The Forbidden World

Chapter 1385: End of the Warring States Period (2 in 1)

This amber is naturally a truncated version of amber. Bai Jingyue has erased all the memories of him and Yakumo Zi that day in Amber's heart.

Although the amber is suddenly released at this time, it is likely to cause corals to question them, but things have reached the point where they are now, as long as they do not have tangible evidence, they will not make trouble.

Sure enough, after pulling Amber aside to talk for a while, Coral and Maitreya decided to continue their retirement plans.

Although there are many doubts, for corals, amber is still alive, which is enough. Now that Naraku is dead, she no longer cares about many things.

After Inuyasha waited for the departure, the Douyawang also left. For his wife, he refused even the position of the **** of the underworld, let alone in such a disguised prison as Fantasy Township. Everything is done, he should be with his wife.

Shi Sheng Wan also left here with his father. With his pride, even if he knew that the monster was gradually dying, he would not hide in a refuge.

Moreover, he is really worried about the safety of Bell now. Although Naraku did not catch the bell, but who knew how the piece of clothing came from? Without confirming the safety of the bell, he couldn't feel at ease.

Soon, only the complicity of Bai Jingyue and the strange expression of Feng Jian You Xiang, the motionless Slave Slipper, and the lisianthus quietly drinking tea were left in the room.

"Nuliang, do you have anything to say?"

There is no special relationship with each other, but Nu Lianghua scoop still stays, obviously there is something to talk to Bai Jingyue.

"Shirai... I know that the desire to become the Lord of the Monsters is doomed to be impossible. The monsters who enter Fantasy Township will inevitably surpass you who created Fantasy Township. The monsters who do not enter Fantasy Township, in this rule It will become weaker and weaker. The current strength is the end point I can reach."

Bai Jingyue did not answer.

In fact, the world's elimination of extraordinary power is also limited. If it can reach the rule level and reach the level of controlling the rules, then the world will not deliberately eliminate it.

After all, the world must act according to the rules, and it is impossible to modify the underlying rules at will. One can't get it right, but he will crash himself. Without looking at the will of the world, I just changed the rule of belief concentration, and fell into a deep sleep until I didn’t wake up now? He was really powerful that time, killing most of the gods or driving them out of the altar, but how much did he pay?

But these are useless to Nuliang. After choosing to become the leader of the Nuliang group, unless he understands the rules related to bondage, he will be like this for a lifetime.

As for whether you can comprehend... Don't joke, the **** involves the connection of people's hearts. This rule of direct communication with other living entities is more idealistic than the general element system rules! It is impossible to understand this rule in a few hundred years.

The problem is, there is not so much time in this world for Slave!

With the war they had last night, the Warring States period was over. Tokugawa Ieyasu will establish a relatively peaceful era. The monster will inevitably go downhill.

As Nu Lianghuadiao himself said, he has reached his end.

"But, I haven't given up yet! I will do it in the dark world, even if there are only demons and ghosts! So, I will not go to Fantasy Township or something!"

After speaking loudly, Nu Lianghua turned and left straight, leaving people a little puzzled. But he refused to go to Fantasia Township. Is it necessary to explain it?

I saw Nu Liang's plan: "This is the first time I have seen this way of invigorating myself. Concubine said this deliberately in front of us to cut off my own way? Yue, do you agree?" People really have something to recognize."

"So, that guy is a fool. He actually forgot the most important thing... Zi, please trouble you to send Nu Liang and Xiu Yuan together in two days. The curse on them has not been solved. Open it."

"Oh, by the way, there is this matter~ Well, the concubine will choose a time to send them over."

"Well... Then, bellflower, what about you, to stay?"

Campanulaceae stared at Bai Jingyue seriously, and then looked at Ba Yun Zi. After finally sighing, he left here.

"What is she going to do..."

Bai Jingyue suddenly became speechless. He thought that there was something important about the platycodon deliberately staying, and the result was a glare.

"Could it be... She already discovered it?"

"Discover? You can almost find it. After all, we have a lot of loopholes. But it has reached this point and it is impossible to be stopped."

At this moment, Feng Jian Youxiang suddenly said: "She may guess that you have concealed a lot of things, but it is not clear what was concealed. Especially, the split of the Four Soul Jade was originally your plan. ?"

Fengyun Youxiang's words made Bayunzi and Baijingyue both stunned. They did not understand where this matter was leaked. After all, only two of them knew the truth.


