The founder of all religions

Chapter 139 It’s hard to persuade a dead man with good words! My name is on the Qianlong Book (two i

In the middle of the moon, black crows startled and landed on the branches of dead trees.

A mass grave five miles away from Luofu Mountain.

Two sneaky figures were in front of a tomb, struggling to pick up the tombstone.

"Brother Li, I heard that the yin energy is the strongest in the middle of the night...I'm a little scared."

The thin figure suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked around guiltily.

"You don't have anything, and you are so cowardly. It has ruined the good reputation of us tomb robbers. Bah."

The sturdy man glanced disdainfully at his companion.

"Brother Li, I plan to stop working after this job... I will take my savings to marry Widow Wang..." The thin man was determined, his eyes full of longing for the future.

"She is single and I am single. It just so happens that we are going to get married."

"Marry first, then divorce. How dare you split the bride price between two and a half?" The strong man poured cold water on his head: "She is a widow inlaid with gold? Thirty taels of bride price, how dare she open her teeth?" How many women can you play with for ten taels of silver?"

"You can play until you can't play anymore."

"Brother Li, I'm different from you. I'm about emotions..." the thin man hesitated.

"Emotions? The easiest thing to cheat in this world is feelings."

"I walked alone under the pink lights and red candles, wandering in the dark and narrow alleys, looking for the figures waving to welcome guests. Do you think I fell in love with their cheapness?" The look of the strong man changed. Somewhat lonely.

"That was the only warmth at the lowest point in my life."

"Those women are the purest women in the world. Not only will they meet all your needs, but they will not deceive your feelings. That is a rare innocence in the world..."

There was a rare tenderness in the strong man's eyes, which may be one of the few good things in his memory.

"Brother Li, let's not remember it for now, okay? I always feel that this place is... not very clean..."

The thin man's voice became a little trembling, and he scanned every tomb around him with vigilance.

"I'm afraid of birds. There are no taboos in our business. Is it possible that we can meet ghosts?" The strong man said fearlessly.


At this moment, a blood-stained arm suddenly stretched out from the grave between the two.

"It's a fake corpse!"

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then let out a sharp cry, dropped the shovel in his hand, turned around and ran away.

"Li...Brother wait for me..."

The skinny man almost cried, rolling and crawling to catch up with the strong man. In this life, even if he can't marry the Widow Wang, he will never do this job of digging up the grave again.

Under the moonlight, the blood-stained arm shook gently, and the powerful inner breath shook the tomb open.

Immediately afterwards, a bloody figure crawled out.

At this moment, the colorless body still retains the solemnity and sanctity of before. The monk's robe is broken and his body is covered with blood holes, which are obviously formed by being penetrated by bone bullets.

His pectoralis major muscles also lost their former contours, sagging sickly, and his whole person's aura was extremely sluggish.

"Amitabha, the world is so vast, I never thought there would be such a terrifying demon."

Wu Se leaned against the broken tomb, breathing heavily.

If he hadn't had the Buddhist inner breath body protection and practiced the [Vajra Wrathful Body], he would have been dead for eight rounds at this moment.

The most fortunate thing was that he was buried deeply by the collapsed mountain wall, otherwise his whole body would not have been left behind.

Wu Se used his last bit of strength to dig out a tunnel from the ground that led directly to the mass grave five miles away, and then he dared to show his head.

"No wonder my great-uncle said that if I leave the mountains and cross south this time, I will face a life-or-death disaster."

Wu Color murmured softly, thinking of what the old monk said to him before going down the mountain.

That day, he insisted on going down the mountain, intending to go all the way south, subjugate demons, and meet the masters of the major mountain sects, just like the [Monk King] in those days, he paid a visit to Luofu Mountain and saw the mark left by the black sword of the past.

At that time, the master-uncle who had been practicing meditation for thirty years gave him eight words: disaster will come when you see the bones, and disaster will happen when you see the tomb.

