The Forbidden World

Chapter 1375: True meaning

Bai Jingyue raised a brow, then shook his head with a smile. 【】

"It turns out that it's you. It's a waste of that guy. Did you actually use a former king like you as an observer?"

In the moment when Haotian reported his name, Bai Jingyue understood the identity of the other party.

Hao Tian, ​​a legendary figure of Chinese Taoism, has many names, the most famous of which is the so-called [Tian Tian Yu, Ji Shou Yong Chang] that [Tian]!

That's right, Haotian is the king of the gods who once dominated the entire Chinese sect, ruled the heavens, and are respected as the **** of Haotian!

No, to be precise, the other party is not the complete Haotian God, but the part of the head of Haotian God that is absorbed by the will of the world!

"In other words, when you were absorbed by the will of the world, did you actually retain your consciousness? Didn't it deal with you?"

At the beginning, the world was broken due to the battle between the Chinese God of Haotian and the Western Christian God. The world’s will directly modified the bottom rules of the world, attracting the gods to dusk, and handled more than 90% of the gods!

Haotian is one of the culprits that caused the world to break, could it be just let go?

"Of course it wants to deal with me."

Talking about this matter, the smile on Haotian's face gradually disappeared. But also, the most important part of his head is absorbed as nourishment, leaving only a trace of consciousness. How could he not resent it?

But then, a smile appeared again on Haotian's face.

"But who let it modify the rules of the bottom of the world when it is not fully mature? Once the gods dusk, the whole world is in turmoil. Now it can only sleep at the bottom of the world and try to fix the relevant rules of the world and fill it. Loopholes in the rules."

Bai Jingyue also understood this time. He took Haotian's words and said, "So, it needs an agent to temporarily manage the superficial order of the world for him when it goes to the bottom of the world to mend the world, right? "

"Very accurate."

Bai Jingyue was keenly aware of the problems contained in these messages.

"That is to say, you are not representing the will of the world, but representing you personally here?"

Now that the will of the world is sleeping again, it is naturally impossible to order Haotian, then Haotian's behavior can only be arbitrary.

In this way, the act of Haotian coming here and appearing intentionally remains to be discussed!

"Exactly, since the disaster, this is the first event that caused violent turmoil in the world. It's a pity that it seems impossible to replicate."

Bai Jingyue narrowed her eyes slightly. The amount of information contained in Haotian's sentence is a bit large.

It seems that he wants to cause the turmoil of the world as much as possible. For this, he needs more things like today's jade of four souls to become gods.

Then the question is coming.

The first question, why can't he copy the God of Four Souls?

Fundamentally speaking, in fact, Haotian and the God of Four Souls exist in the same category. They are all god-level gods created and controlled by mankind.

It can be said that the God of the Four Souls is Haotian, the little one, straightforward, saying that it is a replica of Haotian.

In the face of replicas similar to one's own, everyone reacts differently, but most people hate the behavior of others copying themselves.

So why is Haotian’s reaction not to be disgusted, but to expect such behavior?

Is Haotian different from other people's thinking circuits?

No, it's impossible.

Unlike the gods of the Four Souls who are good and evil, Haotian is the belief of all humans in China. His mode of thinking is largely the ideal model recognized by these humans. In view of many issues, Haotian follows the principle of majority. There is no exception to this problem. He is undoubtedly disgusted with copying his actions.

So, what is it that makes him able to suppress his disgust, instead he actively desires to copy more of himself?

There is only one possibility, what he asks for, more!

The second question, why does Haotian say that it is impossible to replicate today's events?

The birth of the God of Four Souls is indeed very difficult.

First of all, the jade of the Four Souls can be encountered inexplicably. There are too few materials that can come up like the Jade of the Four Souls at the semi-regular level and then grow according to the increase in faith.

Second, the difficulty of collecting the power of faith. After the world will modify the rules of the bottom of the world, it is more and more difficult for the gods to gain the power of faith. If you want to create a similar existence of the **** of four souls by the method of Yakumo, it will take at least a thousand years.

But are there many millennia?

For the gods, a thousand years is really not a long time. If Haotian really wants to create more gods of the four souls, wait.

But Hao Tian's words can be heard, he is very anxious.

This shows that he wants to take advantage of the world turmoil, and it is within a thousand years!

So, the third question.

In the end, why is he hungry for world turmoil?

The world is turbulent, which means that the whole world is gradually collapsing. As a part of this world, why does Haotian long for the collapse of the world?

After thinking for a while, Bai Jingyue understood Haotian's true intention.

The world collapsed, and before it was completely destroyed, the biggest victim was actually constantly trying to mend the world's will!

To put it bluntly, Haotian attempts to use world turmoil to hurt the will of the world that is sleeping!

As for why?

Haotian made it clear before that the will of the world wants to deal with him, but currently the will of the world still needs him as a god-level manager, so he is temporarily left behind.

So, can Haotian accept this result? The fate of being wiped out after being used?

Haotian was originally a **** created by human beings, acting like a machine in accordance with the beliefs of mankind. He was not freed from human control until he was absorbed by the will of the world.

It seems that he was blessed by misfortune, but at this moment he is still controlled by the will of the world.

In any case, Haotian is also one of the most powerful **** kings in many gods. How can it be willing to be a tool that is abandoned after use?

Obviously not.

Therefore, Haotian wants more turbulence in the world to hurt the will of the world and weaken it. In the end, it may be replaced by...

As for why Haotian easily disclosed these important news to him?

Obviously, the will of the world has taken precautions against must restrict its power and allow it to act within the rules of restriction.

For example, you cannot attack one type.

In other words, Haotian can only find allies now, let allies do things in the world, and thus hurt the will of the world.

This is also the main reason why Haotian came to him. Haotian wanted to use his power!

Able to create god-level gods and cause world turmoil, its strength is unpredictable, and its visual inspection is also god-level. No matter how you look at it, Shirai is the best ally choice of the moment!

Looking at Haotian who smiled and seemed to be waiting for his answer, Bai Jingyue smiled and said, "Yeah, what a pity, I can't copy it~"

ps: Haotian God claims to have been since the Zhou Dynasty, but this article Haotian was born in the Qin Dynasty. This is not a loophole, but the setting of this book, please do not entangle.



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