After being reminded by Feng Jian You Xiang, the two understood the meaning of Feng Jian You Xiang. The first time Naraku attacked Kikyo, causing the loss of the Jade of the Four Souls, which can be said to be negligent. But the second time, it was not normal for the Jade of the Four Souls to be shot into pieces like this!

With Ba Yun Zi's emphasis on the Four Soul Jade, how could it not be possible to monitor the Four Soul Jade after the first incident? With the power of the eight clouds and purple gaps, how could it be possible to watch the jade of the Four Souls being shot without making any remedies?

It can only be stated that all of these are planned things for Yunyun Zi.

"If you don't want her to know, Zi, you have to play with me well."

The gap in Yakumo Zi is so shameless, it's crazy, and it's not slippery. Every time they conflict, they haven't gotten into fun yet, Yakio slipped through the gap.

This time, with this information as a threat, Yakumo Zi can't be confused. Ge Wei is the witch of the **** of four souls. If she knew the truth, how would she react?

"It seems that there is no way, Zi, you have a fight with Youxiang."

"Why do you want to hit the concubine with Youxiang? The message tells them directly."

Bai Jingyue shook his head and replied: "Although they know it doesn't matter, but it still destroys the relationship. They have already voluntarily avoided it."

Well, yes, I took the initiative to avoid it.

Sometimes, it is not good to know too much. The truth may be the poison that has penetrated into the bone marrow.

Before Shiraizuki's narrative, many small but vital things, as well as some unknown behind-the-scenes, were hidden by Shiraizuki. Moreover, it hides a little deliberately.

However, facing the current situation, Inuyasha actively chose to retreat.

For example, Campanulaceae has been puzzled in her heart, but so far she has not explored why she has only felt for fifty years in the underworld, but has been reincarnated to Ge Wei 500 years later.

Again like coral. Wasn’t she surprised that Amber was in Shiraitsu’s hands? Why was the jade of the Four Souls clearly acquired by Naraku, but Amber did not die? When did Shiraitsu rescue Amber, and why? Amber was imprisoned?

Another example is that many people know that it is impossible to hold all the monsters in such a small area. It is absolutely not all monsters that Yakumo wants to protect. If that's the case, she won't take the decision to exterminate most monsters.

In fact, she kept the monster's fire.

Even if Fantasy Township is established, humans will still struggle for many years, but the elite monster is taken away, and the monster left behind can no longer stop the rise of humanity.

In fact, they are aware of these problems, but they have chosen to ignore. Sometimes, some things are better to be confused.

Even if these things are revealed now, they will continue to execute the plan for the sake of the overall situation. However, in this case, there will be a thorn in their hearts. In order not to destroy each other's previous relationship, confidentiality is still necessary.

"Okay, just hit it. The concubine also wants to know how much you have grown in these years."

Under the persuasion of Bai Jingyue, Yakumo Zi agreed to the invitation of Feng Jian You Xiang. As for the result?

Bai Jingyue looked at the plain area in front of her eyes and shrugged helplessly.

The flower field of Feng Jian You Xiang is called the sea of ​​flowers, and only a small area in the center is still intact. Feng Jian You Xiang leaned against her log cabin and was motionless.

Eight cloud purple is also lying on the ground, all over him, and only the parasol blessed by Bai Jingyue is still intact.

"You guys..."

After sighing helplessly, Shiraizuki approached and carried Yakumo Zi and Feng Jian You Xiang into the room one by one, and left after setting up a boundary around them.

After playing for three days and three nights, all the people from Huayuan Hospital and Xiuyuan had been found together. Now Bayun Zi can't move, and only he can handle these things.

"So, shall we ship it like this?"

Standing in front of a pile of carriages, Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan asked Bai Jingyue suspiciously.

"Your purpose is to hide, right? In that case, wouldn't the goal be too big?"

After looking at the many onmyojis that followed the carriage, Bai Jingyue smiled gently.

"Don't worry about the hidden problems. After a while, I will open the space channel and transfer them directly. In other words, how many families have you moved?"


Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan did not conceal, and directly spoke an accurate number.

"They are all Onmyoji families who lost their backbone in the war. If they continue to stay in the outside world, they will gradually sink. Instead of that, it is better to go directly to Fantasy Township. At least there are little bellflower sisters and With the care of Sister Gewei, they can continue."