At that time, Wu Se didn't take it to heart, which prompted the old monk to say another word to him.

It's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die!

"It seems that my uncle has indeed achieved Taoism... The world is too big, and the demons are in chaos, and I can't suppress it with my magical powers..."

Wu Se stood up unsteadily, clasped his hands together, and chanted the Buddha's name.

He has made up his mind to start retreating in seclusion when he returns to the mountain. He will never step out of the mountain until he has achieved perfection in thirty years.


At this moment, the colorless head suddenly exploded, like a watermelon falling to the ground, with juice splashing everywhere, mixed with white slurry.

The stiff body finally struggled twice instinctively, and then slowly fell down.

"The monk at Xichan Mountain...he has become dull."

In the dark night, a cold voice sounded slowly.

The master of White Bone Temple was wearing a robe, holding a floating dust in his hand, and walked slowly under the moonlight, followed by a young man with a delicate face.

"Master, is there really no problem in killing him?" The young man looked at the colorless corpse and couldn't help but ask.

"There are so many heads in this world, how can any gods and Buddhas ask about cause and effect?" The Master of White Bone Temple said calmly: "I just sent him to see my Buddha."

While speaking, the Master of White Bone Temple reached out his right hand, took in the colorless body, and threw it casually to the young man next to him.

"This is good nourishment. As long as you parasitize him, you should be able to improve your cultivation a lot... The Xuantian Pavilion exam is coming soon. With your strength, it won't be half difficult to get promoted to the [Xuan Jade Order]." The Master of White Bone Temple said calmly.

Hearing this, the young man held the colorless corpse with a frightening light flashing in his eyes.

"Thank you, Master, for your help."

The method of parasitism is the secret technique of the White Bone Temple Master. Its highest secret is to parasitize the ghost body of the monk, plunder the essence of others, and strengthen one's own cultivation.

It is said that this secret method is all-encompassing, including the art of talismans, weapons, etc., all of which are based on "parasitism".

The Master of White Bone Temple did not pass these things on to him.

"Master, not far ahead is Luofu Mountain. According to your induction, the [Bone Parasitic Talisman] should be there." The young man suddenly said.

"Luofu Mountain..."

The Master of the White Bone Temple's eyes narrowed slightly. Over the past few days, he had used magic induction to gradually determine the location of the [White Bone Parasitic Talisman].

He can only faintly sense this talisman when it is used by someone.

In the battle just now, the fluctuations of the [White Bone Parasitic Talisman] reached an unprecedented intensity, and he was finally completely captured. Only then did he meet Wu Color, who had just escaped from trouble.

"Since it's Luofu Mountain, let's give it up for now." The White Bone Temple Master said calmly.

"Why?" The young man couldn't help but be stunned.

He is a master who never takes revenge and kills overnight. He only kills people in the command room. It is rare to calm down troubles like this. Maybe he is afraid of Luofu Mountain.

"The Xuantian Pavilion exam is about to begin. Among the seven gates of Longyuan Mansion, there is one person you should pay special attention to." The White Bone Temple Master suddenly said.


"Luofu Mountain, a young man named Qi Yu."

"Him!?" The young man's eyes narrowed slightly and he said calmly: "I have heard of his name. Although he is called a genius, his cultivation seems to be average, not..."

"Young people don't know how high the sky is. How can a real master hide his weapon in the abyss so that you can see it clearly?" the White Bone Temple Master sneered.

"He is not ordinary, he is the reincarnation of the old demon from Montenegro..."

"What!?" The young man's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't believe the secret he heard.

"He has great courage. He has hidden himself deep in Luofu and has been cultivating for many years. Now he is practicing mystical skills secretly. He is undergoing the most important transformation in his life."

The eyes of the White Bone Temple Master flashed with a different kind of brilliance: "Before he completes his transformation, I don't want to distract him... Let's talk about Luofu Mountain later."

As he spoke, the White Bone Temple Master turned around and left.

