, that is a terrifying weapon enough to whiten a world!

He once fought Shiraitsu in the strongest posture while occupying the home court, but he was still easily defeated by Shiraitsu. Now Shiraitsu pulls out this weapon. It seems that the next battle is difficult.

Just when the Douya Wang thought so, the blade of Binglan suddenly caught his eye!

The Douya King subconsciously raised Cong Yunya to block, but at the moment the blades intersected, he was directly hit by the violent force!

The nether dragon wrapped around the body was annihilated by the impact of the intersection of the blades at the moment of contact!

Bai Jingyue didn't use any powerful moves, just ordinary flat cut, but don't forget, Bai Jingyue hasn't lifted the instant opening at this moment!

At the moment, Shiraizuki, every blow is enough to change the terrain!

However, so is Feng Jian You Xiang!

As long as Bai Jingyue does not use other abilities and simply relies on the blade, it is actually the same as using a fist.

Seeing Youxiang, you can still fight one!

The parasol and the ice sword once again converged on the earth. This time it was a bit strange. Nothing was destroyed in the surrounding area. It seems that this blow did not produce aftermath.

But everyone looked nervous. None of them stayed here at the moment, nor are they mediocre. They can see that the reason why there is no aftermath is because Shiraitsu and Kaori Yuka perfectly control their power and limit it to the confrontation with the person in front of them. on.

Why didn't you do this before? Because it was just a temptation before, just a simple catharsis!

At this moment, they are serious!

At the same time, it is even more dangerous!

If Bai Jingyue attacked Douya Wang's sword with this technique, now Douya Wang can't stand up. He is not as immortal as Fujiwara Sister Red.

"It's too dangerous over there. Let's find a way to attack Yakumo directly."

Everyone originally agreed with this point of view, but the words of Xiuyuan at Huakaiyuan have just fallen. Thousands of ice cones are convenient for condensing around Bayun Zi and aiming at everyone to shoot!

Inuyasha tried to block it with wind damage, but the wind damage was easily penetrated by the ice cone! The Canglong of the Shengsheng Pill is broken, and after the small half ice cone is melted, it is also exhausted.

As a result, Fujiwara had to step forward again to protect everyone with his body.

"If this doesn't work, Bai Jingyue's strength is too strong. Even a random attack is a great threat to us. If we forcibly attack the monster, it is very likely that it will be wiped out before reaching the monster!"

"So, what if we hold Bai Jingyue? As long as he can't be distracted, can't we deal with that monster?"

Faced with the question of Inuyasha, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan shook his head: "In terms of strength, even if we do our best, we can only hold Shiraitsu for a few seconds. There seems to be some protection around the monster, just a few seconds. Time, we cannot succeed."

"Then only beat Shiraitsu?"

Inuyasha looked at the three people fighting in the same place, frowning closely. Although he and Shisheng Pill had won the Douyawang before, both he and Shishengwan knew that it was the Douyawang who let them.

Not to mention the rule-level abilities, the Douya Wang even Cong Yunya's power is not used. If the Douya Wang takes it seriously, as now when he is fighting against Shirai, the ability is fully open, and they are estimated to be difficult to resist with one blow.

They are not even qualified to be close to that battlefield now!

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan gritted her teeth, thinking about the way to deal with Bai Jingyue. Although the situation is now almost desperate, he will never give up.

At this moment, Nu Lianghuadiao asked Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan a question: "Xiuyuan, this knife can easily cut the defense of the feather fox. Can that cut the defense of the monster above?"

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan looked at the Mi Miqiu pill in Nu Lianghua's hand, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

"It should be possible. That demon knife is a special demagnetizing knife. So far, I have not seen its upper limit!"

"You said before that a few seconds can't succeed, but now it's okay! As long as I can get close to the monster, it doesn't take a few seconds, a second is enough! As long as this knife can really break the monster's defense!"

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan had bright eyes, and he nodded to Nuliang Slipper: "No problem, the enchantment around that monster is very strong, but as long as it is the power of the monster, it will definitely be restrained by this knife! Then we What needs to be considered now is how to delay Shirai's months and how to send you up."

Yakumo Zi is located in the sky, and among the people, only Fujiwara Meihong and Shishengwan can fly.

Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan looked at the distance and helped everyone resist the ice cone of Fujiwara Meihong and Shisheng Wan, frowning.

Not to mention whether these two people would like to carry Slave Slippers to heaven. Even if they are willing, their movements are too great, and they will certainly attract Shiraitsu's attention.

At that time, if Bai Jingyue fights hard with one or two moves and shoots down Nu Lianghua, then the problem will be bigger.

He turned back to Nu Liang and asked, "If I remember right, your ability can eliminate your sense of presence? Can you eliminate the sense of presence of others?"

"It is not to eliminate the presence, but to interfere with cognition."

After a little explanation of his ability, Nu Lianghua began to explain: "If my ability is fully open, it can help others achieve the invisible effect, but only for a little while, and the scope is not large. This is right Bai Jingyue's role is very low. At most, it can only be maintained for a few seconds, and the range is about one person."

"Is that all of you, I have an idea!"

After making a decision based on the available information, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan began to describe his the description, Inuyasha rushed out directly and began to use the storm to fight the rain of the ice cone. Fujiwara Meihong and Shishengwan.

Afterwards, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan told the plan to the two of them. This plan requires all people to work together, and their two powerful combat capabilities cannot be ruled out.

"That is, after the storm of Inuyasha ends?"

"Well. Shiraizuki should understand that before Inuyasha’s storm ends, his attack is useless. So he should suspend the use of ice cones. We must grasp the moment before the storm ends and Shiraizuki’s new attack does not arrive. Difficult! At that time, it was the moment of victory!"

Fujiwara Meihong thought carefully about the strategy of wanting to open the hospital to show yuan, and then nodded.

"This plan is feasible, then let's start preparing!"

After hearing the affirmation of the strongest sister Fujiwara among the people present, everyone began to prepare for the decisive battle soon. No one noticed that at the same time, Shirai's face, which was fighting with Feng Jian Youxiang, had an inexplicable smile. rw

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