Seeing the hesitation in the heart of Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan, Bai Jingyue comforted: "Come on, your choice is correct."

With that said, Shiraitsu waved his hand to break the space, creating a space passage leading to the location of Fantasy Township. On the other side of the channel is a towering mountain and a beautiful lake.

"Is there... Fantasy Town..."

Seeing the beautiful view across the passage, the leader of the migration team was relieved. If it is such a place, it will be easier for them to survive. At least you don’t have to worry about livelihood when you are guarding against monsters.

"Well, I have to remind you that although Zi has spoken to the monsters on Monster Mountain over there, there will still be some monsters who are dissatisfied with the seclusion. By then, there will definitely be some monsters who will find you, and do it yourself. Prepare. Rest assured, the real strongman will not trouble you. As for the location of the village, unfortunately, you cannot be stationed by the lake. There is an empty space opposite the center of the shrine, which is for you. Although it’s not the best location, it’s also a good place.

After listening to Bai Jingyue's narration, the leader nodded, and then took the lead into the space channel.

"You, are you leaving Kyoto?"

Seeing the team gradually leave, Hua Kaiyuan asked Xiuyuan.

"Well, we are leaving. Our purpose has been achieved, and there is no reason to stay any longer."

"I... I have something I want to try. If I succeed, it will become a powerful enchantment to protect Kyoto. It may not be useful for your existence, but it can put an end to ordinary monsters."

If this time, there is a large enchantment to stop those fish monsters, they do not need to suffer such a large loss. They also did not expect that after the number of miscellaneous fish monsters reached a point, it would be so terrifying.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Bai Jingyue. Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan came to talk about this matter, certainly not for the impossible thing of demonstrations.

Sure enough, after telling his plan, it seemed to be self-deprecating, but also like a joke, Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan said: "Well, I will probably die in fifty years, all this has nothing to do with me~ "

Bai Jingyue heard the meaning of the words of Xiuyuan in Huakaiyuan. He wanted insurance. Bai Jingyue glanced at the smiling face of Huayuan Xiuyuan and said with a smile: "Relax, it will cause harm to Kyoto, and only Yui Fox and Nao. For Yu Yi Fox, there is no problem with this enchantment. . As for Nao, I will handle it."

"So, thank you very much."

After getting the answer he wanted, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan bowed to Bai Jingyue and then left here.

Everyone has their own choice. Shirai and Yakumo chose to build a fantasy township to protect the future of monsters and humans. Some monsters and Onmyoji chose to take refuge, while he chose to stay in Kyoto to protect this world of humanity!

After Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan left, Bai Jingyue slightly turned his head: "Purple, are you awake? Then start working. The first layer of fantasy township enchantment can only be arranged by you."

After a dark gap flashed, Yakumo's figure appeared.

"I will go here, so, where are you?"

"I have notified Yonglin and Heizi. When you build the enchantment, they will start to transfer."

Eight Cloud Purple nodded, then disappeared into the gap.

Three days later, a realm of illusion and reality enveloped the area of ​​Fantasy Township planned by Bayunzi. This power can make all kinds of monsters, including non-Japanese monsters, know where Fantasy Township is, and make them come to Fantasy Township. It is not just monsters. When the boundary between reality and non-reality that breaks the world appears later, those creatures, props, buildings, etc. that are disappearing from the outside world will slowly migrate to Fantasy Township because of the rules.

At this moment, there are already many residents in the area of ​​Fantasy Township.

In addition to the monster mountain and the lake of fog already here, there is also a closed human village ~ ~ countless spells and formations are everywhere in the village.

There is a lush bamboo forest near the village. It is strange that this bamboo forest suddenly appeared in this position half a day after the village was built!

What is even more surprising is that beside this bamboo forest, there is a mansion that looks very extraordinary! The plaque above the gate of the mansion is inscribed with the words Baijingzhai.

Faced with this anomaly, Onmyoji teachers who had just arrived here were alert, and those monsters on Monster Mountain who did not want to live in harmony with humans were plotting to attack human villages. Fantasy Township was initially established, and the situation became tense.

However, neither Bai Jingyue nor Yakumo Zi were very happy. Because in any case, Fantasy Township is so preliminarily built.

Located in the center of Fantasy Township, the Four Souls Shrine, stationed by Kagome, represents a new era.

ps: This volume is over, new volume, western volume.


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