"Master, why is this? If he is allowed to practice Xuan Gong, will I still be able to compete?" The young man couldn't help but ask.

The old demon of Black Mountain is a giant among demons and ghosts. Reincarnation and rebuilding are no small matter. If the transformation is completed, no one can stop him! ?

"Foolish disciple... if he wants to complete such a transformation, how can he not be doomed? When the time comes, you will use the method of parasitism to suck him dry... he will work hard for a lifetime, but he will only make wedding clothes for others..."

The Master of White Bone Temple sneered: "Brother Heishan, come to think of it, you taught me this method of parasitism back then."

"I'm kind of reciprocating the favor."

"Master is always considerate of me, and it's hard for me to repay my disciple's death." The young man lowered his head, a strange smile appeared on his face, but his eyes shone with a cold light.

"Let's go."

The White Bone Temple Master glanced at him indifferently, stepped out, and disappeared into the vast darkness.

The next day, early morning.

Luofu Mountain, a secluded prison.

Feng Wannian walked in mysteriously holding a package.

"Why are you so sneaky?"

Li Mo yawned and looked up to see Feng Wannian. The latter had dark circles under his eyes, obviously he had not slept well last night.

"I went down the mountain overnight yesterday."

Feng Wannian sat down and poured himself a cup of strong tea to refresh himself.

"You don't even know what I saw at the foot of the mountain yesterday..." Feng Wannian lowered his voice.


"It turns out there really is a bone demon..." Feng Wannian said solemnly.

"Did you see it?" Li Mo couldn't help but look strange.

"I saw it with my own eyes... The white-bone demon has a ferocious face. The fangs it bared are as long as your arm. It has three heads. It's so scary..."


Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly: "Where did you see it?"

"At the foot of the mountain, although it's a bit far away, I can see it quite clearly." Feng Wannian said in a deep voice.

"I guess Shanmen will block the news."

If it is just a rumor, it will be spread, and it will be nothing more than a chat after dinner. At most, Deputy Xiao will lose a little reputation.

But if it is true, Shanmen will control public opinion and block the news to avoid causing unnecessary panic and speculation.

"What did you do down the mountain last night?" Li Mo noticed something was wrong and asked quickly.

"Hey, of course it's for this baby."

As he spoke, Feng Wannian patted the package in front of him, opened it gently, and revealed one layer, and there was another layer inside.

Finally, Li Mo saw clearly that there was a stack of book pages inside the package, which seemed to be rubbings from some kind of book.

"Qianlong Book? Did you really get it?" Li Mo showed a strange expression.

The Qianlong Book is a book published by Longyuanfu's largest trading house [Huayunlou], which records the detailed information of the top disciples and seed players of the seven major sects.

Over the years, the Qianlong Book has been regarded as the direction mark for the Xuantian Pavilion's assessment. All the famous people on the list, even if they cannot enter the Xuantian Pavilion, will definitely be influential figures in the major sects in the future. In time, they will definitely be among the top. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the Qianlong Book will be Long Yuanfu's future power list.

As a result, every release is met with a rush to buy.

According to the past, the most expensive Qianlong volume on the black market once sold for 8,000 taels, which can be described as a sky-high price.

"Are you crazy? If you are caught publishing pirated copies, you will be dead." Li Mo couldn't help but said.

Although he knew that he could definitely make a lot of money by taking advantage of this trend, the risks were also huge.

"In this world, some people are so poor that they urinate blood, and some are so rich that they pee... If you don't have the guts to die, how can you have the appetite to eat?" Feng Wannian said with a grin.

"Don't worry, printing, transportation, distribution, bill collection... all processes are separated, and there is a single line of contact... Even if you are caught, I can't be blamed."

As he spoke, Feng Wannian's smile grew stronger, and his eyes seemed to be shining with the luster of money.

"This time I'm going to make a lot of money."

Li Mo curled his lips and picked up a scattered album page.

