The Forbidden World

Chapter 438: In battle 5

All three of them felt a little sweat in their palms. Of course, this is an illusion. After all, there is no such thing as sweat in virtual games.

Just a flaw, Skaha broke through the blockade and killed one person. In terms of skill, Skaha has reached the peak.

However, Skaha is not invincible, at least they among these girls can fight with her Sylvanas, and this is in the game, Skaha's attributes are also limited.

You can see from the blood bar around Skaha that the rocket caused a lot of damage.

As long as one or two more, Skaha will die.

The amount of blood is very small, there are three enemies, but Skaha is not afraid, and continues to attack, this time, she is looking for Eltridge.

Elt Luke, the black princess, in the long years, most of the enemies were solved by black and white knights and pet dogs. His actual combat experience is really not much. In the Ian Grant Castle, because of his superior experience, he is ahead of others. However, among these three people, it is the weakest.

Among the three people, the strongest experience of fighting with swords is actually Asuna. Although Asuna does not have a strong experience of black and white princesses, but now Asuna is favored by the world, whether it is the understanding of the sword or the grasp of power, they are progressing rapidly.

Now only in terms of using swords, Asuna is much better than Elt Luke.

Naturally, the persimmon has to pick a soft pinch. As long as one is resolved first, in the face of the siege of the remaining two, Skaha doesn't care at all.

In the face of Skaha’s attack, the trio retreated, without the fourth person’s containment, they were not Skaha’s opponents at all, and several times Alterucci fell into danger because of Alec’s life-changing Life was sent back to rescue.

In the end, Elt Luke couldn’t stand the feeling of being protected by his sister. Instead of being suppressed by Skaha, it would be better to fight, anyway, there would be no real death here, so immediately took one out of her arms. The round object, after pressing the button, hugged towards Skaha.

Skaha, who had been staring at Alte Luke, was directly taken aback. She really didn't expect Alte Luke to use such a method.

In this case, she couldn't cut it with a sword. With her current blood volume, she couldn't carry the damage of a grenade.

And she can't retreat. Behind her is Asuna's blade. As long as she retreats, she must fight Asuna. Even if Asuna is entangled with her for half a second, Eltridge can pounce.

When there was almost no way to do it, Skaha made an unexpected move, and she jumped up and kicked Eltridge!

Yes, this harmless kick just kicked in Alterucci's abdomen.

Then, Alterucci kicked off.

It didn't take a long distance to kick, but Alte Luci's plan to die together was lost.

The countdown of the grenade was over in a blink of an eye. The huge roar not only declared the defeat of Eltridge, but also represented the total failure of this siege.

It is no longer possible to rely on Alquette and Asuna to cause fatal damage to Skaha. Perhaps they should now worry about who is Skaha’s next target.

At this time, Shirai and Medusa, who were walking towards the desert, arrived.

As soon as they arrived here, they saw the scene of Skaha launching a counterattack against the two, and immediately pulled their swords and rushed up.

Shiraoi is very clear that if Elkett and Asuna are defeated at this time, she and Medusa will not be able to beat Skaha.

After all, her strength is basically from Skaha.

The scene was in trouble again, but Skaha was fearless.

It's just the danger of life and death, which is exactly what she craves!

At this time, it was not known that Altolia had died in the ambush of Joan of Arc, and walked towards the direction of Altria in memory.

Then, I saw Satian tears coming to her.

"Jeande! Hello!"

"Hello, tears." While greeting, Jeanne directed the lightsaber at Satian tears.

"Ah! Wait! I don't want to fight with your group of people. You should fight with Lily. I just saw her there, and she is looking for you."

"Really, that's the case...but tears, can you tell me what happened to the previous explosion? There are only a few of you on this side."

Satian tears smiled for a while.

[Sure enough, the movement of rockets and mines is too great. 】

At this time, it is obviously difficult to achieve the purpose of ambush, then only the strong attack, Satian tears still do not believe, and the five of them can not fight one.

"Jeand really observes carefully, then..."

With a gesture from Satian tears, Misaka Misaka and Aoi Sakura, who were hiding on one side, opened fire towards Jeanne with her.

Three dead bullet beams wrapped Jeanne in three directions.

With his agile movement, Jeanne quickly evaded towards the side and back. The three submachine guns had exceeded the limit that the lightsaber could block. If he stayed, he could only be consumed by blood, and Jeanne knew this.

Just when Jeanne retreated less than a few meters, a rocket fired from behind. At the same time, the machine gun that fired the shot also changed its orbit. The attack of the three submachine guns changed from killing to blocking, one blocked the left, one blocked the right, and the other blocked the front.

However, such a blockade is not strict, if you jump to the air, you can escape the blockade.

Jeanne naturally knew But she didn’t choose this way, because it’s so weird, everyone knows that the firearms in GGO only have an auxiliary role for them. Under normal one-to-one cases, these bullets It is impossible for them to be useful. Since they dare to fight with her and do not plan to go into close combat, then there should be more than such a little attack density.

Therefore, Jeanne chose to make a breakthrough from the front. If there was only one gun, the lightsaber could be blocked.

Seeing Jeanne’s actions, Misaka Misaka and Aoi Saki immediately turned their muzzles in an attempt to stop Jeanne, and at the same time, Bee Eater prayed and frowned.

The battle of these people feels really troublesome. If Joan of Arc just chose to jump, even if it is immovable for a moment, it will make the bee-eater sniper hit.

However, how can they set traps only one thing, in order to be able to hunt these strong men, they did a good research, which also includes this sense of intuition.

Just halfway through Joan's rapid charge, something seemed to break.

Then, blazing flames wrapped her body.

(To be continued.)

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