"Langhuanmen, Luo Xiaoxiao, eighth level of inner breath realm..."

"You have already reached the eighth level of the inner breath realm at the age of eighteen!?" Li Mo couldn't help showing a strange expression.

This woman named Luo Xiaoxiao was only one year older than him, and she actually had an eighth level of cultivation. She was truly gifted.

Li Mo thought thoughtfully. His strength cannot be used as a criterion. From a normal point of view, this woman named Luo Xiaoxiao is very scary. If she were placed in Luofu Mountain, there would be no one among her peers who could challenge her. The presence.

Obviously, the Xuantian Pavilion exam is about to begin, and those so-called evil geniuses have finally jumped out.

"I hate marrying a girl with red thread, but my husband is worthless than paper." Li Mo couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the comments in the book.

"What's the meaning?"

"I heard that Luo Xiaoxiao's biggest wish in her life is to marry a man she likes and is better than herself..."

"What a pity. Not to mention that she likes her, she can't even find anyone better than her." Feng Wannian shook his head and sighed.

It is said that when Luo Xiaoxiao was sixteen years old, she started asking matchmakers to help her with blind dates. The annual contest to recruit a bride was the highlight of Langhuan Mountain, but the men she beat to death were buried in piles after piles.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoxiao also got the title of "Living Widow".


Li Mo casually picked up another book.

"Lin Yuntian of the Lin family of Longyuan Mansion is at the eighth level of the Inner Breath Realm."

The Lin family is famous and very influential in Longyuan Mansion. The Lin family has the final say on whether Longyuan is in chaos or not.

For such a big thing as Xuantian Pavilion's assessment, there is no reason why the Lin family should be missing.

After all, Li Mo and the Lin family were old acquaintances.

Chen Xinyi, the daughter of the Lin family's mistress, died in his hands.

When he obtained the nine-furnace demon heart of the yellow-skinned old demon, he also conveniently crippled Lin Yunxiao's waist and took off Lin Ke'er's head, which left an indelible shadow in Lin Yunfei's heart.

Later, Li Mo ran thousands of miles to kill the Nine Furnaces Corpse Demon. Lin Yunfei was so frightened that after returning to the Lin family, he directly applied to guard the ancestral tomb and never planned to come out for the rest of his life.

Of course, Li Mo was mostly unaware of the fate of these people.

"Okay, stop reading, it has nothing to do with us." Feng Wannian hurriedly packed up the scattered books.

Not to mention jailers like them, if you look at Luofu Mountain, you can't find one or two people who can be included in the "Hidden Dragon Book".


At this moment, a page of the book swayed and fell at Li Mo's feet. He leaned over to pick it up, glanced at it casually, and couldn't help but be stunned.

"The sect is in trouble."

"The strength is ominous."

"Unfortunate name."

"The winner of the first Xuan Jade Order will be exempted from the exam."

"This is the biggest favorite in this assessment. It has been promoted before it even begins..." Feng Wannian glanced at it and took it casually.

"I heard that the entire Longyuan Mansion is now trying to find out this person's true identity."

Feng Wannian lowered his voice: "Now there are wild rumors outside that this person has a deep back door and a hard back that has never been seen before. He has become the local emperor of Longyuan Mansion."

"Someone saw with their own eyes that Xuantian Pavilion's special Chen Wangdu once handed over the [Xuan Jade Order] to a man at Longfenghuan Bathhouse..."

"Dragon and Phoenix Happy Bathhouse!!?" Li Mo showed a strange expression.

This is the largest bathhouse in Longyuan Mansion.

"Just by bathing together, he got a place in the promotion. The energy behind this person is really unimaginable."

Feng Wannian said in a deep voice: "Do you know what this mysterious promotion person is called outside!?"

"What?" Li Mo asked subconsciously.

"Yuhuang Emperor!"


Li Mo squirted out the strong tea in one gulp.

Two chapters in one! ! !

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